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  • Yeah, but that makes sence doesn't it? Because people knew that they will become pretty much useless after the nefe.
  • I also didn't see them coming xD Especially after the first one I was thinking to myself "What are the chanses he is bringing that aswell. Nah it'll be fine" And the third one was like "Well now after I had two of thoses it just really can't be, can it? Wait hol-up you're kidding! AHHHHHHH"
  • Well, that I don't know. But that is what usually happens if you don't play full-team. At least for me it is (playing on European servers), usually at least one m8 is just useless, doing totems or hiding in a corner even in red ranks. Often one is beeing chased, one is chasing the chased one to Flashlight-safe or to try…
  • I guess you're just a lucky person, or playing either with low ranks or with good m8s. Had 3 Myers today, all with tompstone or tompstone pieces. Everyone of them killed at least 3 survs. The first of them even brought the add-on that he never leaves tier 3.
  • Bro, are you kidding rn? It isn't really a mistake of the surv to be seen by him, it's just naturall. It does not take that long, especially if you just bring a tombstone piece. Even if you don't kill him with the hit or the locker, most survs that know u have the offering, will try to either go into the locker early, so…
  • Well thats also just stupid. Because you literally can't really pip up, if you never see the killer. You need to get a lil bit of chase points and a lil bit of healing points. And let's be honest if you just hide all the time it ain't funny aswell. Because if you only hide it is pretty much just a game of hide and seek,…
  • Well that ain't true, that only costs you that many gens if you bring the "stay-forever-in-tier-3" add-on aswell. I had a match against a tumpstone myers just 5 minutes ago and he had it charged up after 2 gens already. Second time after the next gen and we couldn't manage to do any more then that.
  • Hmmm... Yeah that is a good point. I would argue that people would triehard with the hatch to hard and not commit gens, but that is only because of their own stupidity and not really a real downside of the key itself. Then they should add a downside to it. But great point thanks for adding it to this discussion! Didn't…
  • Sure you lose you're tier 3, but the surv team loses a viable m8 that can safe another surv, or do gens or pretty much anything.
  • So were keys, they were rare or very rare and not everyone would bring them, you would see one in every 10-20 matches. And even if sbdy would bring a key it would often not be used.
  • I do think that is alright, but I don't think that the hatch was any worse then that. I think both were justified I don't understand why they wouldn't leave both in, they're pretty much the same
  • Yeah I do xD One of the funniest things that happened to me was that another surv was flaming me in the chat and the killer started to defend me. Those moments were jsut amazing and I'll never forget that xD I used to thank the other players for playing fair aswell, but kinda lost that tbh. but I usually try not to be that…
  • Yeah I understand what you're saying I also don't quite know where it all began. Back in the days it was also a problem, but it was not quiete as bad it seems to be. People used to say thx after the match and tunneling wasn't that much of a deal. But maybe it's just how I remember it.
  • Dude what the actuall **** do you just want the game to be boring as hell? First of all, the Items that survivors can use are not infinite. Even if they bring a toolbox or a medkit it will depleat, or you can just bring frenklins and depleat it for them. Second of all, there are many add ons for killer that are super easy…
  • I think in general the game would be a lot more fun if most killers wouldn't try hard that bad. Even in a 4 man match if the killer camps, tunnels or slugs it is often just really annoying and I think that's one of the biggest reasons why people are toxic.
  • I don't know what exactly your problem is. I tried both sides killer and single surv it is pretty much the same as before.
  • That would be a super bad thing. If the maps would be cut in half you would pretty much always be in the terror radius of the killer if he has a bigger radius. Especially if he brings perks that widen it you would always hear him. Also the gens would be way to close by then and you would run into issue like five-genning…
  • In my opinion there are two things that are super annoying, that happen if you play as a survivor and those are beeing camped and beeing slugged. I think there are multiple ways how the devs could do sth about that, for example add a "give up" option if you're longer then x minutes on the floor, or after you've bleed out…
  • No it is literally not true. As a killer you can just ignore a surv that is annoying you, but you can't do anything as a surv if a killer wants to annoy you. If the other player wants to make you feel bad, it is way easier as a killer to destroy a match for a surv then the other way around
  • What do you mean by not really? Have you ever played this game? If you play killer And somebody annoys you, you can always leave him alone and do sth else, but if the killer wants to annoy the surv he can just camp, tunnel or slug you and there is literally nothing you can do about it.
  • I totally have to disagree with that. I don't know if you've ever played this game for a longer period as a surv, but in my experience especially if you play against a killer and you're better then him he will camp and or tunnel you. Often they argue with "They got gen-Rushed" while they were chasing you, even though they…
  • I mean I usually play with at least one m8 that I know and we had the situation that our m8s died quite fast and we were left with 2-4 gens and didn't know what to do, if either one should kill themselves or whatever, but sometimes we found a key and could turn the whole thing around. It was a amazing moment but that is…
  • I mean I know what you're talking about. The thing is that often it is only one person that wants to annoy the killer and all survs will be punished for that.
  • Okay yeah I get that, you got me there. I still think it is not good, that it only spawns if there is only one player left, seems unresonable to me.
  • How is it fair, that killers can mori the survs and don't have to hook them? That was kind of the same thing
  • You couldn't bypass ######### tbh, because you had to finish as many gens as players where in the match(including the killer) for it to spawn. So it was pretty fair in my opinion.
  • I mean I get that, I understand that the killer is the power role and has the ability to end it all, but if the killer is just slugging you for the whole match and or tunneling you after you get picked up, after he slugged you and he is just looking at you nodding his head, I understnad why you'd leave.
  • And also it is a lot easier for a killer to ruin a survivours match then for a survivour the killers fun.
  • Why should it be like that? That isn't fair, especially because you can literally waste the chests or your bloodpoints on pretty much useless keys
  • I mean in a chaise there are not really any rules in my opinion. I think the chaise is pretty alright, the thing that is much worse is the time after the chaise, especially if you did well and the killer punishes you by camping or tunneling.
  • Bruh, ur kidding right? xD
  • Wouldn't it be also kinda cool, if you had some kind of multiplier based on your rank? So that you would get more points if your a higher rank
  • The Locker mechanic would suck, because most of the killers would just slug the person on the ground
  • I am a Veteran, I play it since 4 years, and sure it would be nice, to have the stats from back than, but tbh. I don't care that much about the stats from back than, I just want to have any stats, they still could add the previous stats to the new collected stats, if they figure out, how to do so, but we could already…
  • Don't tunnel or slug, there you have two counters
  • You forgot, if they still don't stop running the fire kills them instantly xD
  • Yeah I know what you mean, probably won't madder that much actually, it's pretty much just the aura revealing, what's actually changing.
  • I am survivor main but I also play killer, and even if I play killer some of those hits seem like they shouldn't hit. And I don't play killer that much because it is often to easy and the waiting time is way too long. What I mean by it is too easy, if I am not a main player but I still manage to get a 4 k as a green rank…
  • You get the heal, but you show the killer your position, and the killer can get there and take the heal state back. Especially for inner strength you need to destroy one of the five totem's that are somewhere on the map. So I really don't see how this perk is op in anyway. Especially if you play with random people they…
  • Nah it is not op, but it can completely counter inner strength, should have specified that, sorry.
  • Those perks are not that op, and killers have already pretty damn strong perks like BBQ, nurse calling, monitor and abuse, pop, iron maiden. Especially DS and BT are useless if you don't camp and or tunnel. Dead hard is pretty useless most of the case's if it works it can give the survivor a lil of a chance to get to a…
  • If you try to flashlight safe, the killer can see you up to 10 sec, if the survivor is close to a hook he can probably still see ur aura and go straight after you. In the current state you would still have the chance to get away or to hide near by, to go unhook your made in a bit. But I guess you are right, actually it…
  • Sometimes I use firecrackers I saved from the event xD And yeah blinding is almost impossible currently but at least the killer doesn't see the aura of the survivor.
  • That's exactly what I do, I run iron will, and this little 2 seconds time give me often the time I need to get to the next window or pallet
  • I guess it's at the point you would have blinded the killer.
  • It is pretty OP because you can use the flashlight also to blind the killer in a chaise, while he vaulting a window or breaking a pallet, it's not much, but it gives you about 2 seconds heads up, that's something.
  • That's true, but at least he does not see your aura currently
  • And btw. I just played a killer match with a 4 swf, and they were pretty good, and coordinated, but still it was a more than possible match for me, yeah they did not try hard completly, but tbh. most of swf. don't try super hard, just gen-rushing the killer, except if they see he brings a mori. Like look at this round: All…
  • Btw. I just played a match, with 3 DS's and all of them used it with the locker technic, but still it was by FAR one of the intensesest matches I played in a long time, it was just super fun, and even if it could change something, it just made it more exciting, coz it was not super easy becuase of that I really don't want…
  • It is possible especially if the killer does something like slug. If the killer runs a slug build with infections fright, and stuff like that your coordinator is not that usefull, because the killer does not lose any time with hooking people. Or even if you just play against a really good huntress for example. We often had…