Any Update on Matchmaking Re-Work?
I was wondering if there was any update on the matchmaking re-work. There was a change implimented not so long ago, which introduced a separate, invisible ranking system for matchmaking. It was interesting to see myself, a typical green rank survivor, matched with people with a variety of ranks. It just shows that rank…
The Obsessive Use of the Exposed Status
I think the developers at BHVR are obsessed with the exposed status. This is my most un-favourite status, as it leaves you no counter play except to run away before you are downed with one hit. I'm trying not to complain too much about The Blight's perks, because they are truly good and worth the purchase. But all a…
Hawkins Map Design
I don't know if anyone has mentioned Hawkins on here before, but it needs to be said... Let's start with what I like about this map: Stranger Things themed. It's great having indoor maps for variety. Some great verticality. Good vaults upstairs. Now, what I don't like about this map: Big, long corridors with hardly…
I Hate Ghostface!
I am familiar with playing against all of the killers and have strategies to counter them...except Ghostface. I don't know how to play against him. I'm not a beginner either - I'm a purple rank survivor. I could do with a few Kill Your Friends sessions for practice, but that's not possible at the moment. He just gets me…
Totem Spawns on New Maps
It's good that totem spawn locations have been changed to make them more difficult to find. However, some of the spawn locations on the re-worked maps (Badham Pre-school) are often too difficult to find. I like the idea of having totems within an alcove. It's fine to cover them from three sides, such as a 'C' shaped alcove…
Help! I Can't Escape!
I've been playing for a while now. Sometimes I'd escape and sometimes I wouldn't. But for several weeks now (or is it months?) I rarely, if ever, escape. Even if the lobby has all-green rank survivors, we often end up all getting killed. The killer could even be in yellow ranks, such as rank 18. Doesn't matter who the…
Something Wrong with Ranking and Matchmaking
Help! I haven't been able to escape the entity! Well, 90% of the time, for about 2 weeks now. It's the same story: we get 4 generators or maybe just 1, before getting slaughtered by the killer. I don't expect to escape all the time, but this is just not fun - and it used to be fun. I'm currently a green rank survivor -…
Camera sensitivity on PS4
As survivor, I prefer a stealth approach. Not by choice - it's because I'm not that good in a chase. I watch videos on YouTube and they always seem to track the killer in their camera as they loop and juke around a tile. They make it look easy, but I struggle with this. I have the camera sensitivity on maximum. Im on PS4…
Emotes while hooked
I would like the existing emotes to work whilst on a hook. The pointing gesture could become a shooing gesture that says "go away". This would send a message to a camping killer. More importantly, it would deter hook farming or unsafe hook saves when it's your first hook. The "come here" gesture could be used to encourage…
Add Ons for Beginner Nurse
I've recently started playing nurse. I began with purple and green add ons, but the increased stun made her unplayable for me. After blinking, I'd look up to see just scratch marks; I could not hear survivors due to the loud chase music. When I used just grey and yellow add ons, I became much better. I also use Shadowborn…
Primary & Secondary Perks Idea
I have an idea how to utilise all those perks that no-one uses. I find that people tend to use the same top-tier perks most of the time. Only new players who don't know better, or are unlocking teachables, will take Streetwise over Bond, for example. There are more chapters on the roadmap, each bringing 3 new perks for…