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  • Pipe dream....not happening! I'm going to tunnel, then you're going to come to the forums and cry because you can't handle it. That's what is really going to happen.
  • What I decide to do as a killer is my decision. Survivors don't get a choice. Live it with. Keep dreaming these silly dreams.
  • Sometimes you need to tunnel at 5 gens.
  • Obviously I'm worked up...haha Good then don't continue it. I do hope you improve your in game skills and maybe you'll see what everyone has been telling you for a while now. Enjoy
  • I did, you're saying Killers shouldn't be able to do their objectives by focusing on a single part of their objective at once. This is the most one sided opinion ever. If you slow down the killers objective, the survivors objective must be slowed down too. Your reasoning is because you don't like like it. You say 80% of…
  • Reducing the survivors is the entire objective for the killer. Saying those points I mentioned aren't valid....is very confusing since were talking about objectives....Survivors being killed as quickly as possible(Killers sole objective) and generators being completed as quickly as possible (survivors objective). If you…
  • Maybe no Generators....just a last man standing type of game mode? Could help with people trying to learn how to loop and win chases without the added complexity of other objectives.
  • Why should it be harder? Are you saying gens should take twice as long after 33% and 4 times as long after 66%? How are you not understanding the objectives of the game? The argument that you are unhappy because you arent getting better and cant escape the killer isnt valid. Get better and youll find a lot more success.
  • If I had an "and" to your post, I would have added it.
  • You say easier, I say more efficient. Also the chase doesnt depend on health states. the number of gens doesnt matter either. Tunneling a player at gen 5 is the same in skill as tunneling at gen 1.
  • You're still making the skill argument which goes both ways. If the killer can easily chase down a survivor while tunneling, then the survivor lacks the skills to escape or prolong the chase. How can the winner of the chase have LESS skill in the chase than the loser of the chase? The survivors get pallets, flashbangs,…
  • I don't want any survivors to mend when I play killer, whether i'm tunneling or not. Just like survivors don't want me kicking and regressing their gens.
  • Think through the map and get better at chasing survivors. Once the pallets are dropped and broken, the survivor has permanently lost that area to call safe. The first couple chases should break a good amount of pallets which allow you the opportunity to get them mid or late game much easier. If they are running from…
  • The survivor can also become really good at chases and out maneuver the killer...be skillful with looping. The skill it requires on the Killers part is to chase and beat a good looper quickly. If it takes too long, the other survivors will knock out the gens and the game is over. You're making the argument that survivors…
  • You asked who wants to learn to play against strategies and tactics of your opposition? Everyone should want that. That's how you win. You aren't going to win a single match complaining on the forum. That's such a silly thing to ask....you have to learn to play the game in order to be good at it. You want to win by game…
  • I said nothing is guaranteed or %100. A survivor should not expect to walk out of the match every game just like a killer shouldn't expect 4k every game. If tunneling is a constant problem every game and the person has no relief, then yes, it is most definitely a skill issue. Learning the game will provide for many…
  • So ignore my post which was to help you or others in understanding what can be done and just attempt to make me out to be a villain still. You wonder why people just say "get better" or "increase your player skill" and leave it at that? Your response is exactly why. They don't do it to be nasty. They do it because the…
  • Lets start off by saying its unappreciated that you automatically assume I am being nasty. This game involves a lot of skills, and decision making. Countering Tunneling can be done by use of perks and items, teamwork if your team is playing well together, or by actual skill in the chase. You've already seem to understand…
  • Punish a legit way of playing the game? You must hate that someone else has the right of way at a 4 way stop too eh?
  • If you listen to survivors, yes. Survivors should be free to go about their business until all the other players have an equal number of hooks. Survivor Lives Matter!
  • It's because all the people you get on your team are too busy here on the forums complaining about tunneling. They don't have enough time to complain AND work on their looping...
  • I want certain gens on a map to be repaired...I'll only defend the 3 that are the closest together. Giving me easy patrols in short amounts of time. But I'm sure your mega mind reading skills are good enough to determine what your killer was thinking.
  • They do tunnel......frequently
  • I don't see complaints from the vast majority of players. Just the survivors that either can't or refuse to work on increasing their skill level to counter the killers play. When you say it's not designed for people like me...are you saying it's not design for people who play both killer and survivor, and don't need to…
  • So it sounds like you want a guaranteed generator for each time someone is hooked. You're not trying to increase your own skill. You want to win by game design. Also I do play solo que exclusively as survivor. Pretty often in fact.
  • You don't get to respawn in dbd. That's the point of the game. You get one life. Noone is ruining your experience more than you are. You are making yourself so worked up over nothing. Literally all in your head.
  • It's easier said than done at first.....but ignore the BS teabagging and let them show their insecurities. Once you find the right killer and learn the techniques needed, you will begin bullying the bullies using tactics that will bring them to these forums complaining about you. Trust me...look at all the hilarious…
  • I'm adding all the extra stuff. Otherwise having invulnerable survivors running around able to play unhindered would end the game in 5 minutes and the killer would never get a kill.
  • That's the nature of PvP games. Been that way since PvP began. It's competitive in nature and "winning" is important. What winning constitutes in dbd is very subjective. Some people may think a 20k BP game is winning regardless of kills. Other think 2 kills is winning regardless of BP. Still others may require 4 kills to…
  • Absolutely accurate. Not a question...I agree with this. So you need to blame the other survivors for their failures as teammates and not the killer for doing his part. The killer doesn't know if the survivors are in voice...or which survivors are matched together.
  • Teabagging is not an objective. Killing survivors is an objective. That's the difference. Either way, you're free to teabag....I just think it shows more about your lack of self control and anger/stress disorder than anything else.
  • I only play solo que survivor when I play survivor. I get camped and tunneled. It's part of the game. It has made me better at chases, looping, flashlights, pallets, ect... Getting mad at the killer for doing his part in the game is not going to make me a better survivor.
  • Why would you ever teabag ? That just shows your lack of respect and/common courtesy to other players.
  • I answered it anyways. You don't care about my answer because you have no rational or valid response to it.
  • All survivors are part of a team...whether they are in voice or not.
  • I'd move on to the next match. If I wasn't having fun I'd do something that was fun. You have the power to choose to play games that you find fun and not play games that you get stressed over. It sounds like this game may not be good for your mental health if you get so worked up over losing due to lack of skill.
  • Not true...gen rushing happens frequently....but as a killer I don't care to complain because I can camp and tunnel to draw them off gens since most teams are overly altruistic.
  • When what shoe is on the other foot? You aren't making much sense. You sound like a drunk Yoda reading a proverbs book.
  • So the last person that is unhooked is invulnerable for 120 secs. That means they can't run, can't do gens, can't heal, can't do or take any actions to benefit their team either to include take hits for teamates.
  • I can't find one in the first 5 pages... But there 15 posts complaining about tunneling.
  • I haven't seen any posts about swfs...or Gen rushing....yet there's plenty of posts from survivors whining about tunneling. Keep whining about tunneling....make it more amusing for me. Played into what? You stated non-facts and made no points sooooo....
  • Please elaborate....or are you too lazy to write more?
  • That's your choice. Stop acting like a snowflake and let people play however they want within the rules. Learn to counter and maybe you'll be less whiny on the forums.
  • There is no tunneling solution, because tunneling is not a problem.
  • So far it's clear nothing happens with a report, clear video evidence and clear admission. I caught my killer(went to survivors stream) and one of my teammates(streaming on twitch) coordinating with each other (killer on chat survivor talking on stream) and against his teammates. Reported both, linked the stream(which is…
  • Not from the players I see posting. There are killers that will say that sometimes just so they dont have to argue with the SJS (Social Justice Survivors) here on the forums. The fact is its nothing more than whiny survivor mains who are mad that their lack of skill or planning causes them to die early in the match. Ill…
  • Its not considered toxic....even with 5 gens. Nothing about tunneling is toxic. Tunneling is a made up term survivors use to try to shame killers to take it easier on them.
  • If they do that, then survivors shouldn't be able to work on a generator while injured. Irrational penalties for survivor bad plays should be met with irrational penalties for survivors too.
  • Could be something simple like a visible icon showing you've reached a certain benchmark of positive comments in games with other players. I do like the idea of players gifting BP, shards, or cells to others as it would be player driven. I'm always a fan of player driven mechanics and with this intending to reward and…
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