The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun



  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    I feel like Ormond is a map that enhances the performance issues. I had a match against a Clown there running Sloppy and both myself and my swf teammate were experiencing a 1-2 second freeze just before the hit actually connected - was like the game knew the hit would connect but was freezing to load up the status effect. Sloppy is bad on any map but it's terrible on maps like Ormond that have increased performance issues.

    Same clown was also finding people without any sort of informational perk. He was finding players hidden in areas he shouldn't have seen or heard them, sometimes going straight for them across map after a hook like he was running BBQ. Hoping he was just very lucky at finding people and not hacking.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Sloppy is pretty awful, I've found it to be the worst on the Crotus Prenn maps tho. Probably cuz of all the smoke and particle effects

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765

    Sloppy is such a drag on performance for both sides that I haven't run it for over a year. Sad we have to decide between frames and perks, especially the known trigger ones that have been with us for many a patch.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227
  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    Are they going to fix the crashes? It’s every other game. I’m not even the one crashing I’m getting a match making ban because of it.

    They do realise I can play other games, right?

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    It's funny. In my PC I have a 3070 with a 3700x and 16 GB of RAM and on my laptop I have a Ryzen 3 3550h, a GTX 1650 and 16 GB of RAM.

    I get a much more consistent frame rate on my lower powered laptop. My laptop will sit at around 50 fps on medium settings. My PC (I have the fps unlocked) will have insane dips. I'll easily go from 120 down to 60 with one static blast from the Doc. The choppiness at those moments actually makes me a little sick because it is so sudden.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    Ormond, Crotus Prenn, and Coldwind maps are currently the worst for me with performance issues. Compared to other maps it feels like I not only get more freezes but some of the freezes feel more harsh too.

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115
    edited September 2021

    I think the realization that the Xbox One and PS4 are on tech (in PC terms) is equivalent to a GPU that is nearing to be 10 years old, and both consoles having CPU's that might as well came from the mid/late 2000''s pretty safe to's time to upgrade. There is nothing weird or wrong about it. People are expecting an old console that wasn't "prime" performance even for it's time, to keep up with titles and updates for what we have now in 2021. Even for someone who plays more on PC (I have a Series X) it would be pretty obvious why my PC wouldn't perform how it does now, in 10 years from now.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940

    Thank you for the videos. I'll check them out on Monday and pass on the information.

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    Okay, and how far are you willing to drag this out? Where is the line? Is it games like BF 2042? Is Dice just lying about the older consoles just cant handle 128 players? Are people expecting the Xbox One and PS4 to play games well into the 2020's? Where is the line?

    As a former software developer, this is quite software/games/whatever become more and more complicated and/or more things the hardware has the juggle, the more unstable something will be.

    Look, I'm not here to bash....far from it. I have a Series X myself and I haven't ran into any real performance issues that wouldn't happen on a my PC (just so we're clear, I have a RTX 3070 and a R5 5600x).

    To the first point. I would really like to know of these titles your referring to, I really would. The reason I ask because it seems pretty obvious these are more than likely AAA games with ~$50 Million production budgets. We also have to understand the engine. Don't get me wrong UE4 is great, but unless you have some talent and huge budgets...your not going to get the same performance as something like Gears, or one off's like Hellblade. Remember, if something is possible it doesn't mean it's the expectation. I can just as easily say, "Look at games like Ark, or Conan".

    What your asking for is probably way to much effort and money for a port that wont be relevant in a few years time. It's as simple as that.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    How long? Until BHVR stops supporting the game on those platforms. As long as BHVR continues to support the game on these platforms AND continues to make statements that they will continue to work on fixing performance issues because they "want the game to run smoothly on all platforms" (see last Dev update and Mandy's recent comment) we will continue to hold them accountable to make the game run smoothly on our consoles. This post is pointing out the performance issues that we have experienced so they can fix said performance issues, Mandy has even said the comments/videos in this post have helped.

    Back 4 Blood beta is the newest game I played that I experienced no performance issues while playing, either in campaign or versus. Predator Hunting Ground which came out in 2020 was just made free on ps+, tried that out and again no issues. For solo games Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon Zero Dawn had no performance issues.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    People have been sharing their frustrations with BHVR since until recently, in part thanks to this post, BHVR has been silent on performance issues and they have continually become worse. If this post was "more bashing BHVR than actual reports" the mods would not only delete the bashing comments but would also close down the post because an over 100 page post bashing BHVR would most certainly go against the forum rules.

    I have a feeling any game I list that runs fine on ps4/Xbox one you are going to claim is either a lie or some excuse for why that game can run fine so you can continue to argue that BHVR shouldn't work on making the performance in the game better - performance that is already causing issues on new console.

    A mod (who is an employee at BHVR) has already responded directly to you that BHVR is working on performance issues for the platforms you claim can't run DBD. Obviously BHVR feels they have not only the ability but the money to be able to fix the performance issues without players needing to upgrade and without AAA backing you seem to think is required for a game to run well on all platforms.

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    I tried out DBD on my friends PS5 for the first time last night. I played survivor on Lery's which I thought was a good test for performance. I was surprised that the game ran smoother than my PC as of the latest patch and it looked really pretty at 4K with HDR enabled.

    I'm not sure what has changed with the latest patch but myself and many other people who play on PC are experiencing performance issues. It's good to know that the PS5 version of DBD seems to be performing well.

  • maybe it's a windows update? i know there is a optional preview available right now, which i have chose not to install, and my performance with 5.2.0 has improved.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    After the most recent patch I also started to notice occasional very short stutters on my high-end gaming PC.

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    It could well be that. I am very cautious when it comes to optional updates and every few months I reinstall windows

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    how’s performance on next gen? I heard it’s getting worse.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    There's no way DBD is so complicated that it can't run much more easily than it does. My last computer was having a ton of issues with it, but was able to run the new Resident Evil 2 fairly well. Sims 3 had the same issues DBD was having, and we already know how great the coding with that is lol

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    I had a good experience on the PS5 but I've heard people are having issues on the Xbox Series X.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    I heard Sims 4 is getting just as bad though. Games like these are built for content but can't handle it lol

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    This will be the last time I make a comment here because a mod is hawk-eying this thread and seems to be hyper-sensitive.

    I would really like to know actual performance issues that can't be chalked up to your network problems and/or hardware problems, console or not. I have an Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and a PC slightly better than the Series X. I NEVER run into performance issues maybe except the Xbox One. Which is pretty obvious why but I have to choose my words carefully because the hyper-sensitive nature of the people here involving the old consoles.

    AGAIN, I've have watched nearly every "performance issue" clip in this thread and 90% of them are network issues. Either your connection is just not cutting it at times, the server hit a hiccup, or there is a bug with certain interactions in the game that cause the server to crap itself. Just to remind you, actual optimization/performance issues are followed by a huge dip in framerate or frames being held up for to long (micro-stutters....but micro-stutters are not anywhere near as common as it can be on PC but is usually due to hardware/setting issues). If you notice is nearly all the clips, there is a freeze then the gamestate playing "catchup" and seems to fast forward within a couple hundred milliseconds. This is a network issue. Either from you or the server. If you notice just you seemed to be dazed by the "freeze", then it's your network. If you notice the survivor your chasing or the killer your running, seems to be dazed after the "freeze" then it was a server hiccup.

    If anyone here wants to truly help this "problem" some of you think is plaguing the old generation consoles, it's important it distinguish between actual optimization issues or network issues.

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    I think simple replies will suffice. The PS4 does not play DBD at a consistent 60fps and probably never will. Both Xbox One and PS4 play DBD at a stable 30fps however. Did we just forget what BHVR said back in 2019?

    Comparing these two games is quite hilarious. RE8 will sacrifice graphical fidelity/consistency to hit target framerates. Doing this in DBD will probably be a "competitive" nightmare. Since then the complaint will be "sometimes Clown looks like a rainbow potato and it's hard to tell what he is doing." which is a much worse complaint than "my 2013 console lost 15fps when he threw a bottle at me". Competitive consistency will serve this game far better than making things' LOD low just to squeeze a few more frames to hit a target fps. Which is why BHVR specifically said in 2019 pushing 60fps on the old consoles will be a long and tedious goal. This is exactly the mess that is going on with Warzone. Old gen console players are in arms about how bad the game looks past 50m and the FOV. Which is a more than fair point, but this was done to hit a "target framerate".

    It's also just crazy how no one will just come out and say "Hey, my console is getting kind of old, yes it's still supported but some of my issues im having is just because it's just that, old." This is exactly why I got the Series X. I understand the limits, and the Xbox One and the PS4 has met theirs. This is this childish mess I see everywhere in forum communities and it's insane. No one will stop and admit maybe IT IS their hardware. Everyone will just point fingers at devs.

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    If you don't understand the difference between network issues, and actual game hitches. Then why are you here?

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    Just to further explain why it is because I understand not everyone here has a job in server management, it goes like this. If the gamestate bugs out on the server whatever data you receive that was in reply to the bugged whatever, than it will bug you out. This wasn't a problem with the game itself, just a server issue. Which is why it is classified as a network issue.

    As an example, say you go to hook someone you freeze as you put them on the hook, that survivor more than likely freezes himself as well. Some interaction that happened the server bugged and you had to wait for the packets where the issue was already resolved internally on the servers gamestate. In other words, there was some interaction that made the server hang-up. And again, this would be deemed a network issue.

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115
    1. Player interactions are more complicated than fixing one line of additional killer or perk and a rework can easily make the same bug appear.
    2. HDD problems....interesting how the HDD can cause hangups when everything you need (unless you have like 3GB of system memory) is stored on the ram for quick access. Again, if you don't know how this works, then why act like you do?
    3. You got me. Maybe it's because I'm not here to be mean or hateful, rather helpful. Like I've stated, if this is something everyone is serious about when it comes to fixing game performance issues on old consoles than it's important to distinguish what is what to give clarity to the devs to fix things.
  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    As an added note, your just wrong. Im just new in the DBD forums. I made the forum account because I was curious if I'm alone in a specific matchmaking issue I was having. I noticed this thread, was genuinely curious because I have very rarely ran into actual performance in DBD whether that be on the Xbox One, Series X, or PC and noticed it was more dev bashing more than an actual discussion of actual issues that are because of poor optimization or what have you.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    So you are denying what devs stated and them fixing dead hard clearly means they are wrong right? Also what about people who don't have freezing after switching to ssd?

    Dude just stop, you are embarrassing yourself trying to be right when you are wrong.

    Also I won't respond anymore since you are either trolling or have such a big ego to face the facts. You are basically saying devs are wrong lol.

    I guess everyone on last gen has bad internet. I am done lmao.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    It's 100% trolling and trying to derail the post. Devs have even agreed that there are performance issues that they are working on. Mod that works for BHVR has said the videos are helping to fix performance issues. They are just ignoring all of that to try and bait out arguments.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    You do know that if it the server that causing the problems then why hasn't it been addressed as such and why hasn't it affect everyone that been playing the game regardless of how powerful the their console and pc?

  • Vizikk
    Vizikk Member Posts: 115

    This specific issue with perk activation/deactivation, status effects, prompts that seems to effect HDD more does not make it an issue with how the game handles unloading and offloading on a HDD or even account for every performance issue that commenters on this thread is referring to.

    BUT IM the one derailing the thread, gotcha. Couldn't be the BHVR bashing or even the the thread name being that way. No way, impossible. Jesus. If this is a report thread then pin it. It's as simple as that. It's not like im here shitposting. You wanna maintain the BHVR bashing, and aggressive reports, that's cool and fair. PIN...IT. If it was pinned for the topic, I would not be here. Every post I've made in this thread has been related to the topic of "Performance Issues". Discussing the validity of what these performance issues are, or could be is on topic. So as far as it's concerned I'm not breaking any forum rules.

    But, I'll leave this thread be. I advise if you want this to be a report topic, pin it.

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    Hi. Randomly came into this thread, no idea whats going on, this is just the most recent comment in the thread. I'd say about 90% of the people that play this game know more about DBD than the Devs.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    You may have a point in terms of balance, fun, etc, but when what the devs are saying is echoed by so many people in both experience and the one time the code got leaked itself then I'm inclined to trust the majority, including the devs, over one person on the forums insisting it must be a network issue

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    The code got leaked when? And was it they entire code or was there only a paragraph?