So I don't believe I'm good at being chased,
Any particular builds, or ideas? I don't have dead hard and have some problems looking behind me for starters.
Did I miss something?
People keep lumping in bypassing DS in with the viability of the new mori conditions, but I can only see it happening one way: In the rare instance if a survivor goes into struggle off the first hook which is going to be rare overall, isn't it? Iirc, DS activates automatically on the first pickup so there's no way to hook…
Thinking about killer types not used yet.
Ok, please set aside gripes. I know the game is not in the best spot, and we just got a new killer. But connecting the dots between killers and movies, there's 2 styles they haven't really gotten to that come to mind. Killer robots. You know, chopping mall, Hardware, etc. And space aliens. Neither the predator/aliens type…
I stumbled across some amazing DBD animated shorts! :)
BRUSH does some great stuff! https://youtu.be/rNL9I-jHQlg
A crazy idea to help balance the game.
Killers get new blood web items. Wild cards for perks, offerings, and addons. These are one time use, and can be exchanged for any corresponding slot item. Wild card perks can be any perk at any rank. Wild card addons can be any addon. Wild card offerings can be any offering. If this could be condensed into one item, it…
The ability to unhook a survivor as a killer. What do you think?
What do you think about the ability for killers to unhook a survivor into being carried again? It would reset the hook phase they are in when originally hooked previously, though. I.e. if it was the first hook, and you unhooked them yourself, it would stay first hook for the next hooking. Their struggle phase would be…
Firecrackers destroy hag traps.
Figured it might be useful to know. I stumbled across this in a trial. That is all. You can go about your business now.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Came back after a break at the game. Played survivor. Solo as usual. Trying to do the open the gates as Claudette ritual. Ugly xmas sweater and shorts so not really immersed. So I'm rusty. I get hooked. A good bit, actually. I look around, and 9 times out of 10 survivors are all running around freaked the hell out instead…
A new game type idea.
The generators are gone. The gates are now powered by vials of blood. I guess similar to the last Halloween event as the only way to get these vials filled is when the killer hooks a survivor. It takes, oh, i don't know, 5 hooks to power the generators. Or some other number above 3. Then the gates must be opened normally.…
An idea to fix gen rush.
The gates do not instantly get powered when the 5th gen is done. Either: 1: the gens take several minutes, say, 5, to charge the gates. The survivors must survive that time before they can open the gates. Or 2 Depending on how fast the gens get done 5 to one minute is the charge time. The -faster- the gens are done, the…
Probably old news, but hey, golden toolbox?
Stumbled across it trying to get a ritual done. The lampkin lane map.
Perk QOL request.
I want my perks to stay arranged the same way all the time on my HUD. I.e. i run Spine Chill. Sometimes it loads in on the top of the diamond, sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right. I'd like it to just stay on the left so i can keep an eye on it better while doing a gen.
Got any stories to share from the winter event?
Matches that stuck out, fun moments, etc.? I was VS a huntress in The Game. A Claudette and myself were running from her near the basement in the hall with the pallet. She was ahead of me, threw it down, and stayed there. I threw my firecracker down, and blinded myself while frantically trying to vault. I got hit, and when…
An idea to help out hex totems.
Either all totems are lit, or dull. Doesn't even matter if the killer uses a hex perk or not. If a killer uses a hex perk, all totems could be lit, or all of them will be dull. If they don't, either of those 2 results happen.
Trapper should get a Mori update.
He throws the survivor down, and their face stops just short of setting off a bear trap, then the trapper puts his foot on their back. The survivor screams as they struggle to not get their face rammed into the trap as the trapper pushes them down but they fail, and the trap snaps around their neck/head/face.
Double post
Disregard please
Lets tweak discordance, shall we?
Nothing major. It feels absolutely useless when in the time it highlights the gen the survivors could be long gone. 12 seconds of movement is a lot for survivors. So lets adjust it slightly so that it glows yellow as long as there are 2 people on the gen, and turns white when there is no longer 2 people on the gen, and it…
New killer idea: The Banshee. True horror.
A shrouded, hooded shadowy figure that floats like the nurse, and darts about with startling speed! A killer with a passive power. All survivors hear the hellish wail!! The Banshee is immune to it's own wails! When chasing someone random high pitched whining from a 12 year old blares. "STOP LOOOOOOPING!!!!!" "HAAAAAAX!!!!"…
It's my first winter event, so what can I expect?
Aside from me getting all sappy, and sentimental, and wishing the best for people, anyone have any input on what I can expect?
Legion is like a Cheetah wearing sleigh bells
Legion is an ambush killer that announces theirselves well before every ambush. They spoil their own surprise, and once people know it's legion they're facing, they try to keep them at terror radius length, and save exhaustion perks to dodge. Outside of feral they can keep evading pretty easily. Legions tracking ability…
So are killers supposed to be balanced around powers?
So with Nurse's calling no longer synerizing with Freddy, and Doctor, and also Legion, done, iirc, to help balance doctor, I am wondering if it's the standard for all killers? To be able to be played naked, i guess would be the term and still worth using. Perks are left to work like they do on survivors. To synergize with…
I really like the new menu theme.
Props to the person behind it.
Is there a way to discern who disconnected?
It's been a weird day. I played 4 survivor matches. 3 of them had disconnects. I didn't do any of them., but I'm always paranoid about my connection. It is stable, but not the best. HOWEVER, for the most part it also seems at rage quit moments. One was against a nurse. The disconnected happened not long after I hid…
I want to see Kate get a sherriff outfit, or a Reno 911 uniform.
It's dumb, but it clicked in to place when I put Detectives Hunch on her, and saw her as a country cop. Maybe too much Deadly Premonition on the brain? But I want to an outfit like Deputy Clementine from Reno 911 on her.
Random thought about Huntress points.
It seems like a lot of killers can rack up the points by using their powers, and have huge opportunities to gain points. Hag can just spam playing traps, and get points. Doctor takes great pleasure in racking up points in shocking people. Huntress seems to be very limited in just hitting people with throwing hatchets. She…
When I see Jeff, I keep thinking,
About this guy. Anyone else?
Killer perk idea: Rekindle old flames
Taking this perk adds regeneration to totems, dull, and hex upon destruction. Once destroyed they rebuild, and rekindle, if needed, after 2 minutes, 130 seconds, 60 seconds depending on perk strength. When restored any tokens are restored 1/4, 1/2, and to the point they were at when destroyed. If there are dull totems…
With a snowy map on the way, I know the next killer!
This will be the next killer! https://youtu.be/WQvSvhxj5Eg?t=126 Edited because someone somewhere got grumpy, and killed the vid.
How about this as a part way cure to the hatch standoff?
The hatch now works for killers as well. When down to the last survivor, with sufficient gens (survivor plus one) done, the killer can find the hatch, and enter it as it opens same as ever. This causes the last survivor to be sacrificed as the pocket dimension the trial is held in collapses. Other than that the hatch…
Please make indicators for SWF. It could be a good thing. And incentive to vs them.
I'm gunna be dodging anything remotely looking like an SWF like Neo dodging bullets. And it seems like SWFs are going to be that damn common. Seems like it. Maybe they aren't? Maybe they just happened to pop in rapid fire? I mean it looks like an SWF, but what if it's not? I'd be more willing to try. Until then, I'll opt…
I'm tired of the camping!
They need to start loosing bloodpoints for staying within a certain radius too long! They need to be encouraged to leave! To go away! It really sucks the fun out of a game when they just sit there, and wait. And wait. They wait, and wait when no one is coming! No one cares! Survivors camping the gates and hatches instead…
I think matches are starting to get balanced by the highest ranked person, or I got really unlucky!
I'm open to the latter since getting a trial was lengthy, and I run solo, always. My rank 11 booty got into a trial vs a Rank -2- Wraith. My fellow survivors were rank 15, 5, and 2. It's not really an issue, so much as maybe wondering which it might have been. A new matchmaking system, or just really bad luck?
If you're slugged, can you maybe do me a favor?
Please don't just crawl around under the hooked survivor? Is there a reason you might want to? I can't unhook, and heal you at the same time. It really ties up 1 more person than it should. If I can get you on your feet, you can do gens, or rescue, or get healed. Or I can unhook the person you're crawling under and you may…
This is ridiculous! Rite of the Jaws needs to award WAY more BP. Can I get some tips on traps?
Disclaimer: My trapper is lvl 1. The traps are apparently way too easy to detect, and get disarmed, or walked around way too easily. I even plopped one down near a pallet between 2 walls and a survivor ran right by it, and avoided it completely. Pallets even seem to protect survivors. They can drop a pallet near one and it…
Hearing brief noises and I don't know why.
I mostly remember it being a killer. It's like a 1 second horror movie noise. It's either a light metal clang, or sort of a lingering scrape. Been hearing it a lot as a huntress since I basically only played her as killer for this event. I've only had 3 common perks each time. Whispers, distressing, and beast of prey.
A tweak to whispers to help both sides.
Adjust Whispers so it doesn't detect hooked Survivors. That's it. It no longer makes killers paranoid that there are altruists by the hook. If there are none, they are more tempted to leave. This reduces camping some. It won't kill camping, though.
Hex ruin rework
It remains a totem hex. It works the same in terms of debuffs. However instead of it being tied to one hex totem, there is a totem created for every generator on the map, and each is linked to a random generator, and never the closest, and/or within certain meters. Break 1 totem, free 1 random generator of the hex. Break…
The whole ritual of the "chase out" needs to end.
I'm not talking about people staying to make sure everyone is safe, I'm talking about the people that know everyone is safe, but stays to taunt, and force the killer to chase them out. They know the killer has no more power there, and abuse that. The point of the "Chase out" (You know, the "thrilling" last second escape?)…
Less flowers in the treatment theater?
I know it's indoors, and all, but seeing 2 petal offerings made, and seeing maybe one flower on the whole map seems off. Anyone else notice, or is it just me, and my bad luck?
Anyone else getting forum errors?
I keep getting emoji faces and error messages. I thought it was my internet but it's been going on on other networks. Also weird errors in the corner.
How do you plan on getting your harvesting done?
Play killer? Play survivor? Some blend of both? Kinda curious about how you plan on filling vials for the event.
Killer idea. Zombie...s! As in a horde!
I know, I know, zombies. Woo. Everyone has zombies, but hear me out! You don't play as one zombie, but a swarm of them when they're at their most dangerous! Shamblers. Not rage zombies, either. Running takes coordination. Zombies don't have coordination!... personal zombie preferences aside... As you shuffle around,…
Can we do something about the flood of Asian language posts?
I kind of regret letting my browser translate them. The round of posts I was looking at were as to buy fake college degrees. Vanderbilt, Berkeley, and stuff. It's a little scary.
Delete please. Double post, sorry.
Delete please.
A stupid, dumb, fun Huntress option: Let her "hum"/Blast in game music.
Saw someone report what seemed to be a bug with the Huntress blasting "Unstable" instead of humming her usual lullaby, and suddenly, inspiration! It's probably my favorite song in the game. Maybe give her a DJ themed outfit. Turn her axe into one of those synth/guitar hybrids. Addons, or various outfits for other songs in…
What does rank reset do?
I think this is my first, or second time with one, and I kinda expected to be rank 20 again, but I retained my rank as far as I can tell.