Interfas de usuario bloqueado
Al momento de entrar al juego no puedo hacer nada porque todas las opciones se quedan bloqueadas
No tengo mis personajes DLC
Hola, buenas tardes. Quisiera saber como se puede solucionar este error o bug, no sé como se catalogue, no me deja usar tanto los asesinos como los supervivientes, de los DLC, “del canibal” y de “la legión” ( que yo recuerdo que tenía comprados) de hecho se ve en los niveles que claramente ya los tenía. anexo evidencia y…
When is there going to be a solution to the fps drop in Series X?
There has been a drop in fps for more than 4 months, since the D&D chapter and sometimes it cannot be played well.
Perdida de personaje al cambiar la cuenta de Xbox a Steam
Antes de nada no estoy segura de si estoy escribiendo en el apartado correcto, pido perdon por si no es aqui. Yo jugaba en xbox y al hacer el cambio de cuenta a Steam perdi el personaje de Kate Denson. He mandado solicitud para intentar contactar con alguien que resuelva mi problema, pero me parecio adecuado abrir un hilo…
No puedo jugar con mi cuenta de xbox oficial porque vincule otra a behaviour
Yo antes de que saliera el crossprogression tenia una cuenta de xbox vinculada, pero no era la que yo tenia todo en el dbd, quisiera que por lo menos fueran 2 cuentas por año asi pudiera disfrutar la experiencia del dbd nuevamente, gracias.
Bug in garden of joy
In the borders of "garden of joy" there is a collision error.
Por qué no se reflejan las células Auricas compradas por lote en Dead by Daylight?
Acabó de comprar células auricas del juego Dead by Daylight,la cuestión es: Me cobraron el montó revisé,el cobró y me aparece cómo "Completado" en "Historial de compras". Pero ... En el juego,por más qué actualizó la información, no se reflejan. ¿Alguna solución?, porfavor se los agradecería.
All matches crash as killer in Xbox Series X
I have reinstall, different killers...always crash in the middle of the match. No problems as survivor.
Problemas con el vídeo del evento Halloween
Hola, yo juego en Xbox one y tengo problemas con el vídeo del evento, lo he tenido que ver cada que entro al juego, cuando acepto una invitación de amigos para jugar, lo tengo que ver de nuevo, y cuando salgo de una partida y vuelvo al lobby lo tengo que volver a ver una vez más, esto ya es demasiado molesto, por favor…
StarStruck Doesn't Work With Dredge
It appears Starstruck doesn't work at all with the Dredge. Nightfall wasn't even active and I went against a SWF team, hooked one with them all standing around me and after I hooked the survivor, I hit one of them and they didn't go down.
Lery's memorial institute window bug
I got stuck in this window while using feral frenzy and could not move anywhere. It seemed to be some kind of bug.
Killer bug (freeze)
When a Survivor goes offline when picked up, the Killer suffers a visual error. Then, when picking up another survivor, the killer freezes without being able to do anything else. Game ver. 4.7.1 Xbox One S
Ranks are bugged
I play on Xbox Brazil And after I got out of the trial dying or escaping appears that I'm rank 4 but when I go to the lobby I an rank 2.this make a while it's only me?
Nemesis tyrant gore
Nemesis tyrant gore addon has moderately instead of real percentagem on xbox(dont know if its on other plataforms as well)
The Pale Rose map, the locker in the basement is bug
Hi I found this problem in the The Pale Rose map, the locker in the basement is bug
Bug que impide movimiento
Desde la última actualización me es bastante frecuente un Bug que impide que mi personaje se mueva bien, esto solo ocurre cuando me encuentro en persecución ya sea como killer o superviviente, el Bug derrepente frena al personaje o lo mueve en otra dirección, también lo frena como si hubiera un objeto en frente
Bloodweb perks bug
Whenever I got onto my bloodweb for the majority of survivors I will claim perks using bloodpoints but in my loadout it says I don't have the perk
No he recibido las auras de las recompensas de la grieta
Hola, juego al DBD en PC y acabo de comprar la grieta por 1000 auras, estoy en el nivel 50 y para mi sorpresa, solo tengo 425 celulas de aura, cuando deberia tener 675... Como podrian solucionarme este problema?
uses Dead Hard to be immune to a basic attack from a 1-time/time assassin the challenge is not completed is bug
No me deja jugar de sobreviviente
Lo que pasa es que iba a jugar antier de sobreviviente y me dice que no puedo crear un grupo por qué ya estoy en uno,cuando en realidad no es así.solo puedo jugar de asesino. Alguien sabe cómo solucionarlo? Ya desinstale el juego como 3 veces y no me da resultados
my game doesn't work Crossplay xbox x series
it's been a month help pls Sorry inglês Brazilian guys
Me quitaron mi progreso
Tenía casi mes y medio de no entrar Ami cuenta y cuando entre me borraron todo mi progreso todos los personajes a nivel 1 cuando yo lo tenía a prestigio 3 nivel 50 aparte de tener a 15 personajes con todas las habilidades al 3 entre ellos tenía a killers subidos y ahora lo tengo al nivel 1 se me borró todo mi progreso
Corrección de castigos
Hoy estaba jugar como normalmente lo hago, cuando me saca del juego por un error, creo que a causa del Internet, y cuando vuelvo al menu, estaba castigado, gracias a un error ahora estoy castigado 72 horas, dudo que me ayuden a resolver mi problema, tuve otro problema recientemente, perdi mis niveles de la red sanguinea y…
Al terminar la partida me saco del juego, perdi los puntos de sangre y de clasificacion
Huntress hatchet
hello I translate with google translate forgive me my language mistakes when I play against the hunter most of the hatchet touches me while I dodge it must come from the hitbox I see well that it does not touch me but it touches me anyway I a good connection but the hatchet hitbox is too assistive if you can solve this…
Némésis lag or glitch with locker
hello I translate with google translate I'm sorry for my language so here it is this week I had the same bug twice when Nemesis looks in a nearby locker on the ground or standing I get caught on her back please see if he is not I play crossplay only nemesis not other killer
Doctor bug
Been getting a bug recently while playing doctor. After shocking a survivor and they scream, they keep doing the screaming animation repeatedly until it either stops or I down them.
Infantry belt doesn't work with iridescent head
I have played multiple games as huntress to see if this would fix itself but every time it only gives me one hatchet despite having the infantry belt on with an iridescent head.
Is scourge of the purge challenge bugged on xbox?
It states with a single discharge of corrupt purge hit 2 different survivors. Twice in a match. Ive done this 3 times already and it hasnt been completed. Is anyone aware if this is bug on xbox or im doing this completely wrong?
Mettle of man bug
For some reason I'm not getting protect hits half the time when the killer trys to tunnel the survivor I get in the why of the killer in a narrow opening survivor is only 2 feet away from me and have two protection hits for mettle of man she hits me and it doesn't count and end up dieing. I had a challenge on me where I…
Bought perk from shrine, not showing on the bloodweb
I got pharmacy from the shrine today and I leveled up my cheryl and nancy 5 times but did not show on my bloodweb. For those of you are wondering, I already had all the perks that can be unlocked in them. So it should show pharmacy in the bloodweb but it didn't. Please fix this issue!
Platform: Xbox One Steps to reproduce: Play Dead by Daylight I have no choice but to take a disconnect penalty for something I didn't do. Pretty good job so far. https://gameclips.io/Nos37/64fe554f-4525-45af-9d70-7b428acc24bc
Spirit Fury is bug
When a survivor hit you with a pallet and spirit fury is active the space where the pallet was broken is blocked even if the pallet is broken and the camera starts to make a strange glitch when you try across the space where the pallet was, it has happened to me with the trickster.
Nemesis and Rancor incompatible
I have been working on completing an archive challenge that requires killing the obsession 10 times by any means. I have been using Rancor and Nemesis together to continuously change the obsession so that I may obtain more than one obsession kill per match. Nemesis has been changing the obsession and it counts towards the…
De-piping when killer disconnects
Hey, I just wanna know if anyone else is having a problem of when the killer doesn't connect or connection to host is lost that you end up de-piping. Am I the only one?
Cosmetic bugs
Hi there!!! I am a follower of your great game, I previously reported bugs in game skins and I appreciate your attention for having answered me and solving the bug, but now I come to report new bugs of some skins that I have bought (And sorry for my bad English, I am Latin American) (I included reference images so that you…
Depipped even though emblem ranking showed I got 10 points
See attached image. Completed a match with 1 brown and 3 gold emblems (i.e. 10) but I still lost a pip. It’s as if the +0 pip didn’t light up on the meter. Happened for the first time tonight after the mid-chapter update on February 9. Is this happening to anyone else?
Golpes incoherentes tras los servidores dedicados
Ayer llegaron a xbox los servidores dedicados con las penalizaciones por desconecsion, hasta 15 minutos, pero es tema aparte. Desde ayer solo he notado un destrozo de la jugabilidad como survivor, y es que estés lejos del killer, con una ventana de por medio, corriendo o incluso en su propia espalda, vas a recibir un…
Fallo en modo in-game "Observar"
Basicamente, cuando terminas la partida ya sea que ganes o pierdas de superviviente, cuando le das a observar, se buguea.
Can’t pick up a survivor because he’s in a gen
I tried picking up this survivor who was on death hook and he constantly ran to a gen and if he was downed i was unable to pick him up since half his body was in the gen. He himself knew it was a bug as he was taunting me since he knew i can’t pick him up
Error de desconeccion, "se te ha desconectado del anfitrión" me han llegado a penalizar por 6 hs
Cada vez que juego como sobreviviente me salta ese aviso de desconeccion con el anfitrión, el problema no es de ido a mi Internet y nada por el estilo y pasa siempre. Vas a jugar una partida y te penaliza por 30 minutos y hasta por 6 horas. Ya es horrible no poder jugar al juego
So the map with killer shack in the middle
So beside the tractor near the tire I couldn't cleanse the totem at all I recorded devs so if you want to check it out go to NICEMAMA8EAR also apparently there's an invisible window on oni's map lol I was running from the huntress from killer shack and half way to the stairs going up to the main building i slow vaulted…
I guess this is because of the Xbox series update
I play Xbox one and I guess this problem is caused by the latest update for the Xbox series. Whenever I try and get on the game it says a patch is required to access the content.
Moved: Xbox Series X Freezes, game unplayable
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Moved: Xbox series x Crash
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Moved: Continues to crash
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I think this challenge is bugged for me... I got up to 15,000 yesterday and I’ve played 5 Max devious points games and it’s only gone up like 700-800 anyone else have this issue?
Moved: Doctor terror radius
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Moved: Abandon Penalty After Crash
This discussion has been moved.
Trampa jugadores de PC
En una partida un superviviente se curo 8 veces seguidas el intervalo para curarse fue de 2 segundos solose medio curo y al instante estaba curado totalmente, es una trampa muy dificil de parar, bloqueen esas cuentas