New update: Survivors can now teleport into the hatch
I started the animation lol
Would this be a good combo? In theory the person saving and the person getting off the hook won't leave scratch marks, could be good against killers who proxy the hook maybe.
Opening cutscenes
I don't know if its just me but the sound in these cut scenes are usually super loud and i only have my game volume on 30%-50% and my computer sound is 50% all the time. I think it'd be nice to have an option to turn these off since they're so loud and mainly because we see it play every time we open the game.
Why do I depip when people dc
It just seems unfair when I'm solo and 2 players dc before i can even find a gen and then when i die i depip. I know people don't care about rank or whatever but how about a measly 600 points for when a teammate dcs i get a safety pip
Can't play the game bc of queue times
Me and my sister live in the same house and her queue times for killer are near instant but I can't find a game for killer or survivor and I've waited around 30 minutes for either and this is very very frustrating because i can't even play the game to level up the rift which is time limited so you can imagine why im so…
How am i supposed to do the rift if the queues are 2 hours long?
fix the queues
i bought this game to play it, not to sit here and look at my character for an hour. If its a player base thing then introduce some kind of bonus such as extra bloodpoints for the side that needs more players to balance the queues. Ive been playing this game less and less and this is about to do it for me so yeah fix the…
Meg is the only original character without a halloween outfit
Dwight, Claudette, Jake, Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly and Nurse all have halloween outfits and even some of the others but not meg?
No one left behind buff idea
My idea is similar to the prove thyself perk, instead of double altruistic points at the end of the game it should be for the entirety of the game and maybe the 12% boost could have tokens like fire up where altruistic speed increases as gens get done
Survivors should get more bloodpoints
Why does DBD have a ranking system if its a casual game
The only reason i can think of is so that better players don't dumpster new players
IMO Ebony Moris should require 2 hooks
Its just not fun when you're a solo queue and your teammates farm you off the hook to get instantly mori'd. I'd be fine with keeping the 1 hook for Ivory because its only a single person mori and the Cypress is fine where its at. I guess its just my opinion but i still think that Ebony moris should be adjusted in some way.…
New Hex perk idea (could be game changing)
Before i start please don't hate because it is just an idea, know that I love playing both roles and don't really have a bias towards one or another. Alright so what if there was a hex perk that reversed lit and unlit totems, the perk itself would be lit along with other totems that have no perk tied to them whilst the…
Is the healing delay after unhooking meant to be in the game?
I remember a while ago you used to almost instantly be able to heal after unhooking but now it takes a second or sometimes 3 before you can heal them. Was this implemented to make survivors not heal under the hook? Also does anyone else get a bug where you're healing or getting healed and it just stops for no reason?
My internet is bad and i feel bad about it
When i play killer i usually see the survivors have green or yellow ping but when i get in game and start chasing people they lag all over the place. By the way when i test my internet i usually get around 40-60 Mbps which I'm pretty sure is a fast connection. When this first started happening I thought it might just be…
Why don't the developers do double blood points more often?
Does Plunderers instinct affect Ace in the hole?
I was wondering if Plunderers instinct affects add on rarity when searching chests