We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Revert Blight hug tech



  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215

    Ah thx. I thought so too. Sometimes the right questions shut those people up though because they don't have answers.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I just believe power should be consistent, not "consistent".

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,438

    They should fix Oni's flick exploit as well. Chucky had it on release and it was fixed in a few weeks. Oni players have been abusing it for years. Hopefully soon!

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    Can we test it on the PTB first? It might not even be that impactful.

    Also, other techs should be fixed as well. The devs have started fixing techs for the sake of fixing techs, so now they should follow through with it. That means any remaining killer and survivor techs, no matter how impactful should be nerfed as long as it doesn't create worse issues.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,862
    edited March 29

    Devs only killswitch for game breaking issues. They don't killswitch over non game breaking bugs.

    Do I report them? No. The devs already said while it's an exploit, they aren't punishing people for abusing it and will eventually fix it. No point in reporting in that case.

    Remember when survivors could exploit by bugging themselves into lockers making them completely immune to damage and being grabbed? Obviously cheating, and very game breaking. Even then, BHVR didn't do bans but instead killswitched the perks allowing the cheat. Generally, BHVR just has a habit of not punishing cheating unless it's tied to actual hacks. Some dev studios do it that way, while other studios ban even if it's cheating via bug exploits.

    All because BVHR doesn't ban exploiters doesn't suddenly mean the bug being exploited should be considered fair play and left in. As a rule of thumb, they try to not killswitch unless absolutely necessary. An exploit not being killswitched doesnt mean it is acceptable, it just means it wasnt gamebreaking enough to warrant a killswitch. Their philosophy is to ban hack cheaters and allow exploiters to continue playing with the intent on eventually fixing the exploit. If the exploitbis bad enough, they step in with a killswitch.

    So yeah, people have been exploiting that hug tech for a while, and BHVR has finally gotten around to fixing the exploit. Took a while, but they finally did it. What you have is a bunch of people abusing the exploit for so long that they have become dependant on it. Now that the exploit has been fixed, they are upset for having to play fairly.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,079

    I love how players are complaining like, Oh now, Blights now are gonna use his rush and down survivors more fast instead of hug teching

    This argument is so stupid, they are basically saying Blight is going to get better by playing the way he was supposed to be played?

    I mean, hug tech is a huge lost, but players are overreacting about this, at the end of it all, he will still be a good character, but it was all a matter of time before it was removed, they can let Blight have hug tech after ptb, but please, let's test how he does in ptb, if his hitbox is really good and playable, it will avenge the removal of hug tech

  • accessoire
    accessoire Member Posts: 21

    broo. you can learn it and it works consistent enough for players to go on streaks in the thousands.
    this is legit just a skill issue for all the people that refuse to put time in this mechanical skill. and you don't have to play him if you want a simpler power go play something else.
    Leave the fun thing in the game for people that want something that is a more complex mechanical skill.

  • accessoire
    accessoire Member Posts: 21
    edited March 30

  • accessoire
    accessoire Member Posts: 21

    it's not about if he is good or bad without hug tech. it is a fun skill that they are taking away from the players.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,079

    Well, you can expect the player to be happy when he does an hug tech, but do not expect to see a smile face from the survivor POV, so it's not fun for everybody

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215

    So it can't be that bad then. So why do you complain?

    And hug-tech on Blight has existed since his release btw. That was 3.5 years ago. I don't play Blight, but I am very capable of seeing the greater picture here, which you can't.

    They remove Hug-tech, a lot of players will be pissed (similar to when Billy got Overheat) resulting in frustration and a lower number of total players. The removed Sky Billy (which would also be an exploit according to your argumentation) and other fun stuff, which made the game bland for many people (I guess some of them are the cheaters of today, as they want to have fun again).

    In addition it is dangerous for the same reasons because other characters who use certain advanced techniques (like Oni, Wesker, Huntress) could get targeted as well in the future. I would not want that at all.

    Removing depth to a character is unwise as this depth is what people like.

    If you cannot see that at all, then I will not take the discussion further with you, because you are not worth my time then.

  • accessoire
    accessoire Member Posts: 21

    Did you know that you can counter Blights hug tech by understanding the killer and the game. With the correct positioning and good movement you can loop it like you would loop other killers. (This is often even much more fun than bump logic blight that just makes the 4 correct rushes for the 100% hit with little to no counterplay from the survivor side)

    So you can learn both the hug tech and the counterplay you just need an actual understanding of what you are doing when looping and not just "me hold forward and me vault pallet"

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    Did you report every bug exploiter?
    When I had video evidence of bug exploits being done intentionally to victimize another, or admitted to it in endgame chat (including Oni flicks/Wesker wall dashes, and window-vault stagger skips and other bugs)? Yes. If they only did it once, I don't have evidence of them intentionally abusing the bug, but a self-report or multiple actions caught recorded would get a swift report. I've used this same self-report method against full-blown cheaters when they thought they were being tricky. (Skybilly is an example of a self-victimization as the result of a bug exploit, so I don't report someone victimizing themself. It still is illegal, but I feel the victim should always choose whether or not to 'press charges' so to speak.)
    They've always been bannable, but some bugs you can't prove intent without multiple abuses, or a self-report.

    Why didn't one of the most popular characters with some of the most skins get killswitched for a difficult to fix bug?
    I'm gunna assume $$$ to be demoralizing/realistic. As far as 'such a problem', there are 30+ Killers, probably less than 10% of people intentionally abused the bug, so it impacted roughly 1% of matches in some of the highest estimates. Less than 1% impact is a low priority bug in the scheme of things.

    One thing to note about bug-tech is that it did not exist since launch. Blight had functional collision when he had the crotch height camera. Moving the camera up to a normal Killer height broke his collision, and the jury-rigged patchjob of the follow-up bump verification is what causing bug-tech to exist.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,079

    This is actually true, but, you really want the ‘normal type of player’ that just came home from work, sit down on his chair, knows every spot, or have knowledge, about his tech, unless you train every day every hour with bilght, it’s actually impossible

    Also, I’m going to compare my point with hug tech and crouch tech, both are really strong, and crouch tech for survivors are fun, but do you think is fun for the killer? Killers should know that survivors have a smaller hitbox when crouched? Crouch tech should be removed as well along with hug tech, and,one mod told us that the ptb is going to hapoen, and everthing could change, even hug tech becoming a 100% official thing, but, until then, it’s classified a bug, with crouch tech, that’s going to be removed soon

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215

    Then it's 2.5 years instead of 3.5. Still more time than most people probably played the game nowadays.

    Why should I be so negative and report every Blight I come across using this? There are people far worse than that who are actually worth the time. And as the Devs never posted it in the game itself, so I also guess a lot of people don't even know it's a bug (believe it or not, but there is only a small part of the community here in the forums). Before the era of the killswitched, they would post a warning in chat that abusing bug xxx was now officially bannable, which meant you could report everyone abusing it (it was a bug with legion's addons). I only report hackers and those who abused severe stuff like the locker/FL bug. I like to go against hug-tech. It's not that difficult to outplay if you know what you are doing. So again: why should I report people who brings me joy to the game? Theoretically you can also report every farming killer for "refusing to play normal". Do you also report those? If the answer is yes, then you are a very sorry soul.

    Also afaik the Devs NEVER said anything about Wesker's hug-tech being a bug (also that already existed on the PTB. I did skinny Bert there by accident, which means hug-tech was also there but people didn't know it yet), so stop reporting people for that. They just enjoy the complexity of their gameplay.

    And if that's not enough, we should all get together and ask the Devs to say us which techs are a bug and which aren't. So people can shut up about it for the rest of eternity.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215

    That is so true. My favourite Blights are those with C21, because I am an Object user and therefore can bait them into hug-teching the wrong way even easier. I don't know what all the fuss is about that you can't counter it.

  • accessoire
    accessoire Member Posts: 21

    It's not impossible... yes it takes time but people have thousands of hours in the game and it has been out for years now.

    It is super easy to learn looping and movement if you just try. And it's okay for games to also have a bit harder mechanical skill.

    So no it’s not impossible y'all just have to step out off your comfort zone and play a few matches against a good Blight. (There are so many Communitys that want to teach players just ask)

    And if you don't wanna learn that is fine but then don't complain when someone takes the time and is just better. Respect this skill instead of crying that it should be taken away.

    And for the last time just because something is a bug does not mean it should be taken away. And just because the devs want to do something that does not mean that it should happen that way. This is why we give feedback in this post.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,079

    So they shouldn't take away crouch tech, because it took me time to use it better, but do you think the other side is going to have fun just because I pressed a button and he missed the hit?

    Regardless of the feedback, there will be people who will defend and people who are against, this bug is not something acclaimed and loved by 100% of people like bunnyhop which was a bug but became a mechanic because everyone liked it, hug tech only benefits one side and should be removed like all techs that use something unintentional to enjoy, and there's no point in saying that blight will be boring after that, because when it launched everyone said it was fun and cool to play, and at that time nobody knew about the techs

    I'm sure that when it comes to the ptb feedback tab, no one will give a damn about the other things, there will be people saying to remove hug tech and people saying to keep it, but in the end, it won't change anything, because if bhvr sees that there are people who are against it, they will remove it, if it was something loved by everyone it would be different, but that's not the case

  • Daviokita
    Daviokita Member Posts: 1

    Hello, BHV. I would like to leave my feedback on the change of The Blight. I know that the initial proposal we would not have hug technology, but it was a mechanic that was discovered over time by some players. It makes the game with more diversity of gameplay and that makes the game more fun. Survivor and killer game and in my opinion I find it much more fun to face The Blight with more diverse mechanics. Limiting this the game will be more cloying. I started playing as a killer when The Blight was released, before I didn't like to play as a killer I only played as a survivor, The Blight has the most fun mechanics of the game in my opinion. As a survivor I can play against The Blight that does hug technology, I don't think that should get out of the game. Just as The Blight has hug technology, the survivors have window technology and these mechanics make the game more fun for both sides. So please think carefully about the destination you want for The Blight, as this can frustrate a large part of the community. I know you are against the technology of hugs, but many people in the community do not agree with this change. This could be implemented in the game, thus making it even more diverse and with more frantic chases. Thank you.

  • accessoire
    accessoire Member Posts: 21

    You cannot be serious…
    1. There were many voices against the original Bhop in csgo and other games. There are reasons why it is Patched. In one of the biggest compilation Videos of Bhop there are people complaining that it is op (Because it was back then)
    Nowadays Bhop does not make you faster anymore and is not a significant gameplay thing.
    It is good that the original Bhop was fixed cause it made the game play different a significant amount. Blights hug tech is just another skill in the looping gameplay that has counterplay.

    2. Crouch tech why, when and how it works is also a skill players do play around yes. And no I don't think it should be removed as it adds another layer of skill to looping (Do I make it back to the pallet or do I crouch and hope that he misses me)
    And if you seriously wanna claim that hug tech and all the skills involved with it is just a button press you are delusional. Hug tech needs way more skill then crouch tech and has often more counterplay.
    Hug Tech makes looping more fun for both sides (Trust me looping a hug tech Blight is better than a Bump logic certain hit blight) and adds another layer of looping skill and positioning paired with game knowledge (what is possible and what isn't)

    3. Release Blight:
    Release Blight was buggy had many issues and the players where still figuring him out. He was not loved…
    But people stayed with him because they saw the potential of all the things they could do with his kit. Very soon they discovered the Hug Tech which opened up even more possibilitys and gave him a higher skill expression than ANY other killer has to this day.
    Removing a part of this is hurting the game way more then it helps.

    4. It depends on how the PTB Blight plays on what will happen. And no not every voice matters the same on if it should stay in the game or not.
    A Clown Main that only plays him should have no opinion casue it does not affect them at all.
    What really matters is the opinion of the playerbase mainly the Blight playerbase that have played him sometimes for thousands of hours. Cause if they say this is horrible and they quit nothing is gained. Just another killer ruined. (Remeber Hillbilly for the last few years???)

    We don't know how it is played so we should wait, but it is already certain that a lot of people are already not happy even thinking about the fact that another skill expression is to be removed.

  • SilverCrane4643
    SilverCrane4643 Member Posts: 53

    That's a terrible idea and it would make things worse in general.

  • SilverCrane4643
    SilverCrane4643 Member Posts: 53

    That will only make the game less intersting and it would remove many the holy s moments. Not to mention that would lower the skill ceiling for mid and especially high level players.

  • SilverCrane4643
    SilverCrane4643 Member Posts: 53

    Do you know how to dodge the hug tech? Bcs it is not so hard to dodge on a medium size loop.

  • SilverCrane4643
    SilverCrane4643 Member Posts: 53

    There are many things wrong in your comment. You say that "normal type of players" can't spend a lot of time learning. Which makes sense, but it also means that they are in the low and mid level. Same goes for the killer that they play against, in fact these types of players are less likely to find any killer that know their techs. What I'm trying to say is that the removal of the hug tech doesn't really affect the low level players. The high level players will find it less enjoyable/interesting in general. An expert/veteran player wants to show his skill to the opposite side. Learning these techs takes time and practise so removing them makes the game less interesting.

    Like I said I have 5.5 k hours in Dbd so I want to discovere new ways to improve as killer and survivor. Ofc if something is op, then it should be fixed, but there are not op techs atm. I play Hillbilly a lot so I know how strong the crouch tech is, but I don't want to be removed. A survivor needs to understand when and where to do it, if not it doesn't work. At the high level we like complexity, it makes the game more fun for both sides. Even today during a 1v1 I managed to do a window tech against a Demo with bamboozle and it helped me to make the chase 2 mins longer. Complexiity push people to practise, practise create skills, skills create fun moments.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    I agree but the devs set the precedence to remove techs for the sake of removing techs. If they don't follow through, then that is a clear case of double standards.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    One example for that was the removal of SkyBilly (Hillbilly's ability to traverse the map by using the chainsaw from an elevated position to get on top of obstacles, which redirect his momentum slightly upwards and allow him to traverse the map by "jumping" over obstacles rather than running around them). Instead of fixing what was actually broken to prevent him from clipping out of bounds, they completely changed his physics and added a variety of invisible walls that also limit Demogorgon's ability to increase the range of his shred, which is even hinted at in the loading screen. They even officially said they'd support SkyBilly as a tech a few years prior.

    When they "fixed" SkyBilly it wasn't due to it having no counterplay, being too strong or whatever but simply because they no longer intended it to remain. Meaning, they removed it for the sake of removing an unintended feature.

    Which is fine as long as they stay consistent with it. But I have an issue with it, if they don't because that's a double standard.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Actually, fixing that was stupid as is, so probably wasn't fine at all.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    That doesn't matter now, though. The devs set the precedence. Now they need to either follow through or revert the change (which is not going to happen) and set a new rule for techs.

  • SilverCrane4643
    SilverCrane4643 Member Posts: 53

    SkyBilly was mainly goofy thing to put a show and it wasn't used for chases, but I was also dissapointed of the removal of it. I don't agree the part that you said "they stay consistent with it". Is like saying… they did a bad change, now let's make the same bad change to everything else. So if anything, they shouldn't keep doing the same mistake.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715
    edited March 31

    Is like saying… they did a bad change, now let's make the same bad change to everything else.

    That is a fallacy. Your example would not be a rule that the devs made.

    SkyBilly's removal however was. Because the rule that techs are allowed to stay in the game as long as they aren't problematic by BHVR's standards, was directly contradicted without any reasoning that would warrant an exception to the rule. They did not consider it problematic themselves and they made no argument as for why an exception would be warranted anyway.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252
    edited March 31

    The issue was you asked if others reported Killers for cheating/breaking the rules, to which the reply was yes.

    As for personally, you should report everyone (that breaks the rules) that you care to, it takes time and effort. You can have your own 'honor code' that determines if you let something slide or not, but that doesn't mean the rules change according to that 'honor code'. As far as the farming Killer, the closest rule breaking equivalent is "Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates", so there has to be an advantage gained (edit see * below), or a grief act done. That means you are most certainly allowed to report a farming Killer (and their compatriots) if they bleed you out while t-bagging your corpse for refusing to farm with them, as that would be griefing. I do report griefers, I don't report farmers unless they cross that griefing(/or hold the game hostage) line.

    It is a little absurd to think the PTB means bugs don't exist, but I can see where your head is at now. "Only a bug if stated exactly as such in-game" more or less. Since Bugtech didn't have an in-game announcement, it was fair. The locker bug had an in-game announcement, so it wasn't (again, according to my understanding of your understanding). I will continue to report cheaters and bug exploiters as long as they fit my standards of proof for a report. I change my in-game win condition to 'detective-mode', and enough evidence for a (edit: report or) ban is my new wincon from Kill/Escape/Tome/Daily/Whatever I felt like when I queued up.

    Personally I don't think lobbying for a bug list is a good idea, because it would encourage greater bug abuse for things they want to keep on the down-low and can't fix in the immediate future. Some coding issues are very hard to fix, and if it becomes a more regular occurrence, then it forces a more immediate fix. If we got a "Game Health" chapter (for bugs and major gameplay problems) once a year, I would love that. But because I am somewhat aware (or at least more than the average forum member,) of the priority queues the devs have to deal with, I don't find an active bug list to be net positive due to the potential for abuse reason. (To be a little more clear, simple number tweaks like on perks should be done easily and often, fixing significant coding issues or full perk/power redesigns would need a larger investment.)

    edit * Advantage gained can be quite nebulous. One could claim a Survivor dropping a pallet creating a deadzone is 'working with Killer for an advantage' as they didn't die, and sabotaged their team. Alternatively meta rewards like 'they gave me BP', or 'by not killing them and giving hatch/gate, I didn't raise my MMR'. I think these are too much of a stretch to use meta arguments. Also someone bodyblocking a door frame might be afraid and confused, and not doing it to ingratiate themselves with the Killer. That is why I continued with only the obvious griefing aspect.

    Post edited by mizark3 on
  • SilverCrane4643
    SilverCrane4643 Member Posts: 53

    What are the "Bhvr standars"? They are not clear at all. My guess is that they didn't want to keep skyBilly bcs it doesn't fit the horror and serious theme of Dbd. I think anyone would laugh to see a guy with a chainsaw flying to the moon and keep doing it the whole match. Like I said before, it wasn't used for chase, so there wasn't an interaction between killer and surv. The lack of interaction and the goofiness were probably the casue of the removal of SkyBilly.

    That is why they shouldn't remove these techs that are used for chases. You need practise to pull it off and to counter them. It adds complexity in the gameplay/interaction which makes the game more fun at high levels.

    And please, avoid the argument "the devs made a choice, so there is nothing to discuss". From my post I made very clear that having all these techs make the game better. None of the current dbd tech are broken. The only 2 that might be maybe problematic are the V1 tech and the old Chucky flick. Other than that they are healthy for the game.

  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 523
    edited March 31

    McLean who created Blight said this was never intended it isn't a feature. They failed the first attempt to fix it and now found a way to fix it. Either play a different killer or adapt. I hope crouch and fov tech are next.

  • accessoire
    accessoire Member Posts: 21

    Sometimes it is better to keep you mistakes cause something great can come from them... (read my comments for a better understanding)

    Then maybe you can give an actual reason why the Hug Tech is a problem cause there is none...

  • accessoire
    accessoire Member Posts: 21

    I will give 10 Dollars/Euros to the person that can show me an actual good reason for why Hug Tech should be removed.

    No that it was is a bug and everything involved with that logic is not a good reason.

    No that Blight is to strong is also not a good reason.

    Give me a reason where the Hug Tech is negative to the overall GAMEPLAY of DbD.

    ABAEX Member Posts: 195

    what about survivor use jump tech flash tech?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215

    Now I know who will probably report me for just having fun with Wesker. Thanks a lot.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252
  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215

    Are you trolling now or don't you get what my problem is with your arguments?

    I repeat to make myself clear:

    Anything the Devs did not classify as a bug isn't one and therefore not an exploit. None of Wesker's techs have been classified as such. And no, his hug-tech works completely different from Blight's and therefore is not a bug. All of his techs are based on the server confirming if you can dash during the frame you press M1 and not throughout the whole dash.

    So do yourself a favor and stop reporting Wesker players (or anyone) who just play the game. Unless you want to end up with a ban for false reporting yourself.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252
    edited April 1

    Thanks, will do (when infractions meet my standards of a report aka prove intent). You enjoy your time as well!

    Comp is done in customs, thus they aren't subject to the game rules listed previously, and also found under the Information Center tab. So this point is irrelevant.

    It may be the case that people won't be banned, but would is different from should.

    I don't view this as black and white as you, although I can see how my phrasing may have invoked such a reaction. Specifically my use of 'cheater'. To redefine for clarity, I am using 'cheater' as a short hand for "someone who has broken game rules to the level that could justify a report and/or ban." Using full on cheating software to teleport reaches this standard, as does using the game itself and twisting its arm to work in unintended ways also meets this standard. Kind of like how cheating on a test by giving another test participant answers is still cheating, even if you gained nothing from it. The colloquial 'cheating' would be only referring to raising your score, but the test's rules expands the definition to raising anyone's score. This too applies to the game rules and my usage of 'cheating'.

    If you break the rules, you 'cheated'. Now there are minor rules like working with Killer that could be on paper true, but in practice were just people meming. If someone flubs a pallet save, and stays still in disappointment, this could, under the strictest of definitions, be considered working with Killer. In an extreme mind, you could twist that "oops I screwed up, let's make a joke of my failure" into "MWUHAHAHA now the Killer will think I am bad and will go easy on me, Turbo-Tunnel my teammates MWUHAHAHA".

    For me, the line of breaking the rules is proving intent. There are so many different bugs in any given patch, that I need to know someone intentionally exploited a bug for their benefit in order to report them. I usually go for a rule of 3 (times exploiting the bug), or a self-report in endgame chat. If they say something like "yeah that was weird, I don't know what was going on", then even if I have the 27 times recorded, I might let that slide, but otherwise they broke the rules and I would report them.

    I was being flippant with my (one-line) reply as you appeared to discard the game rules (and be equally flippant with my multi paragraph points) when it seeks your whim, but no, I'm not trolling with my major points. It stays on point with my message though, if oversimplified to an extreme.

    I truly don't understand your point as I stated in the previous post. If a Survivor starts turbospeeding cross-map during the locker exit animation (only), but the devs didn't expressly state in an in-game announcement that its a bug, that doesn't magically mean it isn't a bug, especially if they stated on the forums it was a bug. Having sufficient hours in this game (and others) means that people have a decent sense of when something is lag, a bug, or something else.

    Calling some things a tech when any individual thinks its cool doesn't negate its buggy nature. Also the DBD community at large is bad for calling everything a tech. "Dumb tech, Shift tech, Bloodlust tech, placed a trap as Trapper tech", I find people calling this, that, and everything a 'tech' a joke. It feels like they know the game isn't as serious as they wish it to be, and want to artificially inflate its importance by describing things as far more glorious than they actually are.

    I do find it funny that full blown cheating software users and 'tech users' (specifically bug exploiters) resort to the exact same argumentation when called out. "Don't report, its a waste of yours and/or the devs time."* (Although to be fair full on software cheaters also threaten to make a new account.) To me that shows a certain level of known guilt that the person knows what they are doing is wrong, or is bare minimum against the rules, and doesn't want to face punishment for breaking those known rules.
    *(I would link a CoconutRTS video here showing a software cheater saying essentially this, but to play it safe with the forum rules regarding cheating, that could be twisted by bad actors into a false claim of 'advertising cheats'.)

    I will continue reporting people who break the rules in a way that ruins the gameplay experience for others, and I find it chilling and/or telling that you would want anyone to stop doing that.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
    ABAEX Member Posts: 195

    ok, survivor use flash get in locker. fake vault.

    use pick item to jump up to shack.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215
    edited April 1

    If you thought that I don't report the blatant (and even subtle) cheaters, you are wrong.

    I have 7k hrs and 5.5 years of experience in this game and I dare say I have quite a good (although not perfect) intuition regarding what are game mechanics and what are cheats. I know what Coconut video you are talking about. And those I always report with video evidence.

    But I ask you again: Why should I report a Sky Wesker for example? The player only uses the mechanics and physics which are in the game and not some cheats (same as sky billy back in the day). Maybe you should spend some time watching advanced plays of different killers to understand what they do. So you know what to actually report and what not.

    (Edit: example: if you blind a legion during a pallet vault, the killer can instantly M1 you without cooldown. When I saw this fist after 4k hrs I thought it was a cheater but it turned out to be a mechanic that was not widely known. The vaulting animation cancels the stun animation so the killer is able to instantly hit someone. I would have reported that killer without any reason if I didn't check it up.

    Edit 2: I made a bug report after this nontheless (because you can't know everything even as Devs) and one of the mods told me, that it wasn't a bug. I also reported a Legion back in the early days who did the "moonwalk exploit" and they kindly told me that in their eyes it wasn't, although it clearly was, as survivors' mend timer would just run out while not in chase, leaving no counterplay, and they even fixed it half a year later for that exact reason.

    So maybe, before just being the righteous paladin in this dark game check if what you saw is actually intended or not. And to save all of us some time, maybe also do a bug report, to check that as well and make the Devs aware of it.)

    But if you want to open the game and be greeted with a temp ban massege one day, go ahead. I will not stop you. Some people have to learn the hard way.

    And this is all I will say for that matter.

    Post edited by LapisInfernalis on
  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    "… good intuition regarding what are game mechanics and what are cheats." That wasn't my point, my point was bugs. To specifically avoid calling out bugs seems bizarre, given that was my primary point of that section. However with the Legion example I can see why it was avoided. I can understand not wanting to risk a false report, and being humble and allowing for the possibility of it being a lack of knowledge. I trust my understanding when I can go into a custom match and replicate a standard result however.

    I already gave you the reason to report in my prior replies, but if you want a shorter version then how about "whenever you feel it necessary". Below bracketed paragraph only necessary if you want greater detail as to my personal 'feel it necessary'.
    I don't feel the need to report someone for 'harassment' in the end-game chat, even if they try to levy racial epitaphs around the censor against me, because it doesn't impact my experience. If someone else is the victim of those racial insults and they ask for them to be reported, I do it to help them, but I take no offense when it is directed at me. My tolerance for harassment when it comes to reports is near infinite, so I don't report people when I am the victim. My tolerance for abusing bugs irritates me to no end, and people falsely justifying their usage use the same logic as software cheaters for their conclusion. As such, I report bug abuse whenever I have enough evidence to justify it, and sometimes as a 'suspected cheater, use this report only as evidence if multiple other matches report them as well'. There was a match where I had a Meg pick herself up and reach a gate on the opposite side of the map without UB/self-pickup perks (or an ally to pick her up [even with a boon], as well as not leaving scratch marks [and not having scratch mark hiding perks]), but I had no video evidence (because I only start recording after the first blatant cheat/bug exploit), so I gave (roughly) the above reasoning in the report.

    I thought I also mentioned that bugs not granting an advantage are not something I report for, only when it gives an advantage or ruins someone else's experience. I don't know if Sky Wesker is referring to Space Billy equivalent, where you gain no advantage, or being able to preserve momentum off of a high spot. Sliding off of a hill and maintaining the velocity as Wesker is clearly not intended (and confers and advantage) if you have to get in super specific scenarios to do it. If I can do the dash 20 times scooting to the side (from the previous starting point) a tiny bit each time, I can establish a baseline expectation, and a deviation is most likely a bug. Going back to the Legion example, it repeats the exact same way every time, so it doesn't deviate from know expectations, so it can be safe to assume it isn't a bug. Wesker doesn't share that with (most of) his 'techs' aka bug exploits. You have to do frame perfect inputs that wouldn't work through normal power usage.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215

    You have to do frame perfect inputs that wouldn't work through normal power usage.

    You don't know how hug-tech or how Wesker's power works, don't you. Watch some videos of Alranican or Crohmbs, I will not waste time explaining it to you again.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252
    edited April 1

    If it is so esoteric that it can't be explained, that is telling me it is a bug exploit without using that language.
    Edit: Also strange to me that you ignored the 2 massive paragraphs to nitpick a minor point.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,215

    I told you how it works.

    I'm just not repeating it.

    Why don't you write a bug report on Wesker's techs? Then you can confirm for yourself if they are actually bugs.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252
    edited April 1

    "… if you can dash during the frame you press M1 and not throughout the whole dash…" during the frame is my way of saying frame perfect. Sorry if that wasn't clear. That sounds like it should verify the entire dash to me, and refund failed/improper uses.

    Edit: I've lost faith in reporting bugs as they don't get addressed or fixed when I do report them. See
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