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  • Underrated- Hag because she can easily get rid of loops and there a few different ways of playing her. (note I am kind of biased cause I main Hag) Overrated- Hillbilly because he has the be the killer I see the most whenever I play as survivor and he is just as loopable as any anther 115 speed m1 killer. Sure he has map…
  • I was just going with what the OP said. Really the multi-down does nothing so no reason to really get rid of it. It was just because of the concept of face camping and it being near impossible to get them off. But yeah i see no harm in keeping the multi-down really
  • Yeah nothing stopped the pig before the end game collapse where she could catch someone put the trap on their head and just tunnel the survivor if they get off the hook. The only way for them to escape was the hatch which is kind of hard if you are being chased by a couched pig. this change is just a complete nerf to pig…
  • seems like a nice idea because of the new mend bar does not go down in terror radius so now they have to mend and not just sit inside the terror radius.
  • more like a situational A-Tier cause it will be good for solos because you never know when you team mates will screw you up and you are the last man standing but a good amount of people will think it is not good enough because it is only when you are the last one alive meaning you had to survive until now. Also basically…
  • the only problem is when would this ever happen because of how the devs are acting now... love the idea of this but i doubt we will see it if not until a few more years sadly. With these changes most killers would be fine probably except the doctor who is the anti-stealth decent chase killer but oh well.
  • You realize the OP said to buff other things of LF right. He/She said that they get rid of the multidown and add buffs to other areas of LF. Sounds pretty good to me... his multi hit down really never actually happens like....ever. Only against dumb survivors does he get at most 2 people down (which i won't lie whenever…
  • Or make third seal work on other things. Imagine if it worked on the jigsaw boxes for the pig... that would instantly be a meta perk for her.
  • Maybe some of this should be moved to the balance page cause I think the devs are more lickely to see it
    in The Hag Comment by Flyingdrull June 2018
  • Hag is hag gotta love her
  • Hag can get genrushed the easiest which is why she is not in the best position right now. She sets a few traps and one of two things happen. They either set off her traps with no consequence or they genrush her where her traps are only cover 3 gens on the map which is what people end up in calling the 3 gen strat.…
    in The Hag Comment by Flyingdrull June 2018
  • As we know the hag's traps can also be set off with little worry sometimes if they are chasing another survivor. So to make her traps better and this would go along with her killer idea of hexes. Put some sort of status affect on survivors that activate the trap... currently I do not know what but i could be a decrease in…
    in The Hag Comment by Flyingdrull June 2018
  • It could also be cool if hag had boosted movement spped after teleporting. Maybe as fast as the normal killer or a little higher?
  • Yeah can only hope at this time and it seems it will take a while though.
  • Seems like a pretty cool idea for the whole powerful perks on the survivor side. You could maybe also make it where either instead of something like that make it where you only have a limited time to use a certain perk once you activated it somehow. Like you can choose when to activate your self-care perk whenever you want…