Hyper lag or hacks?
I was trying to play a normal game as billy when I ran into this monster. The clip isn't my first encounter with him but it is consistent with previous endevours. https://youtu.be/wKGWAmXzlRQ Here is a link to his profile where he advertises "dbd boosters". https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198983320407/ Idk if it…
Redo killer adepts.
Recently I took a look at the global achievements and noticed something funny. I also looked my own achievements and noticed the same thing: There are at least four times as many unlocked survivor adepts as there are for killers. Now I don’t want to claim that one role is more fun than another (at least not here). Instead…
Distressing as a stealth perk on spirit.
Let's suppose you were to run spirit with distressing and ruin somewhere between rank 10-1. Ruin would glue the survivors to the gen as everyone hates to see their gen regress and distressing would mask your spirit approach as the distant heartbeat sotps your spasing from being heard and also gives the survivors a sense of…
PC-Survivor frozen on shoulder
Step 1: play as killer Step 2: pick up the survivor (grabbed while gen taping) Step 3: notice that you can no longer do anything but move (no power, no hooking, no dropping the survivor, no kicking stuff, no getting stunned, no lunging (normal swings are fine tho), no survivor wiggleing). Step 4: DC as the only optin left…
Visual oversight
Vou can see into the chest of the doctors "Dr. Vivisection" body outfit.
Only give survivors the intel about being cursed when they could tell on their own.
This mainly applies to the following perks: Hex Devour hope, Hex no one escaped death, Hex huntress lullaby. Many of these perks rely on the element of surprise. Especially the first two. But why are the exposed effects revealed when they aren’t applied? For example: We have a huntress with hex devour hope and three…
Disable DC timeout during Corona times.
Let ‘s not beat around the bush, with everyone staying at home and playing the servers are pushed well beyond their maximum capacity. A game isn’t a game without at least one disconnect courtesy of an unstable connection. These players are then banned because they dare to play a game with unstable servers. How dare they…
Don’t apply the DC penalty for game crashes
The main objective of the DC penalty is to discourage survivors from abusing the DC function which heavily impacts the flow of the game. So with this mechanic in effect you would think that every survivor that consciously uses the option to disconnect would get put on a small cool down period (of growing severity) in order…
Make kicking gens worth on its own.
Everybody should be familiar with this setup: It is on autohaven. In the middle of nowhere. 3 low walls, a car, a gen and a pallet. A survivor is working on the gen as the killer approaches. The survivor hides behind the car. The killer damages the gen and then spots the survivor. A chase continues. The survivor loops…
Seperate survivor prompts for vaulting things and entering lockers.
When in a chase there are a couple sopts where a locker is right next to a pallet or window. When getting chased there you press the spacebar to vault away from the killer on your tail. Instead you jump in a locker. The problem is obvious. Please just give the option for seperate controlls. The players will figure out the…
Are we gonna get anny form of reimbursement for the new basement bug?
I've lost items, ranks and a lot of time because I get basemented about every 3rd game and it is just an insta-loss due to the bug. A bug this gamebreaking is unexcuseable and some reinbursement - be it just bloodpoints would be more than appropriate. Does annyone know if something like that is coming up?