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  • I don't understand why so much complain about DS. It only comes up if you are tunneling and there should be lot of things in the this game to actively discourage tunneling imo. DS is the ONLY thing to combat tunneling.
  • Their number one focus should be fixing queue times. Right now queue times are the worst part of DBD and I feel like it shouldn't be so hard to fix them after 3 years, but they can't seem to even come close. I've bene in suvivor queue for 10 min at 11 pm as I write this. The game is totally broken when you have to wait…
  • Its about the biggest anti tunneling perk in the game period. You can always hit them down and wait to pick them up. I really don't get the crying about DS. If you down someone it slows down the game a ton if you are worried about DS, but obviously if you avoid tunneling the unhooked guy in the first place then you'd have…
  • It already got nerfed once. Is that really not enough? There is an EASY way for killers to disable DS already. Don't tunnel.
  • I got a warning from this post. How much of a nanny state is this forum I got a warning for "insulting a group of people". After asking what group I was told I insulted people that disagree with me which is apparently defined as a group. I've asked them to permanently delete my account as I don't agree with the crazy…
  • I tried turning off crossplay doing survivor on PC and queue is still absurdly long. I guess they need to do something to entice people to play killer more. Can't really stand playing as survivor with 10-15 min queue times. Just completely ruins the entire game.
  • I guess I should expect no less as these message board are always like 98% pro killer, but I will say no one made any real argument for how its fair that a killer can see survivor items. Ours aren't even powerful comparably outside of key. Toolbox is a joke, medkit is ok i guess for a heal if you don'tt want to run self…
  • Queue times shouldn't be a consideration in who to buff or tweak. It should be about escape percentages and that should be the only criteria. Why would they buff killers if only 20% of survivors are escaping? I played killer for 5 matches as PC vs mostly console players and the results were not pretty for the survivors. No…
  • Another PC Player have had near instant Queues for most of the last few years. On a bad day or bad time of night I might wait 2-3 min. Now its 10 min every match and most matches seem to be ending in DC. You talk about killer buffs, but it seems to only be an issue since the change. I might add I queue up as about 5 games.…
  • I did like 5 killer matches in a row past 10 pst that were all instant queues. Survivor has been 10 min each time and the 2 matches I actually decided to wait for both ended with the killer DCin either right at start or 3 min into match. Prior to this my 10 pm weekend queue times were maybe 1-2 min on a bad night. The…
  • Since crossplay started my survivor queue times went from almost always being instant max of maybe 2 min at certain times to 6-10 min. The last game took 10 min and then when it loaded killer had DCed. Game seems unplayable to me. I did play 1 match as killer and it was instant queue so seems like crossplay brought a bunch…
  • All items are nearly completely useless now. They nerfed them all so badly I wish they would just get rid of them all together. It isn't even worth taking the time to open a chest unless you have a daily that requires it. So pathetiic...
  • BT and DS will only get you so far most of the time. At the end of the day this is the Devs fault for not doing more to discourage this type of gameplay. The hooktime should go slower the closer the killer is to the hook and maybe faster than current if they are across the map. GIVE THEM A REASON TO LEAVE. This is really…
  • This is one of the stupidest fixes in the history of gaming. It will punish people who disconnect for legit reasons like bugs and/or bad internet and people who rage disconnect will now simply hook suicide. Same problem different manifestation. The Devs need to fix the actual problem which is inconsistent fun gameplay. The…
  • I find the stupidity of this comment to be hilarious and I've commenting a few times on how many crybaby killers there are on these forums. If its so terribly unbalanced why are killer queues 15 min and survivor quests are 2-3? If they only cater to survivors why was decisive strike nerfed pretty badly and Mettle of Man…
  • I can't wait to see the killer queue times when they start banning DCers. Its like half the games population at least. Some people DC just because they get downed early, but others DC because of tactics used by killer. Either way get ready to lose half the survivor population because if you think people will stop just…
  • I was rank 1 for about 30 straight games this week and I've got about 200 hours in the game now. I totally agree with this guy. The healer changes were totally unnecessary especially during this even that already favored killers so heavily due to all the extra time added for survivor objectives. Add that to the apparently…
  • Are you kidding? There are multiple counter plays. You can dribble the survivor which happens A TON if you suspect they have decisive. Another strategy that is distracting and makes the already difficult skill check even harder to hit is if you swing about the time you think they are getting the skill check... the noise…
  • People arguing the event isn't one sided why do you think the queue times on killers is 30 min? That alone should tell you something is majorly wrong with the event. I probably wont' do killer strictly because I don't want to wait 30 min for a match, but I think its ######### to act like it isn't 1 sided. 90% of the…
  • What? How is sabotage not still worthless? Its actually a TON more worthless because of this event. I got the sabotage daily today and guess what. You can't mess with the blighted hooks. Do you know how long it took to actually find a couple hooks I could sabotage? Pretty close to the entire match. And clearly sabotaging…
  • All I have to say is this patch and event are incredibly biased towards killers. The lowest I think I've seen a killer get is 60k blood and I've seen 100k+. But aside from that since they always get double blood because of the patch nerfing survivors and adding an event that makes matches around 5 minutes longer almost…
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