Adept Wraith
4k and double pip/merciless killer with Wraith using his 3 unique perks did not unlock adept achievement. Platform: Xbox Series S. Map: Raccoon City Police Station. Image attached showing perks and 4 kills. Gamertag: CazualGamer6663
Best builds for Myers?
What perks are best for him? Most helpful perks for different maps? Gameplay tips are appreciated as well!
How would people respond?
If killers had no terror radius? If there were no aura reading perks for either side? If survivors left no scratch marks? No hatch, and only one gate? You can only use your eyes and ears to get through the trials. Would that add to the horror aspect of the game? Would it be scarier? Or extraordinarily frustrating?
Best perks for the Pig?
I've already invested lots of time into GF and Myers, she's the only stealth killer I haven't played. What are some ideal builds for her? What perks best complement her powers/style? Also: Pig mains, please bless me with your knowledge on the finer points of how to play her.
What are the strongest survivor teams?
Based on the teachable perks of each member. Something I've been curious about since I began playing survivor consistently. What 4 survivors have the most synergy based on perks?
What do you enjoy most about DbD?
In the comments, discuss what drew you to the game initially, and things you've come to appreciate about it over time, with more playing experience.
What are the best survivor perks for repairing generators faster?
I know "prove thyself" is one. Are there any others that do, without requiring you to be injured (e.g. resilience)? If you can suggest builds that help with this as well, that would be appreciated.