The Entity's weakness revealed and proved.
Have a seat and have fun reading because we're going deep boyos. Part 1 - The Different Realms The first part of uncovering the Entity's weakness is to understand the world the Entity has created. We know that the Entity's realm is a realm of it's own. A nighmarish construct where the trials happens. The MAIN realm where…
Every LORE related question Devs answered. (81 Questions and Some Answers) # 1.
Ok so, I've put up every interesting/revealing LORE-related question since Devstream Summary n.6 to n.100. Why? I prefer coming back to one thread than going throught the numerous devstream summaries. Enjoy reading. EDIT : Most questions were answered by Ash, Dave and Mathieu Coté. EDIT 2 : Edited format cause the font was…
Your Killer's Level (Know how good you are) !
This is a points checklist for Killer players that want to gauge how good exactly of a Killer they are. The points in this list are to be taken with the following consideration : 1- It will only work if you play to improve yourself as a Killer player. 2- It does not work for Nurse. Insane Nurse skills can let you bypass…
Personal Stat Screen discussion
First off all, Hello (1rst post), It's nice to use theses new forums and I hope that they will be very active over time ! With that said, I was wondering what everyone would like to see on a personal stat screen that you can see in-game, in the future. I am aware it might take a while until we have it, but giving some…
Little comic about Amanda who wanted a new recruit on the club.
click the image to see it bigger. Also reddit thread ; https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/9bm3de/made_a_comic_about_amandas_movspeed_based_but/ thanks :^)
Is this the Entity's Language ?? Devs ??
-anoyk yeqkany'ye hvay'k l'gnoo eydokl'x: sekall'o ammk'ix -kw'zvre'od Both of theses phrases are written on the Anniversary weapons of certain Killers. This is what they say : - anoyk yeqkany'ye hvay'k l'gnoo eydokl'x: sekall'o ammk'ix = This is a sign of the fact that this is the case. - anoyk yeqkany'ye hvay'k l'gnoo…
Haddonfield police car radios, possible riddle ?
If you go to Haddonfield and stand by one of the police cars, you can hear the radio talking. I've managed to get a hold on the audio of theses radios. There are 4 variations, here they are. Variation 1- https://clyp.it/i3z4v4ff Variation 2- https://clyp.it/jpeh051w Variation 3- https://clyp.it/0kxna1jt Variation 4-…
You cannot see the checkmarks for unlocked teacheable perks anymore. (solved)
When you go to character info (F1). Can you please put it back ? Or was it intended ?
Dead By Daylight Manual Down ?
http://www.deadbydaylight.com/manual/ Is it being reworked or something?
Bonjour à l'équipe de Dead by Daylight !
Je voulais juste dire que quand j'ai su que vous étiez installés à Montréal j'en revenais pas. Au début des streams (Je joue depuis octobre 2016) je savais que Mathieu Coté était Québécois juste par son nom et de la manière qu'il prononce les noms Français. Mais je m'étais dit que le studio était sûrement quelque part aux…