Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk

If you could Design your own perk to be in the game what would it be?
When we get new chapters we may not always be into the perks, this doesn't mean they're bad but they probably wasn't what you're looking for in your build. So be creative, think of the perk you would like to be added into the game. this could help the devs see what sort of perks the community are wanting and maybe share some creative ideas.
Note: This is just for fun, there are no winners or losers. just join in and have fun, maybe the devs will see what they like! (Do try think about balance, synergies and existing perks)
Kicking a generator now calls upon the entity to block it for 2/3/4seconds every 50/45/40seconds. Blocked generators now also regress at x/x/x%
This perk i create for gen defense and could combo with other perks such as pop,overcharge or even thrilling tremors.
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NOT THIS ONE: After fully fixing one generator you can now block a specific pallet from being dropped for 30, 50, 60 seconds. "You've grown tired of having people who complicate things for your team, it's time for you to now have a word about it".
This would prevent safe pallet dropping by randoms or noobs in early game. You can also use this to troll your SWF in a chase, it's either a usefull perk or a troll perk. YOU'RE WELCOME
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Might drop that killer shack pallet super early now haha ;)
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No, bad survivor, sit!
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It Begins
The thrill of hunting your prey fills you with determination. See the Aura of All Survivors for 3/5/7 seconds at the beginning of the trial.
You can run, but you can't hide.
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2 perks because I can
Survivor perk: King of nothing, if you don't have an item held for 140/130/120 seconds gain a brown toolbox/medkit at random, depleting the charges on a item consumes the item and decreases the time needed to not have a held item by 20 seconds per rarity tier of the item depleted
Killer Perk: Cursed treasure, Spawn 1 addition chest at the start of the trial, whenever survivors complete a chest search expose all survivors for 35/40/45 seconds and reveal the auras of all chests to survivors for 5 seconds.
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I did a killer concept a long time ago, link: , but one of my fav perks was this:
(Name is relevant to the killer concept) Gassed: You know how to blind them with their own light.
Every time a generator is finished, all survivors who repaired it to completion suffer from a 30/45/60 second Oblivious status effect.
I just really love the art my friend (@jayjester) made for it lol, I also have no idea why it makes it so huge sorry :(
Post edited by PassarinoT on73 -
Tactical misplacement
After t-bagging, the survivor gets marked for X seconds. If the killer manages to hook the marked survivor, instead of hooking in the back, the killed ends up hooking a little far below. After being unhooked, the survivor gets the Hemorrhoid Status Effect for Y seconds.
While Hemorrhoid Status Effect is active, survivor can only walk crouched and can't run.
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For Survivors
“Oh no you don’t!”: Launch yourself off a hook by using your teammates face as a launch pad when they try to rescue you in front of the Killers face.
“I don’t think so!”: Perform a somersault over your teammate when they try to block your path, tripping them into the ground for 3 or4 seconds.
For Killers
Tee hee: Allows you to pallet stun survivors for up to 3 times only after you’ve been stunned for the same amount of times.
Not a perk, but I want Saminations voice work introduced for Trapper and Claudette.
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Get Outplayed
If you have not hit a survivor in 60/50/40 seconds, gain 3% movement speed. Lose this bonus on a successful hit. Cooldown of 30 seconds.
Double Tap
Any time you are stunned or blinded, gain a token. At 4/3/2 tokens, your next sucessssful basic attack has 50% faster cooldown and consumes all tokens.
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Survivor perk:
Sell sword: Through your pact with the entity it empowers you and the killer this trial.
:Empower the Killer's attacks with mangled for 60 seconds if their attacks already inflict mangled from their own loadout or another Sell Sword their attacks now also inflict blindness for 40 seconds.
While you have a status effect other then broken or madness you will gain a stacking 20% altruistic healing speed increase for each status effect. You ignore negative healing rate modifiers while under a status(Including self inflicted ones).
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Release the Hounds:. Killer can whistle and call upon 2 Bloodhounds to hunt and down a injured survivor. This can only be used once per trial. The bloodhounds then staves off other survivors at a 15m range from picking up a downed survivor. And if a survivor jukes and manages to get close enough to touch the downed survivor. The Bloodhounds can injure the would be savior. This ability lasts until downed survivor(s) is picked up by the killer or ?/?/?s pass (tier wise).
Replaces Deerstalker perk. Bloodhounds howl in order for killer to track downed survivor location.
(Ironically I lost track of thoughts in the end explaining, but the concept is there) 🤷♂️
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Some wood just refuses to break!
Receive a token every time you cleanse a totem for a max up to 5 tokens.
When in a chase, use the active ability button to throw down a pallet and activate Stubborn Wood on that pallet. Pallets dropped using Stubborn Wood perk are rendered unbreakable for a duration of 10/15/20 seconds or until the Killer attempts to break the pallet. Killers attempting to break the pallet are stunned for a duration of 3 seconds.
Getting hit by a Killer’s basic attack causes you to lose a token.
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Fake Out:
Activate-able Perk.
You use unexpected tactics to evade and mess with the Killer. When Vaulting, quickly turn around and go back to avoid danger.
• Press the Active Ability button while Vaulting a Pallet or Window to turn around halfway through.
• After the turn the proceeding Vault will be a Fast Vault on Pallets or a Medium Vault on Windows.
Fake Out has a cooldown of 90/75/60 seconds.
Ambush & Strike:
You surprise your target and take advantage of them being unprepared.
Successful Basic Attacks on Survivors not in or during the first 5 seconds of a chase reduces their On-hit Sprint movement speed increase by 50%.
Ambush & Strike goes on cooldown after 5 seconds of a chase beginning, a successful Basic Attack, or a missed Basic Attack.
Ambush & Strike has a cooldown of 60/45/30 seconds.
Nothing like looking up 10 different perks to make sure I got the wording good enough for these.
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This sounds like it could be a potential killers power if it was based on like a token and cooldown system or something had some other use like tracking. Maybe a hunter using them to track his quarry like The Most Dangerous Game?
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Yea, my first idea in mind was a Huntress perk. I was gonna go with " Call of the Wild" and instead of bloodhounds I was gonna say wolves. But the concept was there. I just lost track of what I wanted to say. It happens lmao.
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I love this Challenge, I'll pin the post if you don't mind...looking forward to see what everyone comes up with!
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Sounds like a killer perk to me XD
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It's just what I'd change predator to
You become obsessed with one survivor
Any movement by the obsession leaves scratch marks
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I know that this idea could be broken but here goes.
All For You:
You'll do anything to keep the person you care about safe, even at a great personal risk, which has caught the Entity's interest.
You become Obsessed with one survivor.
If the Obsession is placed on a hook that will sacrifice them, the Entity will place you on the hook while teleporting the Obsession to your last location.
Being hooked for the first time deactivates this perk.
The killer is notified if the Obsession is protected by All For You by an icon on the Obsession's HUD on the bottom left.
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Survivor perk
Catch Me If You Can-
After stunning the killer or performing a rushed vault, Catch Me If You Can activates.
For the next 3 seconds, all scratch marks, loud noise notifications, and pools of blood will appear in the opposite direction as to your location, reletive to the activation spot of Catch Me If You Can.
Catch Me If You Can has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds.
"Come on #########; catch me if you can."
Killer Perk
It's always best to prepare for a hunt.
For the first 90/110/130 seconds of the trial, gain the ability to weaken standing pallets.
Weakened pallets will break immidiately upon being dropped, however will still stun the killer.
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Legion's Folly - For every sacrificed survivor, a member of legion enters the trial and repairs generators.
When the exit gates are opened all Legions stand in place and tbag until the entity consumes them.
And the killer equivalent;
Enti-nea - The entity reveals itself to the killer, any survivor within 8 meters of Nea have there auras revealed. If a survivor would unhook or complete a healing action on a Nea, they are marked for 20,25,30 seconds.
A marked survivor is oblivious and exposed.
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So basically
Survivor surviving-
After vaulting a window or pallet while in a chase, this perk activates. If the killer facecamps you, Kobe with BT l, DS, and Unbreakable for an unlimited period.
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Or we could, you know, buff the 100 or so useless perks that are already in the game?
New feature: activate-able killer perks, similar to dead hard or diversion
Beast of Prey V2 - After chasing any survivors for a total of 30 seconds, press E 'active ability' button while in a chase to become undetectable for 6 seconds.
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Its part of a "Warlock" survivor aka a Traitor survivor idea.
Its intended to be a trade off since your immune to mangled effectively and with 3 debuff on you your bonus healing is nearly double that of botany plus selfcare no longer has a 50% self healing speed downside while you have a debuff.
Also part of it is just giving a survivor a trade off perk that isn't as detrimental as No Mither so it could be played even if its just a meme.
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Every good magician needs a worthy assistant!
Press the active ability button while repairing a generator to make a clone assistant of yourself appear beside you in a poof of smoke! Clone does not progress generator while repairing. Upon being grabbed and carried off generator clone struggles. Once hooked, dropped, or successfully wiggling out of killer’s grasp the clone vanishes in a poof of smoke, stunning the killer for 5 seconds, and the generator that was being worked on receives a progression bonus of 10%/15%/20%.
This is the 3rd perk for a magician survivor I dreamt up that was part of Clown’s traveling circus.
Could coincide with the new husks being implemented.
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You’ve mastered the magic of making a grand exit!
After being chased by the killer for a total of 60 seconds, Now You See Me activates. While in a chase press the active ability button to create a bright flash and a poof of smoke, stunning and blinding the killer for 3/4/5 seconds.
Causes the exposed status effect for 20 seconds.
2nd Perk I concocted for a magician survivor I hoped would accompany Clown to his very own circus realm map.
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Haze - All players are illuminated by a faint Dreamworld aura.
Alternative name - Screw Blendettes.
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Perk: Cross Country
You are a long distance runner. Unlike Meg, who is a sprinter, you train for endurance and controlled bursts of speed. Pushing the Action Trigger while running will increase speed to 115% for up to 3/5/7 seconds (based on the level of the Perk). The Exhaustion status will trigger afterwards and last for 60/45/30 seconds after (based on the level of the Perk).
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Corrupt Intervention for hex totems
lasts 4-5 minutes
that's about the whole game for most gen bots so they wouldn't be touching totems anyways
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Your focus is all-consuming.
Pressing the Activate Ability button while on a generator activates Hyperfocus. While Hyperfocus is active, your repair speed is increased by x/x/x %. You lose the ability to change your camera angle. Letting go of the generator has a delay of 3 seconds.
(I originally created this for one of those 'what would your perks be if you were a survivor' threads but never got around to posting it.)
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Perk Swift Vengeance
Those who cross you will be punished swiftly.
Whenever a survivor stuns you, for the next 20,25,30 seconds, your next basic attack will have its cooldown reduced by 50%
Perk Aura of the Guilty
You pass on the weight of your guilt onto your victims who pass it onto those near them.
You are obsessed with a survivor, whenever you basic attack your obsession, for the next 40,50,60 ((Maybe 60,70,80)) seconds, anyone near the obsession takes a 20% decrease in repair/healing/sabotage speed
Only the Obsession can be affected by Aura of Guilt, if an obsession change occurs before the duration ends, it will end prematurely.
Just two cool little perks i thought on the top of my head.
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Mind Over Matter
You start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens. If you would be put into the dying state from the healthy state, a token is consumed and you become injured instead.
Slightly increases walking speed while Injured.
Cruel Encore
Once per trial, before the exit gates are powered, you may damage a completed generator. This generator will regress to 50/25/0% progress, it cannot regress or be damaged for the rest of the trial and all survivors will see it's aura.
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Fog Machine:
When a generator is completed a special kind of fog surrounds that gen within 20 meters and lasts for the rest of the match, this fog is extremely thick for survivors but not for killers
While survivors are in this fog their entire hud is blocked, they can't see the killer's red stain, and they can't fast valt windows, pallets, lockers
While killers are in this fog they see survivors aura's within 20 meters of a complete gen, they hear sounds made by survivors 100% louder, and their attack cool-down is reduced by 50%
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Channeled Power
Dull totems emit your terror radius within 8/12/16 meters. Any perks or abilities that affect the size of your terror radius, or that affect survivors within your terror radius, also apply to the terror radius created by Channeled Power.
Any time a dull totem is cleansed, the terror radius of the remaining totems increases by 4 meters.
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Killer Perk - Hex: Cursed Containment
When there is one generator remaining, two dull totems, atleast “x” meters away from each other, turn into hex totems. The last generator will not activate until atleast 1 of the 2 totems are destroyed.
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Survivor: Defiance- The sight of your killer fills you with the will to live. While the killer is within 16m of you while you are on a hook, entity progression rate is slowed by 10/15/20%
Killer: You’ll Regret That- You relish in turning your victims hopes against them. For every 33% that an exit gate is powered gain 1/1.5/2% movement speed.
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Oh god, do I dare do this?
For survivors:
Ambush - When you're in the terror radius of the killer and not in a chase for more than 5 seconds, run up to the killer and press the action key to stun the killer for 5 seconds. This exhaust you. (Cannot be used to free a survivor being carried to a hook. It's meant to be like a horror movie thing where the person evading the killer blindsides the killer and runs off.)
Off the Record: My version. For a minute after getting off the hook, the survivor found reward score and chases do not trigger for the survivor using the perk. This means no entity blocker for windows, no bloodlust etc etc. Just a the record.
For Killer:
Hangman's Trick: My version. Time to unhook survivors is slowed by 2 or 3 seconds. Red progress bar for unhooks.
Killer Head On: Enter a locker and trigger the insidious effect. Reveals survivor auras within 8 meters of you. If you successfully rush out of a locker while a survivor is front of you they are instantly downed. 10 second cooldown so you don't enter a locker trying to pick up the survivor that just browned their shorts.
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Survivor perk:
Charred Hex: Acceleration. Twist the entity's power to your advantage.
Create an extra totem as a charred totem totem in the trail(Works like a totem but with a green aura/flame and doesn't count as a totem for killer perks). If you have a charred hex perk its aura revealed to you within 8 meters.
While the Charred totem stands all generator progression is reduced by 15%.
When any survivor cleanses this totem they gain 10% movement speed buff for 20 seconds.
Once the Charred totem is cleansed all survivors who have worked on a generator for 10 seconds will gain a 5% movement speed buff and for 5 seconds afterwards. The duration is doubled for survivors who have this perk.
Effectively this is a perk that slows down the survivor's own gen speed but also grants their entire team a permanent bonus once its cleanse.
Edit due to soul guard's existance: Charred hexes do not count as being cursed
Also if this becomes too much of a liability of not being cleased then it should also have:
(Optional Failsafe part)After 4 mins of not being cleansed its aura is revealed to all survivors within 12(16?) meters in green.
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If we're making magician-based perks:
The Prestige
You have mastered death itself! Or so you would have them think. The first time you are hooked, you will disappear from the hook and appear visually as though you have been sacrificed.
You can press the Active Ability button to reappear on a random hook that is at least 32 meters away from the Killer. When you reappear, your hook's aura will be hidden from the Killer for 6/8/10 seconds. You will automatically reappear on a hook when you reach the Struggle Phase.
While The Prestige is active, your suffer from 25/20/15% faster Entity progression. The Prestige deactivates permanently when you reappear on a hook.
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Survivor Perk: Intrinsic Compassion
When unhooking a survivor, instantly recover from all negative status effects and gain the Haste status effect for 5/6/7 seconds.
Killer Perk: Ancient Craving
All exit gates will regress when not being worked on at 30/40/50% the opening speed. Survivors opening the gates gain the “Oblivious” status effect for 5 seconds.
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Live or Let Die:
Your frustration of dying has given you power
If you are the first to be sacrificed or killed the other survivors have 10% increased repair speed for 10/15/20 seconds with no skillchecks
If you are the last survivor left your vaulting speed is increased by 5/6/7% and gain the Haste status effect for the rest of the match
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Tag Team - After unhooking another survivor while the killer is within 24 meters of the hook, you both break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Causes the exhaustion status effect for 60/50/40 seconds for both survivors.
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Throw Your Voice - After being in a chase with the killer for a total of 80/70/60 seconds, while injured, press the active ability button to place your whimpers of pain at your current location for 20 seconds. During this time you do not make any cries of pain.
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I wrote about this earlier in some form.
You love to party and even The Entity can't bring you down.
1\2\3 times a match at anytime you can throw confetti at an injured survivor and bring them up one health state. You can't heal yourself.
There is also a jazzy animation of you throwing confetti all over the survivoir.
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Hmm..I'll design 2
For killer: ritual of the abyss..each negative change in health states on survivors grants this perk a token, upon a total of twelve tokens all survivors become exposed for 60 seconds, tokens are reset after the perk duration ends
For survivor: heart of gold..every time you take a protection hit, unhook a survivor, or heal a survivor, heart of gold gets a token, at 1 token the perk grants 25 percent healing non stackable bonus speeds to yourself and others around you within 4 meters,this bonus is trumped by other perks
.. at 2 tokens you restore a health state after taking a protection hit after 60 seconds, at 3 tokens survivors unhooked or healed from dying to injured have 25 percent of their healing bar recovered , heart of gold loses all 3 tokens if a survivor is sacrificed
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I mean...I've made my own chapter but I'm not typing all that.
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Locker teleportation for killers that have bad map traversal.
So if a Killer has the perk they'd be able to teleport to any locker within x meters away and have a cooldown of course or make it a hex instead of giving it a cooldown.
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Painful Neglect: Survivors who lose focus on their goals incur hefty penalties. Survivors who take their inner 30 degree cone of vision off of a generator they are repairing experience a 5/10/15% reduced progress speed, increased odds of triggering skill checks, and reduced skill check success zones.
Hide n’ Seek: Innate Control over your terrifying presence conceals your whereabouts from survivors. When within 8/16/24 meters of a survivor, the Terror Radius’s heartbeat sound no longer increases its Rate the closer you are to them.
Mind Numbing Mist: Your intense desire to kill transgressors has saturated the fog of the trial grounds, dulling and suppressing the Survivors sense of situational awareness. Up to 2/3/4 Survivors no longer receive Status Effect, Perk and Teammate condition notifications during the trial. Injured, Dying, Hooked and Exhaustion notifications are exempt from this effect.
Tools of the Trade: When supplies are low you have a keen instinct for finding the right tools for the job. While carrying a Flashlight or Toolbox item of common/uncommon/rare or lower quality during a trial, the first chest you open will be a guaranteed Match or Upgraded rarity item of the same type.
Safety First: Your knowledge of working around electrical devices outmatches others who tend to ignore the basic rules of repairing. When you start repairing a generator it powers down over the span of 8/6/4 seconds and remains powered down while you work on it. Leaving an affected generator for more than 6 seconds, failed skill checks, and damage from the killer will immediately power it back up at its current level of progress.
Delay Resistors: Experience has rewarded you with an advantage against the Killer’s situational awareness. After you completely repair a generator, the generators full power up and notifying alert to the killer is delayed for 3/4/5 seconds or until another survivor begins working on it. The generator can be damaged by the killer within this window of time.
These perks come from my best killer concept:
It's a bit of a long read, but I included a TL;DR version for your convenience. If you like the perks and want to know more about where they came from, please feel free to give the concept a read. Any and all creative criticism is welcome, so If you read it and have any feedback, please leave a comment in the linked post.
Post edited by TWiXT on2