Community Challenge, be creative - Design your own Perk



  • ixenroh
    ixenroh Member Posts: 2

    I thought of a few that would make some current less-popular perks a lot better!..

    Lock & Key (Survivor perk) - Synergizes with Left Behind and Plunderer's Instinct

    "Finding yourself in a grave situation, you decide to take the alternative way out. Once the exit gates are powered and you are the last survivor alive, the item in 1/2/3 unopened chests gets replaced by a Dull Key. If only one or no chests are left unopened, they reset so that 1/2/3 closed chests are available."

    Focus (Survivor Perk) - Synergizes with Object of Obsession + Sole Survivor

    "You focus grows in stressful situations, granting you an additive 3/4/5% bonus to repair speed for every remaining generator until power gates are powered, per sacrificed survivor"

    What this mean is, if there are 2 sacrificed survivors and 3 generators left, you will have a 2*3*5% bonus to repair. That's 30%. It may be a little OP but it helps save the game in desperate situations.

    Dark Invervention (Killer Perk)

    "Whenever 2 generators are completed within 3/6/10 seconds of one-another, the entity blocks all unworked generators for 10/15/20 seconds. Those generator that are being worked on receive a penalty, reducing repair speed by 3/5/8% for each living survivor for the same duration."

    Unlike Thrilling Tremors, this doesn't highlight blocked generators, but gives the killer some opportunity to mitigate gen-rush builds.

    Make Way (Killer Perk) - Synergizes with Mad Grit

    "While carrying a survivor, hitting another survivor instantly puts them into a dying state. Your focus on delivery lethal strikes however loosens your grip on the survivor. Whenever you miss an attack while carrying a survivor, you are stunned for 2.5/2/1.5 seconds, letting the survivor escape. Whenever you do successfully hit a survivor, the carried survivor's wiggle progression increases by 35/30/25%"

    While this perk is strong it's also dangerous to the killer. It is very useful if 2 or more survivors are blocking your path to a hook, and Mad Grit powers it up even more.. but even with Mad Grit, it's not unstoppable, as downing 3 survivors if the progression was at least 25% would allow the survivor to get away. This is mainly so that a survivor can attempt to save another that is on his third hook, by potentially Dead Harding or taking the hit so that the other survivor can get away if they wiggled enough, trading hooks. For this I don't think it's overpowered.

  • ixenroh
    ixenroh Member Posts: 2

    I don't think this would pass but I love the idea xD Though 5 seconds is way too long. They killer already wastes his time by carrying off a fake survivor. I would only make it stun the killer for 2 seconds whenever the killer hits the clone, without picking them up from the gen. And also would make it a 1-time use perk. or an exhaustion perk.

  • Articha
    Articha Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2020

    sec — seconds

    p — points

    t — token

    K — Killer

    S — Survivor

    [Message to devs]

    BloodLust (K): Every injured or dying survivor increase your speed by 1%

    Engineer experience (S): Earn 1 token after repairing generator for {20/15/10}secs, up to {6/8/10}. Each token increase repairing speed by {4/5/6}%. Taking a hit will make you lose 3 tokens (Can increase efficiency if using toolboxes, similiar to med-kits using self-care)

    Mechanic ears (K): Generators repairing and idling sound are{25/50/75} (So killers can determine level of completeness at higher distance)

    Memory (S): Your memory has never let you down. You memorize every important detail.

    When a killer belongings in {3/4/5} meteres of you, their aura highlighted for you. (Highlighted time can be limited)

    Shared feelings (S): Obsession shares heartbeat with you.

    Once per Trial, when obsession getting healed, you heal 1 state. Can be reactivated, if you are healthy and heals 1 state of obsession.

    If you are the obsession, Shared feelings deactivates.

    Reduces the odds if being the obsession.

    ~ (S): If you obsession, after being unhooked, any damage taken that would put the rescuer survivor into the Dying State will instead apply the Deep Wound.

    Swift (S): Your hope to escape increases your speed.

    Each fast vault during chase grants 1 token, up to {6/8/10}. Each token increases vaulting speed by 2%. Each medium vault during chase took 2 tokens.

    Healing work (S): Your are so focused on work, that you forgot about pain. Repairing generators for {120/100/80}secs heal 1 state. When not repairing a generator, decreasing points(seconds, required to heal) by 1p/{4/3/2}sec

    Chase master (S): Every 10secs in chase grants 1 token, up to 6/8/10 tokens. Every token increases your speed by 1%. Every gained hit will consume 3 tokens. When not in chase, after a cooldown of {20/25/30}seconds (if chase didn't start again) lose all tokens

    Details scavenger (S): [Maximum {60/80/100}charges, each charge repair 1% of item. 3%/s. Difference with built to last, that u need 33seconds to repair 99% of any item. Losting time] You save every detail, that you find along the way. You can repair any item up to 100%.

    Brutal nature (K): Each time you break pallet/break wall/damage generator, increase break pallet/break wall/damage generator speed by 1% up to 30% [With tokens?]

    ~ (S): When u fall near dying survivor, prevent this survivor from picking for 60seconds

  • Indigoua
    Indigoua Member Posts: 2

    Killer perks :

    Desperate measures : After 80/70/60 seconds of not being in a chase, gain the undetectable status efect and 2/3/4 % movement speed. Lasts for 3 seconds after entering a chase or until you perform a basic attack.

    (Idk what the name should be) : You become obsessed with one survivor : Upon hitting the obssession, all survivors who are not the obssession suffer from the exposed effect for 10/15/20 seconds. 120/110/100 seconds of cooldown.

    Or, same perk except all survivors who are not the obssession suffer from the blind and oblivious status effect for 40/50/60 seconds instead. Cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Killer Perks:

    Claustrophobia: Any survivor that enters a locker will be trapped in the locker for 5/10/15 seconds if the killer comes around 10 meters of said locker, the killer cannot open the locker until the time is up. Slow vaults into lockers and slow exits will also send the killer a sound notification.

    Paranoia: If a killer lets a survivor go after a chase, for 40/50/60 seconds and said survivor assists other survivors in any coop action, they will be unable to complete 1/2/3 skill checks and any progress made on either gens or healing will have regressed by 10% and give off a sound notification.

    Ghoulish Delights: If a generator is left unfinished for 40/30/20 seconds by survivors and is not regressing from any other perks, the generator will have shadowy ghoulish figures fiddling with the generator regressing it by 10% and for each shadowy figure (4 at max), the regression will multiply. Gens with this effect will be highlighted by the killer in a white aura for 10 seconds and will be highlighted to survivors in a red aura for 8 seconds; the regression will stop until a survivor interacts with a generator. If an exit gate is left unfinished for 15/10/5 seconds as well, a shadowy figure will start to regress it's progress by 20% until a survivor interacts with the exit gate lever again.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited September 2020

    •Determined- Even your weakest state, you’re still useful.

    +When you are put into the dying health state, you crawl on your arms and legs instead on your stomach. In this state, you move 25% faster and, when picked up, struggle 100% faster. This perk has a 160/140/120 second cool down.

    “With broken bones, she stood and stared back at the darkness. A cruel mistress that carried dark passion.”

    PS: Since your not technically crawling tenacity will not stack, but boil over and flip-flop will. Also you’re more visible by the killer since you’re not lying flat on the floor.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Yeah, was jus a draft of an idea, really.

    Wanted to see sth a bit different from the usual.

    All suggestions are welcome to help make these perks better tho, for sure!

    It’s all about collaboration.

    Great additions you’ve suggested! Thx😊

  • TheCoolDBDGamer
    TheCoolDBDGamer Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2020

    Hex: Denied

    After all Generators are powered, a random (uncleansed) Dull Totem becomes active.Survivors cannot open the Exit Gates and cannot open the Hatch and cannot leave via the Hatch until the dull totem that randomly become active Hex Totem is cleansed.

    This will help aid with genrush, NOED will need to be removed/nerfed before this perk comes into the game.

    Tilted Chasing

    While chasing a Survivor for more than a minute all Generators are blocked and cannot be repaired until you are done chasing and down that particular Survivor.

    Hex: Entity is Pleased.

    After all Generators are complete all survivors suffer from the Exhausted, Broken, and Blindness, Deep Wounds, and Exposed and Hemmorhage and Infected and Madness and Mangled until the related Hex Totem is no longer standing. It only activates a Dull Totem with this perks hex power after all generators are done. Completely deactivates after the hex totem is cleansed.

    Fierce Trial:

    When the trial starts Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 120 seconds(The counter to this perk is for the survivors to hide and not get found for 120 seconds.) Makes it more of a thriller game.

    Survivor Hex: Guaranteed Escape

    Survivors can now light their own hex totem explicitly for this perk. At the start of a trial a dull totem becomes a Survivor Hex.

    Survivors suffer from a +5% movement speed buff until the Killer breaks the Survivor's hex totem.

    Post edited by TheCoolDBDGamer on
  • Survivor perks:

    Stamina-Recover from the Exhausted status effect while running at 40%/50%/60% of the usual speed

    Lust for Life-After being in a chase for 30 seconds gain a 5% haste every 17 seconds. After breaking the chase, a 150/135/120 seconds cooldown will ensue/the exhausted status effect (not sure yet)

    Sneaky-the audio notifications recieved by the killers are delayed by 3/4/5 seconds

    Killer perks:

    Hex: The One That Got Away-You become obsessed with one survivor. Every time you hook the obsession, see the aura of all other survivors. The obsession can only die on hook (or be killed by the killer's hands) if all generators are completed, he/she is the only remaining survivor or the related totem is cleansed

    Hex: Lover-Two survivors are tied. When hitting one of them, the other also becomes injured. When downing one, the other one recieves the deep wound status effect. When one survivor died, the other is afflicted with the broken status effect. The two survivors are unbonded when the related totem is cleansed

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    (Killer) Hex: Martyrdom

    A hex that harnesses the wrath of the Entity.

    You become obsessed with one Survivor.

    After hooking the obsession 3 times, a 80/70/60-second countdown begins and two dull totems in the trial inherit Martyrdom. If either of the totems are not cleansed before the timer depletes, the Entity will lash out and injure all healthy Survivors.

    The remaining hex totems return to their dull state if Martyrdom takes effect or is cleansed.

    Martyrdom permanently deactivates if there are less than two available dull totems in the trial.

    • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    (Survivor) Take The Heat

    You’re willing to throw yourself into the fray as long as you have your buddies to back you up.

    While you are the obsession and being chased, the Killer’s terror radius is increased by 8 meters.

    All Survivors within the Killer’s terror radius while you are in a chase have their skill chance trigger odds increased by 25% and Great Skill Check success zones increased by 10%/20%/30%.

    • Increases your chances of becoming the Killer’s obsession.
    • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Here inclusive Killer, Survivor, Trailer, 3 Perks each and Perk Icons:

  • PIckleLion666
    PIckleLion666 Member Posts: 1

    Killer perk: Forced Conflict

    Your confrontational nature makes survivors face their fears, and anchor them to their mistakes.

    After a survivor throws two pallets without stunning the killer the next time that survivor throws a pallet without stunning you this perk activates, while active the killer moves 3 percent slower And the survivor cannot move more than 10m away from the pallet until it is kicked or 15 seconds pass, at which point the pallet breaks itself. While you have this perk equipped all stuns last 40% longer.

    I made this perk wanting some kind of reverse spirit fury, something which punished survivors for not stunning the killer. I feel like this would usually play out by someone who kept pre-dropping pallets forced to play whatever tile that they had dropped Their anchoring pallet on, the killer having a small Nerf to speed giving the survivor more of a chance on supper ######### tiles. Alternatively survivors when get chained to a pallet you can leave them there and then go try to pressure other survivors. Considering this perk punishes survivors for not stunning you I felt it would be interesting if you give them a reward via a longer killer stun for them hitting you with a pallet this is also in place because enduring and sprit furry exist.

    furthermore, I don’t think this is especially good perk I just think it’s Fun.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257


    Confidence: Some call it arrogance, you call it confidence.                    

     When repairing a generator alone for at least 30 seconds, Confidence activates. When active, you see the auras of all survivors for 5/6/7 seconds and you see the aura of the killer for 8/9/10 seconds. Confidence is only active until the survivor stops repairing the generator.

    Sorority Sisters: You need your allies around you a lot more than you’ll ever admit.                              When unhooking another survivor, Sorority Sisters activates and the hook or cage timer is paused at wherever it is at. When active, if an unhooked survivor is put into the dying state and is put into a hook or cage again within 50/60/70 seconds, the timer will resume where it was at before the survivor was unhooked or uncaged before. Sorority Sisters can only be used once on one survivor per trial.

    Secrets: You’re able to keep very quiet in desperate times.                 

    When within 20/25/30 meters of the killer, all of your actions will become 50% quieter for 30 seconds. Secrets has a cooldown of 30 seconds once used.

    In Charge: Your years of experience have led you to be able to make great progress within a team despite the odds you encounter.                     When within 10 meters of at least 1 other survivor and in the killer’s terror radius, In Charge activates. When active, gain a 5/10/15% speed boost to any altruism actions when within within the killer’s terror radius.

    Not in my Movie: You aren’t afraid to face a killer in an attempt to thwart them.            After repairing a generator while injured for at least 50 seconds, Not in my Movie activates. The next time you are chased by the killer for 30/25/20 seconds, Title will instantly heal you if you are not put into the dying state within the chase with a killer. If the killer ends the chase by leaving you or by putting you into the dying state before you can be healed, Not in my Movie deactivates until you repair another generator for at least 50 seconds. Title deactivates completely once all generators are repaired.

    One Last Scare:

    You always expect that one last scare to happen shortly before the end of it all.                      

       After unhooking another Survivor after the start of the endgame collapse, One Last Scare activates for 4/5/6 seconds. During this time, if a hit from the killer would put you into the dying state, it will be ignored and you will be put into the deep wound state. You must mend before entering the exit gates or you will enter into the dying state and the killer will be notified of your location. One Last Scare will only activate if you are in the injured state before the hooked survivor is unhooked.

    Not Today: You don’t take crap from those who attempt to hurt you.

    Once per trial, when the killer attempts to pick you up from the dying state, press the active ability button and the killer will be kicked and will experience the stun affect for 5 seconds. Once used, Not Today deactivates for the rest of the trial.

    Weird Vibes: Your environment can help you when you know something is wrong.                           When in the killer’s terror radius, Weird Vibes activates. For 12/14/16 seconds, if a survivor hides in a locker within the killer’s terror radius they will see the auras of all survivors and the killer within the trial.                           Weird Vibes has a cooldown of 50/45/40 seconds before it can be activated again. Weird Vibesincreases your odds of being the obsession.

    Plugged Up: You anticipate the worst when you see the killer, but you still do the best you can with what you got.                          When unhooking a survivor in the killer’s terror radius; the closest 4 vault locations,                           including breakable pallets and breakable walls, will be inaccesible to the killer for 10/15/20 seconds.


    ReminiscentYou remember a person, especially when they have wronged you.                                  If a survivor stuns you, Reminiscent activates. When the survivor is hooked and escapes the hook by any means, Reminiscent reveals the survivors aura for 6/7/8 seconds.

    Hex: VengeanceYour hatred for the survivors never ceases.             

    When at least two generators have been repaired, Hex: Vengeance activates. As long as the corresponding hex totem is still standing, all survivors are hindered with the exposed effect for 5 seconds after the generator has been fully repaired. All survivors will also experience a 30/40/50% generator repair penalty for 20 seconds if another survivor is put into the dying state due to of Hex: Vengeance.

    Prayer ClosetExternal forces are pleased with how you will do anything to please the ones that help you.             

    When a survivor is on the ground in the dying state for 20/15/10 seconds, press the activate ability button and the entity will block all sides the survivor’s path to all players in the trial for 30 seconds.                       

    Prayer Closet can only be used on the most recent survivor put into the dying state.                            

    Prayer Closet will deactivate for the affected survivor if they are able to pick themselves up from the dying state.

    Prayer Closet has a 30 second cool down once used.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    I’ve done these before when making concept ideas for Licensed Chapters I’d love to see (such as Carrie, Scream Paragraph of Sidney Prescott and Randy Meek, I Know What You Did Last Summer, etc.). If y’all want to see more don’t be afraid to HMU! 😎👍🏼

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164
    edited September 2020

    I don't have numbers on these because I'm not precise on balance. It's more to put the ideas out there. The weakness of some killer perks that make skill checks harder is that this hurts newer players while higher ranked players can often hit checks with any difficulty. These killer perks are focused on getting past that with simple auto-fail mechanics, or using successful checks against the survivors.


    Hex: Suffer For Success

    While this curse is active, any successful skill check causes the survivor to scream, revealing their location for 3 seconds.

    Lingering Agony

    For the next X seconds after being hit by a basic attack, the survivor's next skill check to repair, heal or sabotage will automatically fail and cause an additional Y% regression penalty. Lingering Pain has a cooldown of Z seconds.

    Sadist's Defense

    You become obsessed with one survivor. Hitting the obsession causes any survivor currently repairing, healing or sabotaging to instantly fail a skill check. Sadist's Defense has a cooldown of X seconds.

    Balance: Trying to create a Surge-like perk that triggers similar to Dark Devotion. Surge has the benefit of making gens begin to regress, and works when any survivor goes down. This perk has no range and will cause healing failures as well, but can only trigger when hitting the obsession.


    False Trail

    When crouched and the Active Ability button is pressed, a trail of scratchmarks extends x meters in the direction the survivor is facing. False Trail has a cooldown of Y seconds.

    Final Effort

    When the survivor is hooked, gain a token. With two tokens, the survivor can use the Active Ability button to receive a X% speed boost to repairing, healing and sabotages for Y seconds.

    Balance: A one-time buff isn't a bad thing, especially when it can only trigger when the survivor will die on their next hook. It could be changed so that a survivor who isn't rescued before going into struggle also gets their tokens, but on the other hand that could still be a downside (see: Deliverance as example of perk just not working). PH cages ignore this perk, but that's nothing new.

  • Masterninja
    Masterninja Member Posts: 411

    Wall up: you gain the ability to improve the structures of pallets and breakable walls, when you are close press the ability button to reinforce during 5 seconds. When the killers tries to destroy a reinforce pallet, the breaking time will last 10% more and with a breakable wall will be 50% more. Cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

    (You also can make this action with toolboxes: reinforce a pallet or a breakable wall requires 5 charges) The best toolboxes for this action are: Worn-Out ToolsToolbox and Commodious Toolbox.

    Counterattack: when the killer hits you, the perk activates during 20/25/30 seconds, in that time when you manage to stun the killer with a pallet, the stun will last 60% more.

    Without fear: you and the killer can't see the aura of the other during the whole match. You don't hear the terror radius from any killer, but when you are in a radius of 16/18/20 meters from the killer your scratchmarks are 50% less visible. You can't suffer the Exposed status effect. The perk grants +100% more of bloodpoints in the audacity category.

  • Gogonibox
    Gogonibox Member Posts: 1

    You cant be safe forever: After being stunned by a pallet, all pallets and vault spots within 16 meters of the dropped pallet are blocked for 8 seconds after the stun expires. This effect has a cooldown of 100/80/60 seconds.

    This will prevent really long chases but still possible to prevent by surviviors

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922


    Malicious shroud : at the start of the match for 80s or until your first chase/hit/down, gain the undetectable status effect. Upon hooking a survivor gain the undetectable status effect for 16s.

    Hex : From the shadows : as long as this hex is standing, you have the undetectable status effect.


    Alluring cry : when outside of 16m of other survivors gain the ability to scream using the action key. Screaming reveals your location and grants the oblivious status effect, but boosts action speeds by 15% for 10s. This effect goes on cool down for 60s

    Camouflage : your aura is hidden when crouching. When crouching completely still, emit no sound.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Bringing these over from a different thread I'd originally suggested them in that unfortunately seems to have disappeared into the Fog (I'm so glad I save backups of my ideas to my computer). That thread had asked about possible perk ideas if a Chapter ever occurred for The Shining.

    • All Work and No Play: No matter how many obstacles they place in your path, you will still catch your prey.
    • Every time you kick a generator or break a pallet or wall, increase your movement speed by 1/2/3% for 20 seconds. All Work and No Play has a cooldown of 10 seconds and does not stack with other movement speed increases.

    "Here's Johnny!" - Jack Torrence.

    • Twinsanity: Powers beyond your understanding have loosened your grip on reality, but are you or your foes the more deluded?
    • Every 30 seconds that you chase a survivor, gain a token up to a maximum of 2/2/3. While standing still, press the active ability button to consume one token and create a Husk identical in appearance to your killer which will last for 6/8/10 seconds.
    • The Husk has no terror radius, red stain, or collision, but it's aura can be read by survivors. Survivors who pass through the Husk will scream and reveal their location to the killer for 3 seconds.

    "Come and play with us." -The Grady Twins.

    • Caretaker: No matter how fierce the storm, you will weather it and remain here.
    • Any time that the survivors finish a generator, a fake terror radius of 16/20/24m will be applied to all generators in the map for 15 seconds. Survivors within 8m of the finished gen will suffer from a 10% hindered penalty for 15 seconds.
    • If all generators were powered during a trial, you can see exit gate progress based on switch aura intensity and gate progress will regress at 100% the repair regression rate when a survivor is not interacting with a switchbox. Gate progress is 'saved' at each exit light; the gate's progress will not regress below the point when this light activated (25, 50, and 75%, respectively).

    "Some places are like people: some shine and some don't." - Dick Hallorann

  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60
    edited September 2020

    Hello fellow survivors, killers and Neas! After a long time I revisited some of my older perk ideas and changed them as well as made them look cool! Of course, I came up with several more perk ideas and tossed out some other ones I didn't like anymore lol. So here are all of my ideas so far! (Im kinda running out of ideas at this point lmao). Comment below what you think of them and which ones are your favorite! :3 (Once again, Im not a pro at balancing but I tried my best! :3)

    Post edited by SpasticLlama on
  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60

    Yeah...thats a no lmao. Having the power to completely negate 100% of a gen AND block all gens for 60 SECONDS is way too strong. But, interesting concept.

  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60

    Love the ideas and artwork Masterninja! Good job! Check out my perk ideas and comment what ya think! :3

  • HatchIsMyMercy
    HatchIsMyMercy Member Posts: 219
    edited September 2020

    Ok I'm just throwing a piece of paper into the hat, but i thought of one.

    Friend of Darkness

    You've always been a friend of what hides in the dark

    Activatible Perk: Press a specific button to activate, when activated the next pallet you throw will be guarded by the entity and cannot not be interacted with, (picked back up, vaulted, broken, etc.) For the next 10/15/20 seconds, with a cooldown of 150/120/90 seconds.

    "I've always had a knack for things like this, don't worry, I know what I'm doing, and what I'm messing with."- Lucifer

    I think that this isnt good but I decided to post it anyways because I want to participate, maybe change the numbers and it might be good, I'm not good at designing perks.

  • iloveuimcrazyimsorry
    iloveuimcrazyimsorry Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2020


    After years of experience with such a messy job, you know how to slow 'em down and just toy around.

    After hooking a survivor, you gain a token which can be used when performing using a basic attack on another survivor. When this token is consumed the affected survivor will move at a decreased movement speed of 1%/2%/3% until that survivor is next healed.

    "You figure; "I won't care, do it! Cut me open and gut me like a fish. Cut off my fingers and chew 'em in front of me. I won't care, I won't scream, I won't beg." But you will." -Evan Jennings.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Blood Ritual: Your blood holds mystical properties that can halt time when used correctly.

    -Each time you are hooked or caged by the killer, this perk gains one token. At the cost of a token, you are able to permanently prevent a generator from regressing for any reason. If the generator is completed, this perk will have a 120/90/60 second cool down.

    ”A family secret that holds more than just taboos.”

    •Mechanic: An engine is your speciality, a quick look should be enough.

    -11/22/33% increase to repair speed and tool box efficiency.

    “These things are so broken! Doesn’t mean I can’t fix ‘em!”

    •Track Star: Running and vaulting are things you trained for hours to perfect.

    -While heathy, receive a 10/15/20% increase to vaulting speed and 3% permanent haste effect.

    “I’m faster and more agile, I can take it!”

    •Broken Locks: Generators aren’t enough.

    -When the exit gates are powered, all totems currently still standing are lit (however any hexes that are still active remain so). To open an exit gate, the survivors must cleanse at least 2/3/4 totems. Cleansing a totem will reveal the aura of all other survivors to the killer for 5 seconds.

    “Hidden keys will make them separate, so that I can break their hope.”

    •Resurrection: You can bring back what was lost.

    -If a hex totem is cleansed, this perk will activate. This will unlock the ability to resurrect that hex by interacting with the cleansed totem. This action will take 10 seconds to perform and can only be done once per trial. The hex will retain all its stacks and will be hidden from survivors for 10/20/30 seconds before alert them once again of its existence.

    ”Broken bones and twine will bring back the life of my vile servants.”

    •Cleaved: Your cuts renders your prey defenseless and broken.

    -After successfully melee attacking a survivor, that survivor is inflicted with the broken status effect for 30/45/60 seconds and their grunts and breathing is increased considerably (50%) until healed.

    ”The pain is unbearable, the cut runs to deep.”

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288
    edited September 2020

    A perk to flip off killers that makes you be seen to the killer for 30 seconds and makes you the obsession. You can press action button behind a window or pallet on front of the killer

    The name come get some or whatever you want to call it.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Muscleman: You’re strong and can put more strength into your actions.

    -When stunning (excludes flashlight stuns) a killer, that killer is stunned for an extra 5 seconds.

    •Overweight: You’re very heavy and hard to transport.

    -When a killer picks you up, they are inflicted with a 10% hindered status effect that persists for 10/15/20 seconds after dropping/hooking you.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Before you read! I have this post to thank for the idea! <3


    •Respite: You find time to recharge your mental and emotional sanity.

    +When out of a chase and healthy, You recover from skill-based cool down periods 50/100/150% faster. Gain a 25% chance to negate a skill-based cool down.

    •Close call: When you desperately need to you can subvert your exhaustion.

    +When put into the dying health state from healthy, you instantly recover back to the healthy health state and recover from any exhaustion effect. However, this perk is only usable once per trial.


    •Eager: You can’t wait to rest.

    +When in of a chase, You recover from power-based stun and cool down periods 50/75/100% faster. However, you recover 25/25/50% slower from skill-based cool down periods.

    •Calm mind: Your patience helps you recover from more technical tasks.+When out of a chase, you recover from skilled-based cool down periods 50/75/100% faster. However, you recover 25/25/50% slower from power-based stun and cool down periods.

  • EricisFreaker
    EricisFreaker Member Posts: 1

    Perk idea: Indestructible

    If you were to get stunned by a pallet, indestructible activates. You will completely ignore the stun animation and the pallet will break. Indestructible can only be triggered once every 100/90/80 seconds.

  • Bulbasaur2008
    Bulbasaur2008 Member Posts: 85
    edited September 2020


    While it is standing it gets 3-5% decrease to repairing speed per token. It starts with 1 token, and gets 1 token more for each generator done. Well, maybe not tokens so it would have synergy with hex:undying since there is no chance to gain more tokens in late game while only 1 generator is standing, and survivors would surely hunt it.

    It would help against survivors who don't care about t-bagging near loops with a flashlight and focuses mostly on generators. It wouldn't be very helpful early game, but it would give precious time in late game - especially for that last 3-gen(which would give 15-25% penalty to repair speed while only 1 generator is left to do, to power exit gates). It could also make failed skill checks more punishing (1/2/3% more regress per tier).

  • ErroneousName
    ErroneousName Member Posts: 1

    Hex: Charlie Horse

    Survivers who crouch more than once within fifteen meters of the killer moan as if in pain, and are hindered for fifteen seconds.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657


    The last generator you have kicked is marked.

    When you put a survivor into the dying state, the marked generator will explode, regressing it by 20% and putting all survivors within 2 meters of it into the injured state.

    Upon triggering its explosion, Thunderstruck goes on a 75/60/45 second cooldown before you can apply it to a generator again.

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    Behind enemy lines

    All those years studying the enemy grants you vision.

    While crouching and motionless, press the active ability button to go prone, while prone, the killers aura is revaled to you in x/x/x meters, while proned, you are counted as if you are in the dying state ( move faster with tenacity, killer can see you with deerstalker)

    press the crouch button again to get up

  • OxiTape
    OxiTape Member Posts: 60

    Killer Perk: Damage Control

    Your determination to prevent progress has gained the Entity’s interest.

    When damaging a generator, press the secondary power button (LShift, LB, L1) to call upon the Entity to block the generator and causing it to regress faster. Only one generator can be blocked at a time and it has a long cool down.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    These survivor perks are themed around someone who is psychic. [these are possible perks]

    •Clairvoyant: The universe reveals what is to be and never to be.

    +When cursed, you are able to see the killer’s aura within a 38/48/58 meter radius. If the the killer is looking your direction, you can see how long their ability is in cool down based on their aura’s intensity. When you aren’t cursed or are relieved of your curse, this perk deactivates.

    •Tarot Reading: You are able to predict the future of your fellow teammates giving them special insight and hope.

    +While healing another survivor, you are able to press the activate ability button. When pressed, the survivor being healed will have their aura revealed to the killer for 20/15/10 seconds but gain a 8% haste effect until injuries. After use this perk will enter a 120 second cool down period. You heal 25% faster.

    •Blood Scrying: Your Blood will lead your way to salvation, at a cost.

    +When you and another survivor(s) are injured or dying, this perk activates. Your aura and grunts are COMPLETELY hidden from the killer.

    •Saved for Last: You refuse to be the first to go.

    If the killer was to pick you up while another survivor is in the dying health state, you will receive a tremendously hard skill check and when completed, the killer will be stunned for 5 seconds. The stun has a 120 second cool down.

    •Crystal Healing: Using special stones you’ve found around during your travel, you can heal the most dire of ailments.

    +When achieving great skill checks for any action, this perk gains one token. At the cost of a token, and pressing the active ability button, you can add 15/20/25% progress towards any healing action (including mending).

    •Amulet of the Fog: You mystical knowledge enables you to condense the dark fog around campfires for your own benefit.

    +The start of the trial, this perk gains 3/4/5 tokens. When you are hit by the killer, this perk loses one token and you instead gain a few seconds of invincibility without any sustained damage from the initial attack.

  • mellydew
    mellydew Member Posts: 1

    perk: One Last Chance

    lets say you are the last survivor on the map and you haven’t been hooked once. One Last Chance gives you the opportunity to get free from the killers grasp after he’s downed you and it stuns him and possibly blinds him for 4/5/6 seconds. More than enough time to get away.

    another perk I’ve been thinking about to is something that would help the last survivor on the map. Let’s say that you get hooked for the first time and instead of dying instantly it’s gives you a chance to survive. I don’t have a name for this one though.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
    edited September 2020

    •Rooted: You’re steadfast and invincible.

    +When carrying a survivor, you are hindered (7%). However, you are unable to be stunned via pallets, lockers, and perks. Hooking a survivor provides an additional 50/100/150% blood points towards the sacrifice category.

    •Fixed: All around you are shocked still and stiff. Only to be paralyzed for even longer.

    +When picking up a survivor, all pallets in a 34/44/54 meter radius are held in place for 100 seconds. This perk has a 160 second cool down.

    •Contagion: Your abilities defy all logic and reasoning to spread amongst the clueless prey.

    +Hex: Any status effect by you given to a survivor will spread to those who eligible (ie: an injured survivor infecting another injuries survivor with the broken status effect or madness spreading from survivor to survivor without additional shocks.). The effect will persist until the associated hex totem remains.

    •Festered: Wounds and ailments left untreated leave nasty scars and grow more critical.

    +When a survivor remains injured longer than 80/70/60 seconds, they will receive the mangled status effect and the (6%) hindered status effect until healed. If a survivor is inflicted with a tier base status effect, the effect will progress, whether or not it does so normally; at a (25% faster) moderate rate (30 seconds per tier If it does not normally).

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    A perk call: shut up.

    Any survivor that is yelling from the doctors ability in the final stages stage you can press the activate button on front of them punch them in the face and they lose there insanity and are in the injured state.

  • Alcoth
    Alcoth Member Posts: 1

    Perk Name: Jump

    Text: All that time into parkour gave you the ability to perform moves beyond the abilities of most people. Press the active action button to jump while you're running. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Flavor text: -"Hey guys, check this out"

    It's intended to jump over ground holes, not windows.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Vengeance: The lost fills you with hate and sorrow.

    +When a survivor is hooked or killed in any fashion, you gain a token. For each token, increase healing, repairing, sabotaging, opening chests, opening exit gates, interacting with killer belongings, and cleansing speed by 15%. At 6/5/4 tokens, gain an additional 20% increase to ALL action speeds.

    •Remembrance: All you do will be known.

    +When cleansing, sabotaging, and interacting with killer belongings, your progress made is kept for all survivors.

    •Watcher: You can and understand more than the common person.

    The killer’s red stain is (50%) considerably brighter. To you, the killer’s red stain is (+15/17.5/20%) slightly/moderately/considerably larger. When a killer is undetectable or in stealth, you can faintly see their red stain.

  • Aspekt
    Aspekt Member Posts: 16

    Why not both? Ground holes aren't always guaranteed love the idea though

  • Rubyinsomniac
    Rubyinsomniac Member Posts: 20

    [Malice] When you hook a survivor they get broken for 40/50/60 seconds.

    "Your reminded by the Entity what you are now."

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Death Rattle: The screams and moans of your victim brings dread and despair to all who are near.

    +When a survivor is in the dying health state, any other survivor in a 10/15/20 meter radius is inflicted with the exposed status effect of that dying survivor, which will persist for an additional 15 seconds after leaving that area.

    •Veracity: You make sure you finish the job in the most cruel way.

    +For each survivor you hook, this perk gains one token. At 8/7/6 tokens, you may kill all survivors. All dying survivors are revealed to you.

    •Greedy: You dislike losing things you like and hate when you can’t get it back.

    +You become obsessed with one survivor. For each survivor that is not hooked, gain a 5% movement speed increase and 3% vaulting speed increase. When the obsession is hooked, they are instantly put into the second stage of sacrifice and all other survivors will be inflicted with the blind and oblivious status effects permanently.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Resolute: You adamant about staying alive and keep to your faith that all will go as planned.

    +While you’re healthy, you repair and sabotage 25/50/75% faster. Any survivor you heal will be able to see you.

    •Lady Luck: You are favored by her ever generous visage.

    +Skill-based actions will provide an additional 3/4/5% progress for completing great skill checks. Moderately (33%) increases the frequency of skill checks and size of success zones (both good and great skill check zones).

    •Physician: You can treat the wounds of the injured much better than the average person.

    +When the user presses the activate ability button while healing another survivor or themselves, this perk will activate. The survivor being healed will be healed by one health state over the course of 10/8/6 seconds. This perk is affected by healing speed increasing items, addons, or perks. This perk has a 60 second cool.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Hex: I see you!

    Injuring your prey fills you with euphoria.

    After hitting a survivor with a basic whiles they are Healthy allows you too see their aura for 4/5/7 seconds.

    Hex: I see you has a cool down of 40/35/30 seconds.

    The specimen seems to have know the location of its victim after spilling their blood.

  • TheChinCollector
    TheChinCollector Member Posts: 54

    I've got quite a few perks in mind but most of them come from some of the concepts I've written. To keep things brief, I'll just include my favorite from each character.

    From The Alan Wake Chapter Concept (found here):

    Creative Control (perk for The Darkness)

    You enjoy shaping the acts of your victims to fit your own goals.

    Even if a generator is fully regressed, you can break it. Generators broken in this way become marked. All progress made on other generators while a generator is marked is instead transferred to the marked generator at 100/90/80% efficiency. Only one generator can be marked at a time.

    “My manuscript is being heavily revised. These edits are getting very aggressive and each day there’s less of me and more of her.” ~ Recording of Alan in the cabin

    Torchbearer (perk for Alan Wake)

    You are used to fighting with a flashlight in your hand. Enough so that you have learned to get more use from them.

    For every 24/18/12 seconds you are in the Killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, gain 1 charge back to your flashlight.

    “Warriors, torchbearers, come redeem our dreams,

    Shine a light upon this night of otherworldly fiends”

    ~ The Old Gods of Asgard’s “Children of the Elder God”

    From The Infected Killer Concept (found here):

    Alert the Horde

    The survivors weren't careful and have now lost each other to the sound of the oncoming horde.

    Become obsessed with one survivor.

    Whenever the Obsession generates a noise notification, gain a token. At 6 tokens, a 32 meter terror radius is applied to the other survivors for 20/25/30 seconds. Survivors can hear the terror radius applied to them. At the end of the effect, the counter resets to 0.

    You can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.

    "OH [BAD WORD]! Watch out!" ~ Coach

  • Mathaen
    Mathaen Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2020

    I've always that there should be something for survivors regarding hooks other then saboteur or breakdown. The idea being

    Your continued resilience has impressed the entity. Once per trial, After being within the killers terror radius undetected for 120/110/100 seconds, Gracious Favor activates. While activated if you are put into the dying state Gracious Favor blocks hooks within a x/x/x meter range of your current position. Deactivates if you are hooked. Persists if you are healed a health state for 20-30 seconds

  • RavCav_
    RavCav_ Member Posts: 59

    Perk name: Die Hard

    What it does: Once per trial, a skill check will appear during a mori animation. Succeeding at the skill check allows you to escape the mori and stun the killer.

  • Roffelbilly
    Roffelbilly Member Posts: 28


    When in a chase, survivors can’t take their eyes off you. If a survivor that’s in a chase with you is looking at you, their field of view is decreases by 10/20/30%, their camera turn rate gets decreased by 30/40/50% and their movement speed is decreased by 2/3/4%.

    “Distractions mean Death!”-The General 

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    •Tipper: You went and put on a performance, you expect a reward.

    -Hex: This hex will be hidden and only revealed to survivors it has affected. When a survivor gains boldness points in any manner, while this hex is activated, you will gain 50/75/100% of the blood points rewarded to the survivor (the amount is spread equally among all your blood point categories). The survivor in turn will lose 50% of the blood points earned. This effect persists as long as the related hex totem remains.

    •Investment: Some much money, it practically grows on its own!

    -For each survivor that cleanses a totem, either hex or dull, this perk gains a token. For each token, gain a 50% extra blood points in all categories.

    •Double Jeopardy: Take a chance and prove yourself. The rewards match the loss.

    -When you kill a survivor through any method, this perk gains a token. When a survivor escapes, this perk loses a token. For each token, gain 25% extra blood points.

    Author notes:

    All of these perks plus barbecue and chili would be the best blood point farming build. In best case scenario: You run this build and every player, survivors and killer, brings ghastly gateau and the survivors do whatever to get the tokens. The killer could walk away with 342,400 blood points. It’s very unlikely but running this and playing well will net you a lot of blood points. I am not even including addons or events that increase blood points. And that concludes my ted talk, thank you for listen to me.