I know, in fact I use them both plus the matchmaking delay just in case, that was one of the things that left me even more messed up at that point…
got my first match with two hackers today in SA servers (which is where I play) and found out that one of them has a whole community around cheating and using hacks where he shares clips and even does lives using them. They also used it on 2x8 as well. Worst of all, after the said match I was in, I found a comment on my…
It is hitting the SA servers as well bloodweb gives the error and also is suuuuper slow trying to turn in a challenge from the tome also gives the error trying to access the rift also gives the error Not sure if it is related, but also can't seem to find a match as killer regardless of time (trying to do the random perk…
my game is freezing on the loading screens between matches as well. If I enter the lobby and leave it, there is also a chance it happens. And whenever I end a match and leave the end results screen it freezes as well. I haven't bought this rift's pass when the update dropped ultra messy with stutters and other bugs, but…
I play both sides and hate both "gen rushing" and "tunneling" most than anything in this game. Both can be "justified" as effective (true) and fair (sometimes the case) but honestly it is just frustrating as hell like in this event to go for a match and get LOTS like these In the first capture, the Clown had all on his…
I never really liked the movie to be honest, but after I found out the whole polemic about the director, I personally vouch for it to not come and I imagine the team at BHVR feels the same way. As some people pointed, maybe if the director dies or can no longer receive anything from the property, then maybe it could be…
Honestly I always went with Lithe instead of Dead Hard and didn't use medkits so often, nor ever was much of a booner and though I'm not the master survivor I never relied on these things to have wins. Sure, I may have had support from others using Boons and maybe these other perks on their loadout which could indeed help…
the DBD movie being about how Nic Cage got into the Entity Realm and managed to escape but nobody believed it (not even himself) since on a real time perspective out of the realm it was no longer than a minute that he was gone
I think they could find something to make the devotion system somewhat meaningful. While not a priority imo, it would be nice if, I don't know, with each devotion level your max BP storage increased by some amount, or like Eelanos mentioned here, the iridescent shards rewarded became bigger (though I can see why they…
I had some awful bad Huntress and Wesker matches lately, and although I'm not the best with either of them, I have enough playtime and notion playing killer to know I should drop a chase after seeing Bloodlust 2-3 and gens popping and missing every attempt at hitting in a pallet. I couldn't even be mad at the survivors, it…
Being basekit the way you put it would be stronger than Gift of Pain and potentially Hex Pentimento, so honestly sounds like a terrible idea tbh, and being tied to hook stages it would promote camping and tunelling. I could see this being an interesting idea for a perk, maybe implemented as a Hex that gains token for each…
to me it only takes 1
for gameplay I mostly like maps like both Yamaoka and crotus Prenn realms, suffo pit and azarov's resting place, but visually I really find Midwich, Thompson's house and dead daug quite cool. I miss Hawkins too ngl
I am quite stupid really, but not enough to make a topic about something so petty, at least not yet
I hate hate hate everything about the SM with a burning passion but regardless of that, this treatment you faced is just not right. Props to you for going out of your way and just enjoying what you like (regardless of how I hate hate hate and just can't stand the idea), hope you can still have your own fun in the game and…
people calling the killer a bot while also being unable to outplay an actual bot is truly an ironic thing to say the least
it simply works
it is just two letters, no need to make it a big deal or go philosophical about it, you can just say GG back or simply hop to the next match, damn
I don't think so. I mean, each match is a completely unique case. Recently I had two games were I found myself in this scenario, both on solo q In one game, we went against a Clown in Midwich who camped pretty early on. The gens weren't even flying at all to be fair, which should be the best counter for him camping. At a…
I didn't know there were absolute rules about when and how someone should be happy or not
the only thing that makes me sad after seeing this is that while the killer is awful and imo deserves the criticism, the survivors were so well made and had so much love put into them, being the first duo originals, first related originals (I know there's Oni and Spirit or even Trickster and Yun but they're actual brothers…
one of the coolest suggestions I saw which would not invalidate he perk as well, was that if the killer snuffs a boon that was placed over a Hex, the Hex comes back to it, so it would be rewarding for the killer while also putting more weight on the survivor's decision between booning or breaking the totem. This wouldn't…
Clown for the simple joy of laughing whenever I get a bottle to hit directly at a survivor and Pyramid Head for how complete and challenging his power is to use
I pray that they forget this idea along with the basekit UB
that's so silly lol who hurt you?
Regardless of what was expected from the teasers, I sincerely think her power is quite boring and not interesting overall, though I like how they tried to add new objectives and interactions with the new mini game, but in the end it comes down to another zoning killer which the power has no real good use considering the…
Ikr, I find it almost cute how dedicated he is tho
the best kind!!!
not that I like the addon but tbh it is not as strong as it sounds in the hands of a mid Clown, the direct bottle hits are not as easy as they may sound and can be made even harder if you juke well enough, though still the Clown with extra bottles may just keep spamming them (although this would still make them waste extra…
gotta try this as well, hopefuly it works fine
oh I think that might have been it then, I'll try it again and see if I can get it done, thanks for the info regardless!
I love how stylish Wraith can be and also Zarina, she's peak beauty
to me the worst ones to get were: as killer - Evil Incarnate as survivor - Outbreak Breakout only reason I don't say Left Behind is because it is the kind of achievement that might just randomly happen if you play long enough and end up with a killer who's kind enough to help you out with it and you only need this to…
I LOVE Clown so I'm suspect when I say to go for him, but truly he's quite simple but surprisingly satisfying to play even though he has his limitations. His perks can work with other killers and playstyles well enough imo as well, like Bamboozle with Myers as you mentioned liking to play as him. I'm not the biggest fan of…
I love that most people also want the Xenomorph (not that the others aren't good btw)
that's a thing I love about this game, you can't really take anything for granted/ mastered. There's always more stuff to get better at and things to learn on both sides!
I guess it being talked about now rather than before might be due to its "overuse" (if such a thing exists), which again gets annoying just like versing the same killer over and over; you eventualy come to notice aspects that are not very fine or don't really make much sense when you consider other things
you have a point. If I'm being honest, I didn't really put it in these words for this particular reason, but I have been indeed annoyed by seeing the same strat in so many matches lately (not saying it is the same for everyone, but I have been getting a streak of this kind of builds too much that it gets frustrating…
god I used to enjoy running a Wraith build like this even before the perks rework, now it only got nastier with some touches 💀
not going to lie, I miss going against people that run these niche builds like Impossible skill checks, it does have its place in the game, tho they seem to go rarer by each update
found the guy who knows Candice (jk mate suit yourself)
indeed! Though it still can lead to very boring matches once the killer resorts to only OC and denies chases and other things that progress the match :/
I 100% agree that you're right about all the counterplay in facts, still in most actual scenarios at a match things play out diferently because of many variables and stuff tbf. None that debunk anything you said, but when it is happening at a match you can't help but notice how frustrating it can get. I also see it as too…
no joke. I mean, it is a functional strat and also gets value, but so does PR, DMS, Deadlock, etc, but none is as boring and dragging (and sincerely "easy") as the current Overcharge builds
I had way too many cases thatwere EXACTLY like this as well, it's insane how long this can drag a match. Most recently had the same setup, just me and another random survivor against a Blight and we both kept each at a gen doing small seconds of progress just for this cycle to continue. After almost 20mins (no joke) the…
I really know that's not really the point but making Boons single use would make much more sense than this
No. He is even better than S tier.
I mean, free points, some challenges, a bit of extra time in a chase, I honestly don't see why not
I couldn't really picture him being sacrificed ever, but still love the character