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  • This killer is walking a very fine line between being unbeatable and being a total joke. Currently with all the launch bugs she's closer to being a joke, but after some buffs and bugfixes I think we're going to see a lot of complaints. You can quote me on that.
  • They really should make some sort of trade-off for killing Victor. 5-7% increased movespeed on Charlotte maybe. Or perhaps exposed on the survivor who kicked him for 20-30 seconds. Or give Charlotte some sort of power while Victor is not attached to her. Maybe she can have a slightly extended lunge over all the other…
  • A vast killer overhaul. Where they make any smaller changes to killers that need them, like Demogorgon needing his rat liver and Michael Myers tier 1 being awful. No full blown reworks, but a nice pass on killers like Trapper, Wraith and whatnot all at once. Or another dream of mine that is actually already coming true!…
  • I like all of the ideas that you put out on this post, but my favorite is the prowling animation while undetectable. I'm an absolute sucker for cool thematic animations.
  • Killer main here. Dead Hard is perfectly fair when 99% of the survivor mains out there use it. The perk itself takes a small amount of skill and timing for the survivor to pull off, something I think encourages truly good survivor play. It's in the final 1% where it's an issue, ultra tryhard sweat teams that use it…
  • I understand how unrealistic I'm being. Just throwing ideas into the wind. A lot of my fake rework idea is actually just buffing his base power as you suggested.
  • Now, I'm absolutely a killer main myself and I hate second chance perks as much as the next guy, but isn't that the entire point of unbreakable? If you're having issues with it try only making two slugs at a time then hooking.
  • I'm a sucker for sound design and thematic stuff on killers. Hillbilly's new chase track is really cool in my opinion just because they managed to incorporate a sort of chainsaw revving effect into it. That's why I main Pyramid Head in fact, because his sword dragging over various materials is really cool in my opinion.…
  • I have no issue with the Minecraft nausea effect actually. I just don't enjoy Nurses fatigue animation. I feel it could be improved thematically, while maintaining the same chase lengthening effect. Much like I how I enjoy "new" Hillbilly simply due to all of his new sound effects and chase music.
  • I understand the need for something that breaks the chases for a second. It's just a very unecessary way to do it. Just make a more thematic animation that accomplishes the same job, without it just being a massive screen-shaking seizure. Have her flicker into the spirit world where she can't see survivors for a second,…
  • That's exactly what I mean, it just seems unecessary. I'm all for a cool animation and actually being able to see afterward rather than a lame violent screen shake.
  • Someone finally put it into words for me. That's exactly how I feel. I play a decent mix of both, but my killer is up playing against red ranks. On PS4, red ranks seem to almost exclusively play as a pack. It's a nightmare trying to even get a single kill, especially if you aren't playing what's considered a top tier…