Yea, as a survivor on xbox Im constantly being pitted against red ranks that consistently slaughter... It needs to figure out my placement soon or I'm putting it down for a few months again. I don't expect to survive every match, or even 1 out of every 2... But if I could at least stand a chance it would be nice...
Why would anyone play redrank any other way but SWF. With the balance the way it is currently, that's practically the only way to stand a chance... Certainly cant rely on randos
What? But the new matchmaking has me and my friends going up against red ranks constantly while we're stuck in yellow! We constantly get rounds where we get completely slaughtered with no chance of winning... That's a huge improvement!
Fixing this would be nice
bunch of kids on the forum have clearly been catfished before and thus must pick apart a post like a crimescene detective and demand more evidence. (pics or it didnt happen) xD people need to chill. lol
Yea, I kinda figured the numbers would need tweaking, but as a baseline for the idea I thought it would work. not sure why you feel current hexes wouldn't synergize with this, or small game either. care to elaborate?
may be a dumb idea, I don't know... but... what if they shortened gen times by default, but for every totem still up it reduces genspeed by a certain percentage? (percentages based off of CURRENT gen speeds) 5 totems - 70% 4 totems - 80% 3 totems - 90% 2 totems - 100% 1 totem - 110% 0 totems - 115% the effect would be the…
the victim complex is insanely strong here... meanwhile it's the same killer whining and crying about how their game experience is going that are turning around and intentionally ruining the experience of others. many of which likely don't set foot on these forums and have no idea why the hell every killer is using scummy…
just no... that sounds boring for me and for the survivors.
pick the gens you pressure with some forethought? "This map is huge, the gen on the opposite end will be almost impossible to defend... Ill focus on this side of the map and those three gens specifically to make my job easier later." Tactics... if survivors should be smart enough to avoid a 3-gen, killers should be smart…
you do make a fair point there, though it limits her stealth ability quite a bit and makes her feel very sluggish. it just feels like one of the major things holding her back.
She still has to charge up her dash, and if I'm not mistaken the charge is comparable to most other killers secondary, I see no reason she should have to "charge" her stealth and then charge her dash too.
As much as I would love to see Pig get some love, I don't think she needs all that much to be brought up to the level of other killers. her crouch animation needs to be shortened down to match GF, first and foremost. I wouldn't mind seeing some reusability of her RBT's, especially since they are more of a nuisance than…
lmao. all the excuses to camp, tunnel, and slug, BeCaUsE rUiN gOt ChAnGeD. please... like most killers weren't already doing that.
look into the Resident Evil : Resistance game... there's GTFO, and I'm still having a lot of fun with world war Z... there are plenty of good games out there.
well aren't you just the absolutely perfect example of what I was talking about. thank you for your contribution!!
so many people here assume I meant ANY criticism is bad... this is not the case... criticism is perfectly healthy when a rational discussion can be had or a debate can open up new ideas or solutions... its when you get 20 different posts about how "stoopid" the devs are, or how "killers are gonna throw a tantrum and…
All the killer mains throwing a tantrum with that "I'm gonna play dirty and camp/tunnel/slug every match now." please... I main killer because everytime I play survivor the camp/tunnel/slug killers are the only ones I face... your little tantrum is just more of the same. the change to ruin probably sucks, I won't decide…
A killer has to hunt and down players anyway, so there's no need to account for that as it's standard gameplay anyway. the only time that should be accounted for is the additional chase time that happens AFTER DS is used... which CAN be, but isn't always, less time than it takes to hunt down a totem.
I am NOT saying not to criticize... not at all! but there is a huge difference between constructive criticism and the vitriolic comments many people here make.
but... time consuming seems to be the most important point of this nonsense.
really, lets just pretend that each issue that Sairek listed was a small fire. not too unrealistic in a metaphorical sense. so there's a small fire in our kitchen, we tell bhvr about it, they respond with "we're aware of a minor fire in the kitchen, we will monitor the situation and get back to you." then you proceed to…
seems like you have more of an issue with them getting challenges done than about the quality of the round...
@Sairek 100% thank you for taking the time to compile that list, it sums up many of my issues with the game and then some... it's pretty pathetic how so many people can defend ALL of this.
its not about the difficulty of these challenges, it's about the negative affects these challenges have on the game and the quality of the rounds that people will get thanks to their implementation. its an idiotic ploy for more cash and a lazy way to give players "new objectives"... it's ######### stupid, plain and simple.…
what does this response serve to do? insult someone who's already dealt with enough toxicity? brag about your oh-so-impressive ability to be desensitized to threats, insults, and otherwise toxic messages? congrats on being unfazed by the negative and toxic behavior exhibited by so many in this community, but many of us…
gotta love the mental gymnastics some people will do to completely nullify facts shown to them... Killers getting an avg killrate above 50% ? it's because survivors are potatoes, it's cause the data is skewed, it's because survivors just goof off, it's ANYTHING that can help me ignore the fact that killers are, in fact,…
the lowest avg killrate is still around 65% and many players are still spouting the killer pity-party crap. it would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic... "killers clearly need massive buffs across the board, 1-2 escapes in even one round is unacceptable." /s
I honestly feel Pig is in need of some QoL changes... her stealth and crouching seems so sluggish now. Ghostface has instadown and an crouch and uncrouch without any hindrance, while Amanda is burdened with a weird transition between the two. it's sad, because she WAS my favorite killer. but with a few shadow-nerfs and GF…
I would love this... however... ONLY in KYF.
as someone who really prefers to play solo and at the same time mains killer most days... I hate most SWF. many swf are just friends playing around and often aren't skilled enough to run me around, pallet stun every 40 seconds, and teabag me at the gates... but the super try-hard death squads that I get honestly make me…
The devs DO contribute to the toxicity in a few ways. Toxic behavior in the game is often shielded and/or encouraged as legitimate playstyles, and while that's true to a certain extent, there are blatant cases where it's just plain toxic behavior which goes unpunished... which of course, doesn't matter to them. in-game…
meh... even when I do play on pc, which is rare due to some resolution issues I have... 360 never works more than once. I never understood why 360 is so effective on some players... once a survivor does it to me once, I know to watch out for it... just hold back on the swing for a second, let them flail for 2 seconds...…
I guess it would be a good counter for bloodhound? but... I dunno... I don't see much use for it.
not to mention the insane amount of folklore creatures from various countries that could be added...
[duplicate post, ugh mobile]
yes, devs sit around all day thinking of how to make their players miserable... it's not as if the chapter isn't even fully released yet or that the DBD playerbase will instinctually whine and kick their feet like toddlers everytime something is changed.
done with the game if they add mouse and keyboard support? it's really not that big of an advantage for most killers.
I could see it for quick & quiet, but not necessarily Lithe. maybe that's just me though. I combo Q&Q with Lithe anyway so it would be a nice add.
snares and dream pallets aren't that difficult to deal with. you can usually see a snare from a good 20 feet, even when in a chase... and you could just drop pallets early if you've verified he's using them.
yes, please, on the 'avoid' option... I'd love to avoid campers, tunnelers, and toxic players as a whole... and if it increases their lobby times, great added bonus. if it increases mine, so be it.
When a lighthearted and humorous post has to become yet another platform for a killers pity-party. -.-
voice comms are already a thing... only currently they are private and already break the game. some 12yo cussing you out while you carry him to the hook isn't all that bad, calmly tell them that since they can't behave properly, you're going to camp them out of the game... they get enough of this and they'll stop…
"ThE iRoNy Of ThIs PoSt!!" no, calling out the fellow forum members for their obnoxious whining is not quite the same as whining about petty little changes and decisions by the devs. people on here take every little complaint to a whole new level, some making thread after thread after thread to repeat their tired aimless…
except that a killer can deny you your safe unhook, and taking a hit for another player puts you at a clear disadvantage. bbq rewards you for simply playing the game.
I had this exact game just last night, but calling for nerfs/buffs isn't the solution. just move on to the next match and punish the survivors that want to bully when you get the chance. face it, you got outplayed, just like I did... it happens.
hours of gameplay does not inherently make for a valid or intelligent opinion. It may show someone has played enough to understand the mechanics of the game, but it will do nothing for their bias (killer/survivor) nor for their intelligence. someone will 4,000 hours could still be a moron, and someone with 6hrs could still…
they will make it so that generators no longer effect reverse-beartraps and they will now be a cosmetic item.
sure ticked off a lot of salty keyboard warriors with this one. xD first, these devs are far from my favorites... they ######### up more than any others I've had the experience of dealing with first-hand... doesn't mean they need to be insulted and whined at everytime a new patch comes out. and I've worked retail and fast…