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  • Although I do want the music to get quieter, I have say it’s pretty hard handy when I accidentally get into a chase and loud blaring music goes off. It makes me instinctively check my screen as if I was robo-cop and find them running in the corner of my eye.
  • Hmm... not gonna lie, I like it but I feel like removing someone out of the game like may be a tad bit too much. Especially on high mobility killers like nurse and billy. Though this is more balanced than the Mori how it is right now. I feel like the ebony mori should only kill two people after they’ve been hooked. Then…
  • Have people forgot to clean bones?? If you want expect noed, clean all of the bones and keep noed from turning on. What is so hard about holding R1, or whatever platform you play on, and don’t even worry about skill checks or the killer getting a notification? The killer can’t even see the aura’s of dull totems! It’s even…
  • I had a losing streak of 9(solo survivor) yesterday but today I’ve been winning more, often losing 2-3 games and then escaping the next game. Just remember to incorporate lessons from previous games and everybody has a losing streak at one point.
  • I’m not a Doctor main but I plan on playing him more. He definitely is not the worst, but more of a below average killer. His power has potential, just requires some serious skill and muscle memory. He’s great at tracking, making them scream to show you where they are, and if you see the illusionary doctors, that’s where a…
  • This might be a unpopular idea, and take this with a grain of salt, but I personally think the bear trap should turn on when they escape the chase, or exit the terror radius. Make it so the timer of the bear trap goes faster when they’re working on a gen, healing, that sort of thing, to push them to remove the trap. I…
  • Honestly, the more they teabag at you at the pallet, and the harder you outplay them, the chances of them DCing gets bigger. It’s a satisfying moment, especially if they haven’t even been hooked yet.
  • I try to play for fun, but the higher the rank, the less fun I have, specifically purple ranks and lower. I’ll admit, I get pretty frustrated when I’m getting gen rushed and the game makes me bust out every swear word I know. By that point, I just open the gates for them. If you can’t beat them, join them.