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  • I personally add a little thing to "hold the game hostage" : the player "taken hostage" must objectively suffer something, be hampered, with no possibility of getting out of this situation other than disconnection, and / or the "takers hostage" must use exploits, or cheating. Technically in this situation: the killer does…
  • Intention is important. This is a very classic situation where the survivors feel (and they are right) that they individually have a better chance of surviving (this is the goal of the survivors) by playing the hatch rather than indicating their position to the killer by repairing a generator. For me, this is absolutely…
  • I was afraid of what I was going to read, and I was right... Small Game will only be used by forum killers who will now also respond "use Small Game". I'll sum up, now all solo survivors have to play Small Game and Kindred (and DS, of course!). It is obligatory, otherwise you do not have the right to criticize the game.…
  • I didn't get it all, but it sounded like a very interesting story. If you're having trouble finding survivors, there are perks for that.
  • Aura reading should be limited to the use of perks or items. I completely agree. Killers have too much information for free. Killers should not see the aura of generators as well, nor the aura of hooks when carrying a survivor. It's too easy.
  • Head On is correct. We can imagine that it would become a perk with a cooldown, but then it would still be usable with an exhaustion perk, which could be too much. At best, maybe we could increase the stun duration from 3 to 5 seconds, because this perk is not that easy to use, but just maybe...
  • No. To me, this killer already exists, and I call him Wraith. His power isn't really one, it's pure mobility, and now a lot of stealth. Is it fun to play him, when I really enjoy the character? Absolutely not. No, various killers, original, with weaknesses and strengths, unique abilities... Not bland killers like Wraith,…
  • This is totally wrong. Self-healing does not contradict the fact that a killer is tunneling the survivor. During a chase, there are small times when the survivor can afford to be still, momentarily safe, and observing what the killer is doing. Near a pallet, at the corner of a wall, etc. During these small times, he can…
  • DS is used to punish tunneling (so called). It is possible to heal yourself against a killer who is tunneling. So the answer is: no.
  • Yes, that's probably it. You are very strong and very intelligent.
  • These are things that are considered a game design flaw in any multiplayer game, except DBD. Sorry, many do not understand the genius behind this.
  • Yes, if it has to be said forever... DS has always been used the way it works (and it's not an anti-tunneling perk although it can partially be used for that). DS never gave any immunity ("proof" with this video, a survivor can be hit when he has DS active, and the 3 survivors using DS are the ones who died...). Once per…
  • I don't understand the usefulness of all these numbers since this is not the gen tapping trial here (which is probably legitimate, I read an interesting topic about normal VS Ruin regression speed). So I am repeating myself. You consider DS to be used to punish a killer who is tunneling. Quick interactions are perfectly…
  • It is quite unfair. If gen tapping is really a problem, you have to act on this action itself, using it to justify DS's nerf is not fair. You don't think gen tapping is a DS-only topic, so why use it to justify DS's nerf? How much perk do you plan to answer to this problem? One, two, seven, twenty? The "gen tapping" being…
  • Having to choose between being totally useless or having a totally useless perk, I don't call it adaptation, I call it a useless, even harmful perk. Worse, this one no longer makes it possible to resist a snowball from the killer. Other more interesting perks (like BT) will certainly replace DS, or the unhooked survivor…
  • I do not understand this rage. Let's be honest, 99% of the time this chat is useless, or to hear or say nasty things, and/or in a foreign language, or to send a "GG (EZ) WP", nothing very interesting. Personally, rather than adding any filter, I would have just removed it entirely.
  • Yes, unfortunately they will answer you: iF yOu cAn hEaL yOuRsElF, iT mEaNs tHaT yOu aRe nOt tUnnEleD. Which is obviously wrong, like all actions that can be done quickly (unhook a survivor, finish healing a dying survivor, heal yourself bit by bit during a chase...) It's sad, but that's the way the killers are happy…
  • Bloodlust just has to go, nothing to justify this outdated mechanic, if not arbitrarily boosting bad killers believing that chase this survivor to death and whatever the cost is a good strategy. Despite DS's abusive nerf, survivors still have ways of reacting to tunneling. It's pretty much the same for slugging. Only…
  • Yes, play with absurd or random builds, and/or focus on a single goal that is not survival (do your challenges...). Dedramatizes the fact of dying or not killing all survivors. Or play another game, you don't have to play only DBD. In terms of release, the period is not very good, but there is no shortage of games,…
  • I'm starting to get used to it. As soon as there is a new killer, it's the worst killer ever created, the most useless, the most unplayable, etc. As long as he's not a killer with easy 75 or 80% kill rates, he's a bad killer... :'(
  • 1. should be basekit, but the devs prefer to keep an imbalance between solo players and SWF with coms. 2. makes it possible to free an another survivor from the killer's grip, but above all it allows you to be almost useless throughout the game, or to end up in a dying state too 3. in theory this should be very useful…
  • Since these indications thus already exist, I suppose that you have nothing against the fact of radically improving these indications so that they are clearer and understandable quickly by any player.
  • "But there is already a lot of diversity" Yes, but Indians are over 1.3 billion people, not far behind China, ~ 17% of humanity. And there is none. I'm not asking for a perfect demographic, cultural, etc representation in DBD, but it's amazing that we don't have any Indian survivors yet. Even though I do not know almost…
  • Thanks, I will now be using Spine Chill as soon as I know I will encounter a Spirit. Everything is solved.
  • Him, absolutely not. You, it is quite possible. The author did not mention any alleged sexuality, he is talking about horror. I agree on this point. But you, you do it to complain that you can't say anything without being called homophobic? Discrediting the reality of homophobia, classic... Yes, question yourself.
  • The ideal would be a completely modular interface, and therefore customizable. For me, there is too much information and colors here in one small rectangle.
  • Regarding the new HUD, nothing has changed. For my part, my game will not be updated, and I will occupy my time elsewhere. It is shameful.
  • There was a vanilla experiment some time ago to provide some data to the devs. No perks, no items, no addons, no offerings, soloQ only. Honestly, it wasn't particularly funny or interesting to play. And new game modes don't seem to be the priority for devs. They are probably right. Especially since it would divide the…
  • Sorry to dig up this topic, but I'm currently thinking about a heal build, and I've obviously been looking into No One Left Behind. More than a year later, I guess everyone agrees that this perk is still one of the worst. Here we have an easy to apply buff (and it's the one I instinctively thought of as well).
  • I will describe a situation where this happens, but obviously it does not concern me at all. It concerns a friend, and I advise against doing like this friend. (I am unfortunately obliged to say it this way to avoid any ban...) Me and my friend have been playing together recently, and we are not using any communication.…
  • As I have suggested elsewhere, it is not impossible that disabling DS for altruistic actions (being fully healed is another thing) is too penalizing. Being tunneled is totally compatible with unhooking a Survivor, or healing for a second a Survivor who is waiting in a dying state. It may be the best strategy, or the best…
  • I do not understand very well. Another stage as if the survivor had never gone to P2, if this survivor tried (and failed) his attempts? If that's it, it's like suggesting that the attempts do not apply any penalties (from the survivor's perspective) on the progress of the stage. It's free. Yes why not. It's not a huge buff…
  • It is true. Maybe DS shouldn't turn off for altruistic actions (like healing a dying survivor, unhooking...), and/or maybe the basement is way too punishing for all survivors (especially with some killers and some "strategies") and deserves to be changed.
  • These poor killers unable to do anything against this "untouchable" survivor, forced to watch him repair a generator... I have personally never seen this. Just hit that survivor you're assaulting too quickly again, then agree to eat a potential DS or go somewhere else (especially if you already know he has DS). The change…
    in HA Comment by Chatkovski February 2021
  • It was necessary, there were far too many killers who - when the survivor was off the hook - would run towards that survivor who was going directly to stick themselves to a generator. What could these killers do? Nothing. They were forced to watch, and wait for the survivor to finish repairing the generator! (obsviously…
  • Yes, this is the reality. The keys require game progress, both for the survivors and the killers. The hatch spawn is based on the number of generators repaired, but also on the number of survivors already killed. There is a form of compromise here. The killers have everything to defend themselves against keys. They can…
  • It works. I found a reference to "Fuku wa uchi" in the Wikipedia page of Setsubun, Japanese national holiday, also called "bean toss festival" (???). Apparently, one of the rites is to toss roasted beans out the window or the door shouting, "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" literally "Devils out! Fortune in!" or on a family…
  • I have a lot of suggestions for Survivor's items, but yes: killers don't have to see items brought into the lobby.
  • It has happened to me before, I already reported it, nothing has changed. Yes, you can go to P2 during the unhook attempt at the end of P1, and you don't notice anything because of the animation. Even with Deliverance, don't unhook yourself at the very end of P1. No, it's not really a bug. Yes this is quite unfair and…
  • Franklin's Demise can easily destroy items... which Survivors must choose from the bloodwebs. This perk does not only make the survivors less powerful for the current game, it makes them less powerful for their future games... unless they decide to get poorer by playing the lottery with their bloodwebs. Yes, it's very…
  • Less blurry, less dull, more contrasted. How to do without it? Look at the shine of the gilding of this Elite Lenderhosen, and the quality of the wool of this Bavarian Wasitcoat. It is essential. Rather, I wish you all to have access to this.
  • I'm still waiting for the official version of this rulebook, but according to confidential information, it looks like a Major Development Guidelines report, whose essential recommendations are only consensus principles in the world of video games. Like: camping is not interesting gameplay and is frustrating for many…
  • Never, or else I don't have time to see them because I leave immediately without saying or reading anything (and I certainly don't wait until a game is over as a Survivor if I die prematurely). Finding a game is already long enough. It's a waste of time 99% of the time and I don't care about “GGWP” etc. And since I don't…
  • No for the t-bags, yes for the flashlights. It would (normally) be easy to add this to flashlights. Beyond a certain number of clicks (considered reasonable use), each additional clicks has a probability of completely exhausting the flashlight, and this probability would increase with the number of clicks. Let's add a…
  • It's more complex than it sounds. This perk has a huge impact on the game, the whole game. Obviously during a game, but not only. This has an effect in the lobby, for both the killer and the survivors, also impacting the balancing. It also impacts the economy of BPs for survivors. Killers see items brought in by survivors…
  • High risk, high reward. No Mither is indeed not interesting and does not offer anything new. I'm not sure if this effect should be added or not with the already existing effects (personally I would remove the Unbreakable effect I guess), but the idea sounds very good to me. It's totally consistent with the spirit of this…
  • I am happy to learn that I scare the poor killers with my Worn-Out Tools or Camping Aid Kits and my nickname referring to the name of a survivor. They imagine a terrible Rank 1 SWF with a Commodius Toolbox and Brand New Part... while I'm a peon playing alone and clearing his inventory using the worst items and sometimes…
  • Overall satisfied. I expected a little more interesting and varied for the Clown, but maybe the addons will surprise us. The Wraith. I don't play killers very much, but I do have affection for this killer. I am quite disappointed. In my opinion, he still suffers from a deep identity crisis. Being more or less invisible and…