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  • Just take a break. Most DbD Vets take breaks from time to time. If you don´t want to take a break, then at least ignore the archives. They really kill the fun for me and always pushed me to take a break earlier, because it became so tedious to play.
    in Advice please. Comment by Tsulan March 3
  • It certainly seems like survivors that use those offerings get a huge red arrow that points at them with the words: "kill me first!"
    in WHY!!!!!!! Comment by Tsulan March 3
  • So you think a survivor should have the same strengh as a killer in a 1vs1?
  • Boil Over is one of those perks where i think that it should get a buff, since for a solo player it has little to no value. Or has anyone ever tried using it on solo queue? Meanwhile on SWF it guarantees a terrible match for the killer. Which would mean its ready for a nerf. Maybe its time to introduce solo player effects…
  • Oversaturation is a good point. Whenever a new killer releases or one gets a complete reword. The pick rate of that killer increases and survivors grow tired of facing the same killer every match. Which is one of the reason i play less during release weeks. Which in turn shapes the view of the survivors that constantly…
  • We must face different survivors. I´ve seen survivors happily follow the trapper around the map, to disarm his traps. Ok, let me phrase it differently. The most hated killer is the one with the highest kill rate. While Skull Merchant isn´t really that strong to begin with. At least not compared to Blight.
  • A competitive game where similar sized teams face each other, should have 50/50. This isn´t applyable to DbD though. Since its 1vs4, a traditional 1vs1 will always be unbalanced.
  • I see it way to often. Even on streamers. Otz did a video about upgrading his pc, in the background a survivor suicides on the first hook against Myers, when there is only 1 gen left. For me, the Archives are killing the purpose of the mmr. Players constantly play bad, because they need to finish a challenge. I usually…
  • Take Wesker. Equip Coulrophobia, Distressing, Sloppy and Unnerving. Tell me after the match how survivors like going against Debuffs only.
  • I´m not happy with the amount of suicides and that DS still doesn´t stun for 5 seconds. Oh and how Archive challenges basically ask you to lose a match.
  • So... just to get this right. You think that nerfing Adrenaline is only justified, if 5 killer perks get nerfed at the same time? Is this the current rate? 5 perks in exchange for 1?
  • Is it though? Release Billy was loved. Everyone considered him to be balanced. No one would have asked for a nerf. But that was a very long time ago. A lot of things changed, i´d even go as far as saying the community changed. Release version Onryo was loved, because weak af. Singularity a fan favorite. Because of how much…
  • They are beloved? Blight, that gets threads how he still hasn´t received a nerf, after every single patch? Wesker, who gets constant complaints about being boring to play against. When he just makes use of perks that capitalize on his big terror radius? And don´t get me started on all the hate Huntress received, when the…
  • You know the answer. Whenever survivors "love" a killer, it isn´t because they like going against him. Its because they like winning against him.
  • Survivor perk: Twice the Fun! allows single use perks to be used a second time. Killer perk: Hexellent allows to manually change a hex perk to a different totem. (i thought about manually setting up a totem spot, but that probably is way to strong)
  • At this point it doesn´t matter what the devs change on her. I bet the devs could completely remove her power and just make her a m1 killer with nothing else and survivors would still suicide against her.
  • How do you rework, that survivors simply refuse to play against her? As mentioned several times in this thread, everyone suicides/quits against her.
  • Have you tried chasing him with a Flame Thrower?
    in Nerf xenomorph Comment by Tsulan March 1
  • Jane... because reasons
  • But its apparently getting worse. As in more and more killers use this tactic. Maybe we´ve reached the point of no return and thats just how the game is now. Kinda unfun for both sides.
  • NOED was nerfed. So Adrenaline inevitably also will receive a nerf. Same coin, different side.
  • We are still arguing, because Ruin on its own was to weak. Especially with how bad the totem spots are. Equip 4 Hex perks and watch half of them vanish before you even find the first survivor. The spawns have become ridiculous easy to find. Undying was necessary, because it gave Ruin a longer live span. Current Undying…
  • But it still was a Hex perk. Doesn´t matter if the survivors had to cleanse it once or 5 times. Its still a perk (actually 2) that the killer lost in exchange for a longer match. There were 4 survivors in a match. So everyone had to cleanse 1 or 2 hex perks. That isn´t overwhelming much in comparison. I think i had like 2…
  • Whats the problem with lost Progess? Its a pvp game. Both sides use perks to make the other side lose progress. Thats the whole point of the perks. Also, as you say, its a Hex perk. Killer could lose it without getting anything from it. Which is why most Hex perks have become rarely seen. Since no one equips them anymore.…
  • At 200% regression it still was only regressing at half the speed a single survivor takes to repair. Yes, that survivor lost some progress. But assuming that the 2 survivors came back to the same gen, the lost progress was meaningless. Pretending that Ruin guaranteed a 3k+ for killers is ridiculous. With how popular Ruin…
  • I dodge p100 survivors, when they are my teammates. Never had a decent match, when i didn´t dodge. They either are bored or terrible.
  • Those kind of matches can really break someone. It seems that those are more about making the game as horrible for the killer as possible. Kinda like a payback from something they suffered by a different killer. Viscious circle.
  • Ruin was changed from skill check to passive reqression before Undying Ruin was a thing. So they never worked together in that situation. Ruin had no effect as long as someone worked on a gen.
  • Undying was trash after its nerf. Penta Undying + Ruin was healthy. As it required the killer to constantly switch targets. But didn´t force survivors to cleanse 5 totems, since Ruin had no effect when a gen was worked on.
  • make the inbuild BT a different health state. That does stack with the Endurance effect, but doesn´t remove it, if hit right off the hook. Also remove collision, so survivors stop body blocking the killer after getting unhooked. that depends on the high of the repair bonus. It would have to be high enough to make up for…
  • First of all, we have to establish how it currently is: Basement Bubba that gets 4 hooks and 4 kills is going to get a higher mmr rating than a Huntress that gets 9 hooks and only 1 kill. A Meg that runs the killer for 4 gens, but then gets tunneled will get a lower mmr rating, than the Dwight that just sat on the gen for…
  • I firmly believe, that Undying Ruin was the healthiest slowdown meta we ever had. Killers that wanted to get anything from that combo, would have needed to constantly pressure gens. Which resulted in less camping/tunneling.
  • Archive challenges that require certain tasks, but are harder to achive uppon getting hooked. Don´t like the killer they face. Don´t like the map. Don´t like that the killer had Lightborn. At least thats what i´m guessing, when my teammates suicide at their first hook. When 4 gens are completed and the killer is chasing…
  • First of all, thank you for this well written answer. Yeah, Ruin was quite the meta back then. Which benefited both sides, as killers didn´t feel as "pressured" as now. Since survivors had an objective apart from doing gens. Sadly, currently no one uses hex (or even boon) perks. Because everything totem related is so…
  • How do you balance around survivors giving up on the slightest inconvenience? Everyone who plays solo, has seen how their teammates directly walk to a killer they don´t like, in an attempt to get hooked/suicide. Best example is Skull Merchant. She didn´t exactly receive a buff, but her kill rate kept climbing. How do you…
  • If it has been mentioned multiple times, then just quote? I mean, you openend a thread about it. You must have some examples... right?
  • But that is not something that has to do with solo survivor. Hell, killers even can´t change, like they used to be able before sbmmr. A different, non ranked game mode might be in place.
  • I take that as a no, you can´t specify, why survivor is unbearable. Survivor has never been in a better spot.
  • Absolutely. And i´m sure the upcoming survivor will have a strong meta perk. So i don´t understand all the complaints. When survivor is in a great spot.
  • Could you specify, what exactly is so unbearable in solo queue right now? Since there are so many threads, it should be easy to pinpoint. Lets say, whats worse, compared to... lets say 2020?
  • My guess is, that we´ll see some strong anti tunneling perks.
  • Hook grabbing was removed, we got the anti face camp mechanic, 3 genning was removed, HUD, inbuild BT, etc. And yet, i see a lot of these threads. Complaining about the devs not caring for survivors, since the newest PTB doesn´t have anything for survivors...
  • Inbuild BT should be a different health state than Endurance. Something that gives no collision. So it would stack with actual Endurance perks and couldn´t be abused to body block. Thats a basekit survivor buff, that would benefit both sides the most.
  • To be fair, we can´t have a patch without a Pig nerf.
  • Solo queue is in a great spot. The only thing thats currently a danger to solo survivors, are sadly, other survivors. That suicide because they want to avoid the dc penalty. The only 3% higher escape rate is most likely the HUD that works just as intended and helps solos a lot.
  • The upcoming change might be a hard nerf. Something like "people only fall asleep, after Freddy sings his Lullaby 3 times" *requires microphone to be played
  • Oh yes, thats actually the worst. Putting someone elses life into danger, over a video game... Some people really need help.
  • Even with a Twitter account. Its a nightmare. When i search the DbD account, i get tons of unrelated posts. Honestly, i haven´t figured out how to find the Japanese DbD Twitter. I only find the "normal" one.