Re: Aftercare: Solo Queue's Most Underutilized Perk.
Aftercare is outclassed by other aura perks. If you're coordinating a play across the map, someone's probably on the hook which means Kindred's better. If they're close to you, bond is better. You ca…2 -
Re: killer queues are insanely bad
Not surprised, every game is Nurse/Blight/Legion or some anti loop killer stacking slow down with lots of tunnelling and camping.4 -
Re: Please stop dcing and suiciding on hook...
Nah, as long as I keep seeing Nurses, Blights and Legions almost every game stacking slow down then I'll just keep killing myself until I get a game where I'm vsing a different killer2 -
Re: Would you like a survivor perk that *at least partially* counters the Exposed status effect?
All exposed-type killer perks require an action or condition to be met before the killer can one-shot. For example, Devour Hope is probably the hardest one-shot type killer perk to get to activate, b…7 -
Re: Why is playing Killer much more stressful than playing survivor.
It comes down to the 1v4 aspect of the game. It feels more miserable to lose as killer, or perform badly, because there's only yourself to look at. Sure, there are some situations where you can't win…7