Re: Generator Speeds are too fast and its ruining the perks I WANT to run
I feel like the main issue with trying to balance this stuff is that survivor gen speed perks and toolboxes are available immediately for the most part and they all stack. The very first gen 5 second…7 -
Re: No more cheap flashbang saves
There's more in life than slugging, tunneling and camping, lol. I was saying with how quick it activates, you're essentially countering getting picked up. Unless the killer grabs you IMMEDIATELY with…-1 -
Re: No more cheap flashbang saves
Considering that you can get power struggle to be active in as short as 7 seconds of being on the ground, I think it's countering more than just slugging. If the killer so much as looks around to ens…-2 -
Re: Xenomorph's Nerfs Cannot Go Through
So what im hearing is we should nerf Pig...4 -
Re: BHVR might be contributing to the issue of "sweaty" gameplay?
I feel like alot of times challenges only become an issue when ppl try to do em ASAP. Unless a challenge specifies you must do it in 1 trial, you can generally get partial progress and be good after …3