Hatch spawned in basement(Midwich)
Hatch spawned in basement on midwich map. Playing customs and it spawned there
Haddie Kaur Head Skins
Why are these default head skins being sold as "recolors" when they are all the default one? it's not like it was impossible to sell the outfits without a head, like others outfits did...
Random Freezing on PS4
Hi, my game keeps freezing. Sometimes it will happen once the game has found a lobby, and then it will simply freeze at the loading screen. Other times it will randomly freeze mid match. I'm then forced to restart my game, and now the ban is up to 57 minutes. I am on PS4. It seems to happen every few games. It is not every…
Adept Dredge Bugged
Platform: PC So I've been trying to get Adept Dredge for a couple of hours spread out between three days, but I just got a Mercilless Killer win, with Iridescent Emblems and all, and the game still hasn't recognized that I got the achievment. Some poeple have said they've already gotten the achievement, so I don't know why…
Inner focus is triggering when a survivor is sacrificed
The perk states it reveals the killer's aura when another survivor loses a health state within 32 meters of you, unless being sacrificed is supposed to count as 'losing a health state' then it shouldn't reveal the killers aura. I had someone be sacrificed near me and it revealed the killers aura across the map It's easy to…
Dead Dawg Saloon
The map sky is bugged sometimes is darker and sometimes not depends on how u look. Platform: Steam
Yellow Glyph unreachable on Swamp
A yellow Glyph spawned above my head on Pale Rose by this fallen stump and hill. Couldn't interact with it.
Legion mixtape chase music change persists despite not using the mixtape addon
if you complete a match using any mixtape addons and then unequip the mixtape addon in the next match, the mixtape chase music change will persist despite not using the addon (same as 5.7.0 ptb mixtape bug)
[Bug]: PC - String doesn't localized "@#CUSTOMGAME_NoProgressionTooltip_MESSAGE" in Custom match.
Description: When i'm on the main menu of the game, i click on the "Custom match" button on the main menu. Here i enter into a lobby from the killer, i put the mouse over the trophy image and i can see this string doesn't localized into italian language. If i change into english language, i don't have this issue (Video 1)…
Nearly unreachable pickup spot on the Garden of Joy
[SORRY, this is a dupe, I don't know how to delete it but last night it disappeared and said it didn't exist after editing, so I made a new post. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/327322/nearly-unreachable-pickup-spot-on-the-garden-of-joy#latest] There is this stack of logs on Garden of Joy that a survivor can…
Demo got becomes a car.
So i got this bug, I don't know if it's how I tried to travel through a portal before I got bugged, or if it's because I got blinded at the same time as I used my power, but here this is. (Sorry about the mic picking up game audio.) It wouldn't let me upload an MP4 file so you get a zip file. If you cant see from the…
Dredge Camera Bug
I was playing a game as The Dredge on Gas Heaven and I got stunned by a pallet as I teleported back to my remnant and I lost control of my camera. I couldn't move my camera to be more exact. This is the first time this has happened to me and I've never seen footage or gameplay of this bug occuring while other people are…
Hit validation is broken at the moment.
The clip speaks by itself
Plague Vault Clip Issue
Plague is clipping through shack window vault on Crotus Penn - Disturbed ward when she performs the vault action. Basement was in shack. The vault location was at her knee level and she walks through the wall instead of stepping over it. Plague was going for adept with all 3 of her perks; add-ons Blessed Apple and Healing…
Flashlight glitch
All platforms. Flashlight macros should not exist, since it's a macro aka glitch aka unintended feature of the flashlight and they aren't supposed to work like that. It's relatively an easy fix talking about coding. It's annoying and can cause even headache to sensitive people and dbd should not promote this. (video is not…
badham preschool : killer cannot fall from the top floor hole in the corner of the house.
Windows 10 Steam Playing Huntress in one of the Badham Preschool, I could not fall through that hole in the corner of the room. I don't know what version of the map it was. I've recorded "dancing" on it on video if needed. I'd rather give the link privately if it's relevant in any way. This hole:
Unable to Play
After completing a match, I was unable to play survivor, as it would cancel the interaction of clicking said button. I tried to close and reopen my game, and now it is giving me this popup Cannot Connect to online services. Please try again later. Error code: 8,012 My connection is fine, but not only this, it’s giving me…
Blast Mine + Repressed Alliance still bugged after 2 months
it's about to be 2 months of this perk combo still being bugged and I find it very suspicious that it hasn't been mentioned as a "Known Issue"
2 exploitable spots on RPD
One is up at the end of a balcony in the main room, and the other is in the room directly on the other side of the wall. You can still hit them, but you cannot pick them up. They used dead hard to get there.
PS5 - Flashlight clicking bugged
PS5 Can no longer spam click the flashlight there is a long pause in-between where you cannot use the flashlight again. This has happened in a majority of my matches and only a couple of times has the flashlight worked properly
Slow-release toxin bug after someone disconnects?
I played against a Pig today with the Slow-release Toxin and Video Tape addons. Obviously since the start of the trial I was exhausted and the icon was there. After I removed the trap, the exhaustion icon disappeared... until I got close to a box where a player with the trap still on disconnected - then the icon appeared…
PC- Odd Dredge model artifact after teleporting
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, play as dredge and teleport. Step 4 : Notice odd yellowish 'beak' that floats in lower front for a few seconds. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Play as dredge, perks play no part. Issue occurs 100% after teleporting. Attached is screenshot of issue.
Can't join a friend's lobby, game version mismatch error
Platform: PS5 Description of the issue: when trying to join a friend's lobby through the in-game invite system an error appears stating there's a mismatch in the patch/update version. We all have updated to 6.0.0 with no updates in progress. Steps to reproduce (if possible): Yes, this seems to only happen with a PS5…
nemesis bug
Visual bug that shows you that survivor still has t-virus blue model after using syringe, but this bug happened once, other survivors had normal model after using syringe. No idea how she stayed with this blue thing after vaccinating
......... BNP STILL BUGGED.......
3 updates........ skillchecks of BNP dont give progression half of the time.... HELLLOOO???? 3 UPDATES AGO IT WAS ALREADY BUGGED?!
PC- Dredge lunge in Darkness
Played as Leon on Coldwind Farm-Rancid Abattoir. Dredge went into darkness mode, i was on one side of the fence on the inside of the building, he was on the other. I vaulted a window (medium vault) and he swung at the fence. His lunge hit me over the fence AND window. perks played: Alert, DS, We'll make it, and Boon: COH I…
About collisions to tree branches and leafy bushes in the killer ability
I've noticed this while playing with the recently added maps, Eyrie of Crows and Garden of Joy, in Killer. There are obstacles such as rocks with protruding tree branches and bushes with protruding leaves. It appears that the range where killer abilities collide is greater than the range where killers and survivors…
Incorrect main menu display scene
Boot the game, play matches as the dredge, return to the main menu this is played on PS4 this scene should show the tree on the left, survivors around the fire in the distance centered on the screen, and the dredge on the right. Instead, the tree is centered on the screen, the survivors around the fire are not visible, and…
PC - Freddy Krueger Snares Bug
Character Played - Freddy Krueger. Map - All of them. Frequency of issue - Every Match. Placing down Freddy kruegers snares is difficult since it sometimes doesn't appear on the floor when you are trying to use it. Don't know if it's just a visible bug but it makes using snares difficult on every map.
(PC) Instawiggle bug is back?
I was playing a match with friends and I got downed so one of them could wiggle, but after they wiggled, the killer immediately picked me up and I instantly wiggled. DS wasn't even active. This is a video of the bug. Audio is muted because you could hear my friends in the Discord call.
Wrong translation in Polish
PC (Steam) One of the Dredges addons "Lavalier Microphone (Mikrofon krawatowy)" in polish version of the game has a translation error in the description - in polish version it say, that "when a survivor enters a locker (...)", while it should be "when you (DREDGE) teleport to a locker(...)". It changes the whole meaning of…
Invisible wall at the Carnival (AND GIVE US BACK MAURICE!)
When playing on Crotus, because I had to make sure Maurice is actually missing, I had a huge invisible wall at the carnival. I guess Maurice became invisible and is blocking us.
Playstation issue - 6.0.0
Unable to join a match after the recent patch on PS5. Keep getting error timeout created.
Tooltips not having the correct position / alignment
PC / Steam. Hovering on top of addons / killer's power or perks, the tooltip is not correctly aligned.
Dredge camera locked after exiting locker
PC, map - Midwich Half the game all functioned well but when I began to teleport more my camera got stuck (moving my mouse did literally nothing - I could still attack and use my ability though). I've tried teleporting to locked again if it'll fix it and it didn't. I could've looked around inside the locker but when I…
Can't join friend / crossplay not working
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-lobby can't join friend on PC when im on PS5 Step 4 : Error says Game Version Mismatch, unable to join host. please ensure there is no pending update of the game in your download queue.
New Map Pinhead Cube Untouchable
So got Pinhead on the new map and his cube spawned in the top of a bush. No one could interact with it. It stayed there the entire match. When his chain hunt on it activated it lasted the rest of the match, which was over 10 minutes of the 15 minute match!…
Legion's Chase Music Add-ons
I can't share Xbox clips but I will describe in detail on how this bug happened. I played against a Legion that had Fuming Mix Tape. Afterwards I decided to play some Legion. Despite the fact that I had no add ons, my chase music still sounded as if I had the Fuming Mix Tape equipped. I'm not sure if the Survivors heard…
Haddie's uncommon cosmetics.
I don't think these Haddie's Yellow heads should be the same as her basic one.
Repressed Alliance + Blast Mine still bugged.
This bug started happening a few patches ago, they trigger at the same time instead of in order like they used to. Really ruins the perk combo.
Doctor's Static Blast works with Hex: Plaything
Static Blast is based on Doctor's TR and Plaything makes the survivors oblivious which means they cannot be effected anything TR if they can't hear it, Static Blast and Killer Instinct. For some reason Oblivious survivors from Plaything can still be effected by static blast despite it being based around his TR. I don't…
Locker next to pallet issue with Dredge
What to add in the description Example Pallet right next to locker in main building - this is against Dredge, when a locker wouldn't normally be there. When trying to fast vault the pallet, you fast enter the locker instead. Additional information Survivor play The MacMillan Estate - Groaning Storehouse
no wiggle bar after being grabbed
Last night i was playing with a few friends, in public match. I had not wiggle bar when I was attempting to unhook someone and the killer happened to grab me from the hook save. I had no wiggle bar or progression at all, no wiggle prompt. NOTHING I have had this a few times, this last time it happened I was playing Jane…
Nurse range addons bug > Increases blink speed (Omega nurse)
Bug present as of Live version of the game - Patch 6.0.0 Description: Nurse's double range addons (Purple & Green) are expected to increase the maximum blink distance as perk describes. However an additional benefit not stated nor expected - It also increases blink speed. This is not intended as this bug first occurred in…
Xbox challenge not working.
Xbox Series X I've damaged several generators with The Doctor. No progress on any Generator damage challenges. When selecting a challenge, it still says "Select Challenge" see pic.
Nintendo Switch - Stuck in Animation Lock
I play on the nintendo switch, and certain situations lock me in animation and I can't move. SURVIVOR: -Claudette -Corner of Dead Dawg Saloon -Attempt to pallet stun Nemesis Zombie -Locked into place -Pallet not thrown -Downed by zombie KILLER: -Autohaven as Huntress -Carrying a survivor (David) -Press the button to hook…
PC - Ghost Face has his old pre 5.7.2 chase theme back
Apparently this issue was noticed on the PTB but it also hit live. Simply just play a match of Ghost Face to notice it, occurs every match.
Xbox One Main menu Freezing after update
When I Press A on the splash screen with the logo, it is freezing, have restarted game and Xbox 3 times and still not working.
Tome Bug reward on 8 is the same as in 9
the tome reward since the update has been cloned over to tome 9, i dont know if this is only a visual bug but now im scared it will change my reward
The Crescendo Charm Reward Became the Deliverance Charm Reward After the Newest Update
Before the update, I was on a grind to get the Crescendo lvl 4 charm reward on PC Steam. I completed up to lvl 3 and got the corresponding charms for those tiers. After the update launched, I completed the epilogue of Crescendo lvl 4, yet my reward was the lvl 4 charm of the Deliverance tome. As shown in the pictures…