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  • Man I wish my teammates tried as hard as everyone says they do xD But everything aside, the point is to win the game and you can't blame them for wanting to win I think the core issue here is the matchmaking as it seems like you may be getting matched up with players that are just simply more experienced, and that's no…
  • Sheesh I have countless clips just like these two but if it's ever brought up all I get in return is "cry more" or "just get good" lmfao. It forces you to misjudge taking a vault or dropping a pallet ultimately resulting in you dying when you shouldn't have. It's to the point where I've had to sacrifice two perk slots as…
  • i noticed this as well from watching videos on youtube. Did it get changed?
  • You should give no cross play a shot, sure queues are maybe 10min longer. but its really fun, not many people do it so you run into the same people pretty often and it's like a lil community. everyone knows each other and the killers aren't dbags. Once you get into queue, after your game you re-queue and get a lobby…
  • i agree with this heavily, i see so much talk about swf especially and being someone who strictly plays solo it gets old being attacked over things i don't even utilize and don't even participate in
  • Iron Will. I got so used to it early on and I prefer playing injured so now any time I play without Iron Will I feel so vulnerable
  • Because either A. The killer baits your dead hard meaning you bought yourself an extra second or two, or B. You make it to the next loop where you're one shot, and ultimately ends up being a mind game. There's occasions where you'll have great positioning and there's occasions you'll have poor positioning. And I believe if…
  • I agree it is the strongest, when it works. But at most it just buys you a couple extra seconds or helps you make a window or pallet for an extra loop or two, by no means would I say it needs to be nerfed or is OP in any way though
  • If anything Dead Hard needs to be fixed not nerfed lmao the amount of times I've been exhausted in the dying state is ridiculous
  • Idk man maybe protect the exit gates and turn a 1k into a 4k, maybe i'm crazy though
  • Believe it or not I'm rank 2 lol the highest ranked killer ill normally get is 5 or 6
  • i do it for all of you to see another day 😔
  • Yeah, it's the risk I take when solo queueing or playing with even just one friend so I can't be too mad. But whenever they talk crap in end game chat afterwards it's like why??
    in love this Comment by 999 August 2020
  • I should pay more attention I to that I almost didn't see him! 😁
    in love this Comment by 999 August 2020
  • Yes dude the teammates I get normally dont do anything, and this always happens to me :(
    in love this Comment by 999 August 2020
  • Why isn't it fun? Also, you can always turn it off in the settings
  • True, you are able to dodge at certain distances, but most slingers would just wait for the close to mid range shot anyway where you have almost zero time to prepare for. I feel like the reason it's brought up so often is because it's a guessing game. People, including myself, just find it very un-fun to face him because…
  • It's because your survival depends upon his ability to aim. Your skill as a survivor just goes out the window, sure you can juke a bad deathslinger but that isn't anything that you did as a survivor, he just missed. It gets frustrating after a bit and it makes playing against him just completely boring. His shots connect…
  • I agree with this. Personally I have no "need" to stretch my game. But on most other games I play, I play stretched purely for the look of it. Most people would say it's ugly to look at, which I get. But I'm so used to it and I prefer the wider look of things. I play most other games on 1600x1080 so it isn't much, but to…
    in Stretched Res Comment by 999 August 2020
  • Yes I'm aware, to me it's the stretched look that I prefer. The fov isn't what really interests me. Native 1920x1080 to me looks really narrow since I'm so used to playing stretched on every other game I play. I played stretched on fortnite after the patch which also did not give any extra fov, just widened the game and…
    in Stretched Res Comment by 999 August 2020
  • I'm used to playing stretched on other games that I play, it's just preference for me. I brought this to the forums just to see some opinions but it seems to me like a lot of people see it as a sin, but in reality I don't do it for the fov, since most games I play offer the fov sliders. Native to me looks super narrow and…
    in Stretched Res Comment by 999 August 2020
  • Believe it or not I'd actually rather play against rusty shackles, it's the loud noise and her jumping out of the ground that gets to me xD
  • Crybaby 2: "Literal scum build" Also Crybaby 2: has Sprint Burst, Unbreakable, BT 😂
  • thank you for the suggestion I might have to try that to save my sanity haha!
  • Yes! haha even stepping on trapper's traps is scary. It's the unexpected loud noise that gets to me lol
  • 😂😂. I feel that! Even after I know it's a hag I'll still act like a little girl for the entirety of the trial and I'll still get scared by her traps even when I'm expecting them 😅 Makes me feel better knowing i'm not alone though hahahaha
  • This made me feel a little better lololol. I thought it was just me 😅
  • I understand this! Oddly enough with me being the way I am about getting jump scared (I can't put into words how much I hate being jump scared) I still enjoy playing scary/horror games. And then I end up hating myself for it whenever it happens 😅
  • I wish I had your composure! Haha, it makes me feel like a kid again all my friends are just like bro are you good 😂