The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • I think its save to day that there is an issue with Playstation & DBD somehow since only PS players have this issue currently
  • Worst part is that more and more tome challenges are now bugged as well and not conpleting or progressing... its annoying
  • +1 The 'Fight Back' challenge to stun the killer with a pallet 2 times in 1 trial will not progress at all. Have done this in 2 trials now and it still says not done...
  • I never stated anything about unsafe unhooks. Even if the killer is chasing somebody on the other side of the map, they will drop it to go back to the hook and go straight after the unhooked person. Happened to myself way too many times, so no its not about if its safe or unsafe unhook, its the killer just targeting 1…
  • I always try to be friendly to killers, offer them my item etc i honestly dont mind. Im not the person to tbag aggresively, click spam etc. Heck i never bring a flashlight haha. But somehow even when trying to show kindness i get faced with tunneling etc...
  • I shouldnt be running perks to counter this 24/7 in all my matches. Especially jow most perks have been nerfed into the ground to where they are useless
  • Yes im a survivor main, but besides that my friends who play killer and survivor equally even find the amount of tunnel, camp & slug atm ridiculous. Might be a tactic but its sure no fun for the whole team. The basekit might be for anti tunneling a bit, but nerfing perks that have to help preventing tunneling, camping &…
  • Maybe because every single match i play my teammates end up dcing when being tunneled right after getting unhooked? Litterally 1 dc then the next up is being tunneled to death or dc
  • I dont want to run perks to counter this every single game, because these perks have been nerfed to death especially DS
  • I honestly play on every single map at least once during a game night. I have my faves and dislikes but besides that I make the best out of it. I never use map offerings unless it's good for a challenge and with my swf only
  • But if they notice I don't tunnel nor camp, then why the toxic behavior? I never tunnel or camp because it's no fun for them nor me, plus I don't get my challenges done that way either.
  • Honestly? The toxicity in this game, from both survivors and killers. Facecamping for no reason, tunneling for no reason. Survivors bming for no reason etc etc. And endgame chat the same thing, it's only drama and toxic behavior all around the game.
  • im fine with reverting everything honestly. Playing against him is just the worse atm with the buff and I see so many people dc against him bc of this
  • Oh I heard more about things getting cancelled like Legions Frenzy when blinding, stunning or whiffing her
  • When I play Ghostface and t-bag to you, I expect you to T-bag with me. That's the catch to live. No t-bag? Hook you go. Same for pig, boop the snoot and imma farm with you. Also if you ever leave a gift for me, I'll let you live no matter what honestly. I'm a kind killer that plays for fun
  • I don't have screenshots or anything, but one spawned infront of a hook... Literally in front of the hook... and my dumb ass hooked a survivor on THAT hook... Also one totem spawned next to a gen which was my devour... didnt get cleansed till it was at 4 stacks (this i have on stream if im correct somewhere)
  • Take counterforce instead! It doesnt require fixing a gen first, since there is a lot of gen pressure lately. I personally prefer Small Game since it counts how many totems have been cleansed and you get a more accurate cone to look for the next one when it goes off
  • noo haha, that would be very stupid since then everybody will just dc when they go against a killer they hate, or as killer when 'gen rushing' happens or 1 survivor is being toxic etc.
  • With a lot of bugs etc going on, a lot of games are crashing while playing. Thats why there is no DC penalty atm until the bugs and crashes are fixed. otherwise it would be unfair to give a penalty to those who DC'ed due to game crashing or bad internet etc
  • Rainbow map isn't required since you can often find those in chests in the trial too (especially basement chests)
  • Farming is okay, as long as you don't force people into it. You can't make everybody farm with you honestly. If they want to then that's fine ofcourse, especially now with the cakes. but if they don't then just play normal. If you want to let survivors know you wanna farm, hit gens with your basic attack, nod head or…
  • This!! Also maps are a great thing to use too to find totems! Even tho you might not see them, the map will pick them up for you! Also knowing the map helps with totem spawns, because outdoor maps, one almost always spawns inside the killer shack next to the pallet. If not there then its close by outside of it.
  • They often do Skill Based MM but only for a day or 2, then it goes back to rank based. I hope they will switch to skills honestly, because I often get placed into an SWF with 1 person my rank and the others in red or purple, and so a killer with red or purple rank, making me the first one to die...
  • Honestly cleansing totems is already rewarded with 1k BP for dull totems and 1.5k for Hex totems. It also counts to the objectives score and overall score. Just doing totems, otherwise dont complain if you get NOED on you. Aint that hard honestly.
  • Honestly a lot of killers leave survivors who are glowy from taking a crown, up to escape to get that crown. Because honestly, we all want those crowns on all characters we can get it for. So why not all work together and get those crowns together too? all happy
  • I always run Small Game in solo queues because I know that 99% of the time, my teammates won't do totems. Also it counts how many totems have been done so that way you can see if there is a chance for NOED to spawn for example, or if there is still any hex totem up.
  • NOED has enough counters honestly. Especially when killer starts slugging you... Try one of these perks next time: Small Game (keeps track of how many totems are done/left) Counterforce Detective's Hunch Or: Unbreakable Soul Gard (best with Unbreakable just in case) Maps also help to find totems. So try that? Small Game is…
  • what is this achievement exactly?
  • Since the DC penalty has been removed I've seen a lot of dc's on both survivor side and killer side. Especially when playing against certain killers or when survivors start to get toxic in some way. My boyfriend somehow always gets the toxic players against him when playing killer and dc's when it gets too much.
  • I don't know but I encountered a Tombstone Myers yesterday and had the whole group mori'd within 5 minutes. I just went afk bc I didn't want to play anymore
  • Actually as farming killer you can help survivors get challenges done too for example chase time, vaulting in chase, doing x amount of gen repairs in a game. I only farm while doing tome challenges to let them know its just me trying to o a challenge. I dont play killer at all since im a surv main, and i love the farm from…
  • what is M1? Im a console player so idk what it does
  • My boyfriend is a console killer, but has cross-play disabled so he only plays against ps4 players (or other console players) since playing against pc survivors is a hell for him with the flashlight aims, the 360's etc. As a controller player you cant do such things that good unless you train for it for long. I play…
  • I wanna do the pig boops so badly but dont have her unfortunately. Shes fun to play against tho when booping. Same with ghostface and his smooth t-bagging hehe. Also demo and hag have a t-bag option with their powers that you can sign with! other killers idk honestly
  • Please stop bashing others and me for asking how to sign im friendly... I often just want to give people a more relaxed game where you can just enjoy getting BP and not trying too hard to escape and do your things. I just want to know HOW to let survivors know I mean no harm and just want a friendly game. So please stop…
  • I used to pick them up and hit a tree etc to let know to wiggle free so they get extra points and to let know I don't wanna hook (unless they want to and point for it of course)
  • Im just asking for tips for different killers to let know you're friendly... not for jokes please
  • what if you don't have that one?
  • Yeah if they don't want to then I won't force them and just play normally. sometimes its just relaxed to have a friendly game with survivors or killers and just enjoy everything
  • even if its only 1 survivor the others can still do gens and chests etc. and even tho getting chased and hit etc. It all gives points and even more if you're willing to join in it. sometimes its fun to have a more relaxed game with a killer
  • I noticed that usually 1 is willing to farm and then slowly the rest of the team comes to check what is happening and are joining in. I play on a PS4 so I have no game chat thank god, but if they don't want to farm and let me know them im good with that too and give the controller to my bf to get them hahahah
  • This is where head canons come in. You can picture any killer and survivor as however you want! since there has never been an official statement about any of the characters their sexuality, you're free to give it your own!
  • oh imma try this. I hope it works since im console player and not the best with a controller lmaooo
  • why is it bannable? that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard about a game...
  • I play on the PS4 of my boyfriend and soon hope to be able to play on a PC when I get one. I've been having issues with looping, turning and flashlight saves with the controller and it seems so much easier on PC that I wanna switch so badly. Plus pc killers are often harder to escape from for me as console player
  • In lower ranks its more camping killers which I HATE. Also survivors are worse to play with since they have no idea how the game works and ruin everything. First game was one of those
  • I completely agree with you. The ranking adds nothing to the whole game. It should indeed be skill based match-up for it to be fair. I try to rank as much as possible bc I always get teamed with people that are idiots in some way or are too toxic and try hards (either purple/red ranks or low ranks like 18/19)
  • So the rank resets has happened, as before I never had an issue with it since it was always fair. But today the worst happened: I was survivor rank 12 and got deranged to rank 20?! WHY?! WHY 8 RANKS DOWN?! I play almost every week for a couple of days and hours and I get this huge drank for what?! I find this complete…
  • I got from 12 with 2 pips to 20 with no pips. absolute BS in my eyes. This is so unfair