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  • I run into everything mentioned above but hate it when a player is being chased and they see your on a gen so they run to you to take the agro. The biggest thing I see that happens to me personally is if im hooked no one comes for the save, i will go into 2nd state not a single person has done a thing then when I'm about…
  • I can understand your frustration with "gen rushing" but your idea is a bit ridiculous. looking for parts to repair a generator would just be a nightmare situation and if there is only 2 people left in the match.... it would just cause survivor mains ######### to the point they quit.
  • I do my part of the whole dieing thing....
  • I love the skins, let's let bugs be unfixed and the careful balance between killer and survivor be untouched. Skins baby! I want them skins! Ps the brighter the better! I love being found first, running past that p3 caludet crouched in a Bush if I could talk in game I'd say "look at me bi**hes!"
  • Obviously you didn't read anything that I wrote, the incentive for ranking up as a casual player is feeling as if you accomplish something, or bragging to your friends when you play with them.
  • Not everyone plays both sides well, I have over 1000 hours in game but mostly as survivor and as a killer I rarely get a 4k because i lack the skill to catch survivors even though they are looping me exactly as I would if I was them. So hours played is not a great way of determining skill unless its divided up based off…
  • The problem I'm trying to point out is that if your stuck in lower ranks and you gen rush the killer you are now forever stuck because the killer lacks the skill to avoid being gen rushed. Now because of this they may have not downed anyone or even hit someone so there goes that emblem. You never get chased so there goes…
  • If your a killer or survivor and someone DC's there is a good chance everyone I'd going to de pip or safety pip which is terrible. If someone DC's everyone should get the safety pip. Today alone in at least 6 games I played there was a DC and maybe 1 person piped.
  • I feel with this new ranking system it's a sing the development team wants to show that higher ranks are a skilled thing but sadly they made it so hard to accomplish this that most people will either just settle in at a lower rank or maybe just leave the game altogether. Personally when I play I dont strive to get to rank…
  • So I was unable to pip but instead got a black safety pip for having light bringer maxed at Iridescent and never downed at iridescent too. I was never chased and no one was ever hooked or injured. I did however do at lease 2 full gens and co op on the others. I would assume I'd at least pip. I was rank 7 btw.