Slugging is now a dead strat!

After being left on the ground for 45 seconds, Survivors will now gain the ability to pick themselves up without the need of any Perks
I like this!
Im hyped for it as well since it makes stuff like unbreakable more valuable.
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Actually, they are removing that from unbreakable.
Perk Updates
With both the Mori and the ability to pick yourself up now part of the base kit, a handful of Perks that grant these abilities will need adjustments. Therefore:
- The ability to pick yourself up has been removed from Unbreakable, Soul Guard, No Mither, and Boon: Exponential, as this is now part of the base kit.
- The ability to Mori Survivors has been removed from Rancor and Hex: Devour Hope, as this is now part of the base kit.
In addition, some of these perks will have changes made for the PTB. However, since this is an early preview, the in-game descriptions have not yet been updated. These are:
- Unbreakable: Now increases dying self-recovery speed by 80/90/100%.
- Rancor: Once all generators are powered, the Obsession’s aura is revealed for 5 seconds, and they are permanently inflicted with the Exposed Status Effect.
- Hex: Devour Hope: Once 5 tokens have been earned, any Survivor placed on a hook is instantly sacrificed.
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Yes but didn't they say the speed you recover affects the 45 second timer?
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Yes I read the whole thing too. I don't ever use those perks so I don't really care. I mostly care about the slugging. I think it's a fair fix.
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No the recovery speed overall is quicker. you cant pick yourself up except for 45 seconds after being downed
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Where is this info coming from?
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Geez imagine exponential+new unbreakable.
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I mean unbreakable will literally be the best perk in the game and Twins will now be completely unplayable.
I don't like to be overly dramatic and make fun of a bunch of people who are, but this is a terrible update. Slugging is both a valid strategy and commonly a required strategy for the killer to win. Getting multiple downs very quickly and snowballing is an absolute requirement at high levels of play. Making it so unbreakable literally causes you to pick yourself up repeatedly every 20 seconds makes it the strongest perk in the game.
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Unbreakable is honestly kind of dead.
Tenacity allows you to quietly move away and recover.
Soul guard gives you endurance.
Unbreakable makes you recover twice as fast (and allows you to pick yourself up in half the time) but I don't see that being enough to warrant the slot now.
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No "Survivors will now gain the ability to pick themselves up without the need of any Perks. This time is affected by recovery speed effects." So unbreakable halves it.
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Very very healthy for the game!
Was one of my remaining gripes, slugging for the 4k has always felt like such a hollow victory, but was so easy to do why wouldnt any killer do it?
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This is such an insanely awful idea from BHVR. Literal infinite use Unbreakable-speed self-recovery with the perk on, and even without it, still literal infinite use self-recovery.
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Once again making changes noone asked for. Wake up BHVR, there are much bigger problems at stake here!!
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With new mori change, survivors will get this effect to their base-kit. How you are feeling about it?
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Where is this info about slugging coming from?
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The Twins have been nerfed again thanks to this I know the devs hate them but this is to far
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I mean its got the same percentage as exponential now right? But yeah not being able to pick yourself up after 20 seconds hurts. Its good for stuff like power struggle flip flop maybe?
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Hook the survivor, proc your scourge hooks, win the game.
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...and the purpose of Knock Out and Deerstalker now is??
Slugging was always meant to be a valid strategy. Many perks were designed with this in mind. The base game mechanics were designed with this in mind.
Hell, at this point just make it so that survivors appear in your arms if you put them in the dying state and they completely wiggle out if you try to drop them, because if you don't immediately pick up any more you are griefing yourself.
Not sure if I agree with the direction these new developer's are sending the game down, of eliminating game mechanics instead of expanding.
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Wow what an absolutely terrible idea.
I could understand it after 2 minutes, but 45 seconds? That's nuts.
Edit: So it's just to allow this Last Stand mechanic to work. Seems like it would have been healthier to rework the Last Stand mechanic than this.
This is completely invalidating huge parts of the gameplay loop. Hell slugging might just become a meta tactic now. It's all or nothing. Nurses will be able to finish games within literal seconds, while try hards going for that 20 second game will be caught in an endless slug-pick-up loop.
None of this sounds fun for either side.
It's like when you tried to make it easier for killers not to camp and tunnel but accidentally made it even easier to camp and tunnel...
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It would be pretty quick, but going down near Exponential is easier said than done, and the time you spend crawling to it is time you're not recovering. Bearing in mind that the Killer hears the boon when within range, they could easily kick it before they walk away or judge whether or not it's worth the risk of leaving you slugged. It ends up being pretty situational. Whether or not you think that's worth two perk slots (maybe a third for Tenacity) just in case the Killer slugs you, I'll let you decide.
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I am having a really hard time figuring out:
- 1) When slugging dies out, what will be the point of these perks?
- 2) Does BHVR just not consider the existence of Twins, ever?
I do not know if 2 will be an issue because I really bet on 1 occurring if people truly have a problem with slugging as much as they appear to complain about it. (We still got people complaining about Lethal pursuit and then literally refusing to run I'm not sure if the demand is there)
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I didn't even think of that yeah that perk is ussless now
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If all survivors are dying, you finisher mori the guy you just downed and the others get entity sacrificed
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My question is what about the add-ons that allow for Mori's like Myers Tombstone?
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I fear the possibility of more camping and tunneling in the future, since Finishing Memento Mori has destroyed as many options for unbreakable slugging as possible as a base kit.
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Probably will do nothing against slugging for 4k. Example. I slug 1 guy and look for another. I prefer the slugged guy to not bleed out while I find another, because that would open the hatch. So if it takes too long, the slugged guy being autosaved from death actually helps. They aren't getting out anyway. And in case I do find the other, before the first one gets up, I can simply return to hook the first guy first. At least it gives it a bit of a fun dynamic, but it wouldn't remove the ability to slug for 4 kills at all. until 2 are alive there will be no hatch anyway.
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Ha. You've given my power struggle flip flop more valuable though! You fool! *evil cackle* if the killer picks you up instantly though its still probably not enough time. If they go for the boon though it might be valuable.
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Healthy change overall. Extended slugging isn't a fun mechanic. You can still do it to generate pressure. This just dampens the viability of the the Infectious/Knockout builds. Still, if you manage to slug all 4, you've won unless you completely biff it.
One caveat: don't overlook the Sabotage mechanic in light of these changes. This is going to have a ripple effect with other mechanics.
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Twins are next in line for a rework so dw
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Okay I got scared that overall survivors will be able to pick themselves up at any point in the game. But if it's just end game, then I don't mind. I just got specifically scared that oni was dead lol.
Edit: Wait a second...
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Yeah and we where promised console optimisation in 2019 but I don't see that do you
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The killer hears the boon within range - I don't think it is working atm then. Most maps as killer I can only hear boons 8-12m away, not the 24m range that they have. If killers could get a debuff tooltip to tell them they are in range of a boon that would help prevent bugged audio.
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idk ab any console optimization im on pc
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So even you bring Unbreakable, you can't pick up yourself before 45 seconds? Can you please make this clear.
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How is an infinite use Unbreakable for 22.5s self up even remotely acceptable???? How is an infinite basekit recovery even remotely okay????
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Just hook them, literally 45 seconds is more than enough time to relish your moment, just hook them
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So wait, if the Finisher Mori and anti slugging thing isnt going to be in 6.3.0
What can we expect for 6.3.0?
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More base kit survivor perks and nerfs for killers, fun. Expect a lot more camping and tunneling in the future if these changes go through.
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I didnt see any nerfs for killer. What Nerf is coming for killer?
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Just as i suspected this mori update was gonna be doodoo
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it depends on the playstyle. It's still the killer's choice to hook them or not, and disabling them for 45 seconds is plenty in most cases. And of course the slugged guy can be downed again later.
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Kill rates will drop significally.
Twins are even more dead than ever.
NOED is finally dead. You always slug while using NOED.
Infinite Unbreakable? So u have to pick up even if 3 other survivors are around the pallet the downed survivor is chilling.
This will be horrible.
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The PTB will be just that? and these not release now? so.. nothing for this mid chapter?
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Devour, rancor, and moris are getting nerfed.
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45s is not long at all.