Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • @adeloo Play Billy then, because Bubba is way, way easier, my dude. Also I don't see how I could have fun playing against something with no counterplay, dunno maybe I'm weird.
  • @PantlessMyers I would agree on this if it wasn't map made out of completely new assets. It looks like intended design, or the person putting it there was just not aware of non blockable stairs policy - if so, why are they even allowed to touch the maps?.
  • @Adeloo Spirit has more counterplay than Billy? Okaaaaay, I guess literally every player who plays longer is wrong then xD. Let's agree to disagree here, I will play against anything but Spirit, might be my personal bias here. @Emeal Check the stats of killer popularity and kill ratios.
  • Just do gens and escape for free... like any thinking person would do <3. Honestly I don't have issue with camping or stuff, because killer throws a game if they do so.
  • I'm bumping up, because apparently I'm not the only one who thinks this nerf was unnecessary. Scott just made a video and he points out things: I like the part when he shows part of the update, when devs show how they think Billy is the best designed killer... so they nerf him xD.
  • Bumping it up, because I think this would make game so much more balanced and that it does need discussing.
  • Why is killer punished for survivor being toxic?
  • Just give killer indication who is in the swf (and info if it's 2/2 or 4man group), so killers can take strong perks and addons and actually prepare mentally and so they can chill or no stuff against bunch of randos. Maybe small bonus to points so they have bait to not dodge. Also make trial warm up a thing (Scott Jund on…
  • @Fenn It could be good idea for just a weekend, but for a long run it's terrible. Killer has 4 perks, while survivors have 16... and there is no killer perk good enough to be worth 4 survivors perks. Actually their value is kind of even, sadly.
  • @Nos37 I don't agree with Solo players getting 2 additional perks. That's a lot. Imagine facing 4 strong random survivors with 4 meta perks + Kindred and Object of Obsession or Windows of opportunity... Unwinable, they would ######### on Iri Head Huntress or even Spirit (I did win a lot of 3/1 against Iri Heads and lost a…
  • I voted Pig, simply because I love metalized Saw theme, but Wraith should have one as well. Huntress seems like she would benefit with custom chase music from as well.
  • @Woodywool Don't forget mother's helpers. It's trash addons, but with Enduring Fury it does catch people of guard at times. Also keep in mind that this increase comes with sacrificing a perk slot. It's huge price and having infectious or not on Nurse is big deal.
  • I prestige all killers and only survivors I plan to have all the perks on.
  • Billy would be op if he walked faster while charging chainsaw. I'm all about trashing his rework and making him as he was on release, but this would be too strong. Trickster on the other hand is so garbage... he needs any kind of love he can get.
  • The buffs are just quality of life changes, devs did not adress the main issue of Trickster: Lack of personality and his "ultimate" being useless 99% of the times. There is no a thing he can do, that other killer cannot do better. Playing him is constantly asking yourself: Why didn't I play x? Right now he is literally…
  • As much as I love spine chill I do think it is too strong. It's detection is insane compared to other perks (It removes every stealth killer... and compared with resilence make you vault ridiculously fast). Just look at premonition and compare the two... Premonition is a joke of a perk... and Spine Chill helps you also…
  • Killer has 4 perks, survivors have 16... and you want to make it even more unbalanced? If survivor perks were weaker than killer's then maybe... but it's actually the survivor perks being way stronger and more impactful on the game. Hard no.
  • How is BBQ opressive? I don't think you realise that most trashy killer would simply camp you on the first hook if not it's aura reading. Better think your requests through. Also as one dude mentioned you can work around it very easily (hide behind gen, in locker, run one direction for 5 seconds then turn around...).
  • @Woodywool Billy does have two charge addons now. That's a one. Huntress, Ghostface, Myers, Nursre, Plague - they all have addons that would benefit from old tinkerer... so your point is simply wrong.
  • @immortalls96 I miss cooldown after ending chainsaw sprint addons the most
  • @GeneralV 2 addons and perk slot to get a bit more consistent hits. Meanwhile Spirit exists. Is it really broken, man? @Gibberish Why was it a mess?
  • @bm33 Bruh, by old tinkerer, I mean the one that increased effectiveness of some addons (which had "affected by tinkerer" note on them), not after rework, but before buff :D.
  • Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean everyone does. I like it, feels more immersive.
  • Perfect change and actually new interesting mechanic introduced. Now you really can feel like being killers obsession cause you have no control over aura reading while having ability to discover what perks the killer uses. Can't be toxic, is usefull. 10/10 rework
  • @Adeloo Explain how blood pack, for the people and mom only work in swf. Take your time. Also if you are scared of tunneling just equip ds... only difference after patch is that you can't rub it in killer's face anymore.
  • If I don't know where they are, I'm leaving immediately so they can get hatch if they are chased or close to it. If I know they are safe and not in chase I'm waiting cause I want my shards.
  • Bad, literally terrible when it comes to balance, but literally every aspect of him is cool and fun.
  • Of course. Only people who will cry about the change, are entitled survivors who liked to rub ds unbreakable combo into killer's face.
  • Maps, detective's hunch, small game, inner strength, 1k points for cleansing a dull... It literally prolongs game by 20 seconds if survivors do bones when seeing them... Noed is not even a good perk and was nerfed twice already... Just do bones if you are so scared about killer getting one more hook after last gen popped.
  • @NoOneKnowsNova Your main doesn't change a thing. If survivor is afraid of being tunneled they literally have anti tunnel perks. Don't want it to happen? Use the option you are presented with.
  • You have so many obsession perks... Grow the fucc up and use them or stop crying. This is the same stuff all over again, everyone crying about old ruin undying combo and noed... while there are literally 3 anti totem perks and maps in game. Audacity of some people is just disgusting. Mettle of man with break out, For the…
  • You won't be able to repair gen in killer's face with small pp build or use it any other offensive way anymore, that is correct. If you are getting really tunneled though ds will work. Stop crying. @Soulslayer618 There are a lot of obsession perks, quite strong actually. DS still being the strongest, but if you don't like…
  • Right now Trickster is the worst killer in game when it comes to his power and every person who played against competent killers and decent survivors (not 9k loop gods, just decent survivors who don't crouch entire trial, try doing gens and don't bomb rush hooks) will tell you this. His design is pretty cool though. Laughs…
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