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  • Playing Survivor against Nemesis on Crotus Prenn, the shack pallet was down and completely invisible. Could vault over it, but couldn’t see it and it blocked entrance into shack. Might be related to this flickering issue.
  • Disconnecting does need to be punished, but I hope the devs recognize that disconnects are happening for a reason. For Survivors, it's unsportsmanlike actions from Killers that causes disconnects. Survivor queues aren't short, so it feels disrespectful of the Killer to camp, tunnel, mori, etc. I don't care if you're…
  • This exact scenario happened to me just now! Nurse gen grabbed me, landed DS, it didn't free me and it deactivated DS for the rest of the match.
  • OMG hahahahaha in hindsight, that 100% or less speed post is kind of embarrassing lol I take it back I swear! That was at a time where I had hardly played Killer. I didn't truly understand. I only went into the idea of buffing DS as a hypothetical because everyone else kept bringing it up. DS is fine how it is. Someone was…
  • No, that was someone in my thread about NOED lol Taking a hit is always a risk, as it should be. My point was that Survivors aren't notified if NOED activates and they become Exposed. It's the only time Survivors aren't notified of a status taking effect. Makes NOED insta-downs feel kinda cheap and rewards bad gameplay for…
  • I'm the OP and I'm not making disrespectful jabs at anyone's skill. So, please stop being disrespectful. I'll read this post of yours. And as far as "GetGood" goes, I can't really get better than Rank 1 lol If as a killer main one can't chase down survivors even when it's the only thing that they do it's their problem for…
  • It's difficult for me to read through lengthy posts that begin by trying to belittle my skill. I'm a Rank 1 survivor. I rank up quickly and I stay there. I know my skill level and am proud of it. We all find difficulty with different challenges. That's what makes a game a game. The DS skill check is not easy. It's nearly…
  • I> @Orion said: Maybe we aren't entitled to that information, but we are certainly entitled to know if we are exposed. NOED is the only instance when being exposed isn't revealed until it's too late for someone. If we're exposed, tell us we're exposed. That's the information survivors are entitled to if killers are…
  • Would love to see a plant/poison based killer! Poison certain areas of grass and if survivors walk through it, they get a status effect. Perhaps stationary plant creatures can randomly spawn throughout the map and attack survivors that get too close. Although, this does make me think of Stranger Things a little.
  • Saaaaame! I played against the Wraith last night and couldn't hear or see him until he was right on top of me. I attributed it to good perks, but as a survivor main I don't know many killer perks so it very well could be a bug since it's not in the patch notes. Overall, I think the Wraith needs a nerf. It's silly that a…
  • Let's break it down. There are two scenarios: my team died before we lit two generators or my team died after we lit two generators. The latter is easier. We put in good work, but at some point the tables turned and you totally wrecked us. Well done! I can understand how the hatch wouldn't feel very fair in this situation,…
  • That's the second time someone said that here! Does my name really sound that trolly? hahaha I swear I'm not! I think the proof is in the pudding: I haven't responded to anyone who's a str8 up ######### :)
  • Brava! This is also exactly how I feel about killers that camp hooked survivors -_- hahaha
  • Ya know, that's something huge that I overlooked: traversing the map. Whoops lol Some maps are so big that it'd be very difficult, maybe even impossible, for killers without mobility in their kit to do much of anything. I guess the answer then would be to have much smaller differences in speed. IE: survivors run at 100%…
  • Oh - I wasn't trying to discredit the good killers who do use their abilities to succeed. Those are the best games tbh. A huge reason why I love this game is because killers are terrifying AF to encounter when they have mastery over their abilities. Losing like this, as a survivor, is a win in a different kind of way. When…
  • I do love Myers when I play killer! hahaha But to be transparent I am a survivor main. I think a good balance to lowering the killer base speed would be to lower the terror radius, among other things. Think Pig. It's terrifying when you scan around at a gen and find Pig crouching up behind you! It'd be similar, only…
  • omg thank you for a kind, well thought out response! The best killers are the most cunning ;) You're right - running in a straight line would feel way worse to lose to than looping. I would prefer this be where abilities become crucial. I wholeheartedly feel like ability use and management is really where killers should…
  • It was just a hypothetical! Ya know, fun ideas to talk about and not take so seriously. Relax! lol If we rewarded the killer for leaving the camping zone, it would reward them for already doing the more advantageous thing. Killers do inherently have an advantage in this game, so that would be incredibly unfair.
  • Hahahaha Killers have it too easy! Most killers don't even have to use abilities to confirm kills. They have almost no form of punishment in the game. They need to be reminded of who they work for: the Entity! hahahaha
  • Don't feed the camper. If you reward the camping by trying to save your teammate, they'll continue to camp. Ignore them, let your teammate die, and the three of you finish those generators all the while. If the killer only gets that one camp kill, maybe two camp kills, they'll soon learn the errors of their ways. It's bad…
  • Right - we're in agreement on Michael's kit. The slow speed while stalking is the caveat for the potential to increase levels, thus earning speed boosts. Michael gains speed by using abilities successfully. Granted he's still at 105% at level 1, but the basic principal is there. And that's why Michael feels good to play as…
  • Um, exactly....he moves slowly at level 1 and while stalking, earning his speed boost.
  • Yes, I am a survivor main hahaha. I feel like even though you are arguing against my post, you made points that agree with it: The Nurse is the strongest killer right now because she has great abilities and perks, not because she has a high base speed. Myers uses his stalking ability to gain speed, thus working along the…
  • F13 crashed and burned because it lacked the diversity and complexity that DBD has! This is obviously just meant for discussion. I'm not holding a pitchfork or anything hahaha I know it'd be a hefty rebuild, but I think it would help address a lot of the other concerns people and the devs seems to have with the game. And…
  • Ok I think I understand now! Maybe haha So then until there are servers, IF there are ever servers, the loss of the survivors items in such a situation will remain the same. Bummer :/ Perhaps there's a way still to penalize killers for disconnecting? Since they're the host, the game should be able to see if they disconnect…
  • There could and should still be a solution. The game can use a system of checks to see why the game ended: if it was a host disconnect or a completion of the game. If the game ends, but survivors are still alive, time spent playing is low, ping was high, etc the game should the recognize this as not a completed game but…
  • This happened to my group yesterday. Four of us waited upwards of 10 minutes for a game only to see a handful of frames and then get kicked because the killer left. We lost tons of rare items, add ons, and offerings. Not cool. The game has to be able to know if it was the killer (AKA the host) who disconnected, therefor…
  • OMG stop making me wish Pennywise was in this game!
  • True to a degree, but that's not really a solution. Not all players have the capacity to remember such information and I don't see why my suggestion couldn't be implemented as an overall solution. With the implementation of the tutorial modes, the devs want the game to be easy to learn and understand for all. I think this…
  • Thanks for the constructive responses everyone! :chuffed: I think I need to clarify: I wasn't asking to have the same timely hook experience as everyone else. I don't think anyone wants to wait for the last survivor to slowly struggle until they die. That's a waste of time. I was asking for the equal opportunity to do my…