You can get the adept pretty easily from low ranks and upto late green ranks Merciless is just based on the amount of pips you get not the kill
So at the start of the match before one hook they d/c that's a kill to you? Not nitpicking wanting you to elaborate. Its just it lacks satisfaction in my eyes Can ruin a killers emblem And its just a scummy rage quit not a kill. If this counts as a kill then i know a certain way to always get 4ks through a scummy way
Which ones if i may know did it count for achievement wise
When a d/c can make up to the emblem points for the killer i could consider it a "technical kill" based off that
True. I understand that. But imho they all just decided he was angry because no 4k which was kinda dumb. But i dont see how a d/c can mean a kill points wise. Depending on the stage of the game they d/c, can ruin the emblems of the killer And i see no satisfaction of the kill on my end.
It doesn't affect much in red ranks emblem wise which is what I'm basing emblem. It isn't a kill imo when they d/c for hatch tech but that isnt what this is about
Point wise it doesn't Emblem wise it doesnt Self satisfaction maybe to some
Yes but on another thread in the forum this guy literally had a 2k 1 escape and a d/c, yet he apparently had a 3k?
Or they could also make a husk system for disconnects so the hatch doesn't instantly open
Inb4 "you must have caused them to quit somehow even tho what you said is different" I agree tho A D/c is not equivalent to a kill. It is not and will never be imo, until a D/c fills up to a 3 hook kill. These people just wanna make a D/C a kill, when it isnt.
A D/c is not and will never be equivalent to a kill
Irronically i think D/C'ing was reportable even before the d/c ban penalty... Even more so for hatch Its technically exploiting a function in the game, to help or give an unfair advantage to yourself, or another player. Which is reportable Then d/cing in of of it self can be considered rage quiting, or griefing the score…
In a few posts after replying to you he will then compare this game to F13 and then state that DbD should be like F13
He still won by the 2k 2 survive metric He won by the pips. And he got a good and decent 31700. But i understand if it wasnt him it may have not been all that good a result. But this video just says the opposite of what your trying to say
I honestly dont see where they stated that.
And yet there are a lot of people who d/c saying they have the right to even if it ruins others games. When they get punished they start saying its unfair
OoO mainly. But one i do feel annoyed by DS. Not in a "Nerf it" kind of way in a "really" i Could've sworn it has been at least 60s after everything ive done" kind of way. Killer side i HATE how useless Monsterous shrine is. And hate insidious in use
A fellow Millitian?
This implies the survivors were okay with D/c's which screw the survivor side over. False This also implies that no killer wants balance. False And not everything a survivor wants means balance. Some of them say things that are pretty in favor of balance sure, but i see quite a few want things changed because "they are…
Yeah lets take off grabbing from the hook to allow the players to be even more cocky when going for an instant unhook
Good ol do gens and cause the killer to depip for a single kill?
So... Ban people for something devs said is a valid strat?
"There are too many bad players" can also go for you 3/4k
Not sure why you are so entitled to an escape since... Ya know... Neither said is entitled and deserve AN escape or a 4k. They have the right to try to get it. Not a high chance to have one side escape and the other the low chance to get the other 4k.
Yeah i guess so, and it is. But "i play how i want on a game i payed for" kind of mentality
Would be cool to see a "protective" perk that the hooked one uses to where if they get downed instead the unhooker loses a healthstate once would prevent farming and slow down tunneling a lot. But i can see it being op and used to troll as well
Cannon fodder... A nice choice of words. I mean it would be active sabotaging but i swear some survivors deserve it. Like i had a survivor farm two Survivors. Off hooks in the same match(both first and second hooks each), end game chat was a beautiful and sad salt fest all in one
A lot of survivors ive seen say "we don't have to work as a team" anyways, and not as a "i don't have to save" you kind of way
Cant he pull to keep them in the window and hit them through it?
Your right. Idk why people are suddenly up in arms. Its like a change which can be implemented soon just... Doesn't deserve a chance.
Not really? Im confused... So you want to quit from hearing this? You and some others really need to chill out? You have not seen it
To counter the pinhead making more sense i honestly think the opposite. I don't think he would fit in to much but thats how i feel
It was an oopsie leak apparently
I see what you mean and i agree, but im tired of the people saying they deserve and escape or 4k. That's the point of my post.
Trying to get it isn't wrong, but you aren't entitled to them. You do not deserve ether, fun is not just bound by those two.
but that 10% can be a heavily favorable reward to you
High risk high reward. But don't head straight to your totem ever. They may be following you
As i replied to them A 4k and escape are not the only factors yet others act like it is
Although i understand but you should not think the end result is the be all end all in fun. Not that im implying you are, it is OTHERS who feel Escapes and 4ks are the ONLY factors to fun.
As a good man once said "They're more like guidelines"
If still is labled an exploit even if used correctly
Idk why its called a tech when its an exploit. Like if i exploit a thing which allows mr twice the lunge distance its not gonna be called a Lunge Tech no?
I like to call them the special survivor in my heart. They gave me guaranteed two kills like this most times
Oh no no im a victim of that haha i even go hit a gen thats a bit away and get called a camper
Sorry not really. Camping is there too. Also with rank match making as it is... You still face lower ranked killers
You legit realize you can replace ONE of ether the fourth and third to have ether Detectives hunch or unbreakable? Btw one of these perks are part of the current meta
Legit this will make people more reliant on slugging and watching them bleed out a survivor dying in 1 min on the ground will be more reliable then face camping, proxy camping, tunneling or even hooking
Okay.... You want to make it so a slugged DS user dies. Im all for it(not really) lets watch as every single survivor dies on the floor because they got an obsessions in game
Be careful, A makes you a camping tunneler!
Here really quick before others "OoO has a risk so it fair" Survivor side i hate OoO and Spine Chill(mostly because Spine chill ruins my sneaky sneak strats) Killer i hate Bitter murmur, no real help slowing down gens and reminds me i failed protecting that gen