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  • 1 - Demogorgon 2 - Legion 3 - Hag 4 - Ghostface 5 - Nurse
  • I used to play Clown a lot between rank 10-3 but survivors keep saying to stop playing that annoying killer.. Whenever I see streamers facing a clown, they keep saying how boring he is to face, but are disappointing because they rarely face him? I don’t get it lol I think we can also considering the fact that he’s pretty…
  • Yeah, Insta-heal are pretty boring to face, but let's be real, 50% of people who insta-heal still die at the end because they weren't that good. Otherwise, I still agree they deserve some sort of nerf, especially the syringe. The only time I don't have a problem with insta-Heal, is when I see the survivor find one in chest…
  • Hag is the best prestige imo. She's totally cover in blood, and she looks 100% more scarier that way. Best survivor prestige must be Ace : it really looks like blood on his outfits, instead of jam like most of the survivor. (RIP Ketchup Ace) Prestige nowadays lacks blood.. I prestiged 3 Nancy, and her outfits are barely…
  • Walking 20% faster in all situation, which means even when injured, would be cool too
  • Both. Try to be sneaky (and by being sneaky, I don't mean being useless) but as soon as you spotted, be as efficient as possible in your chase. If all your teammates are sneaky, and you know you're at least decent in chase, try to be the aggressive player, but a team were all 4 players are aggressive don't always end…
  • And just get 0 points. And when you're only 2, KYW is so fun yeaaaah. Of course it's ironic.
  • I swear, for most people SWF rhyme with Bully-Squad. Sometimes, I play with one friend, but because she plays less than me, we're not the same rank (I'm usually in red ranks, while she is in green ranks). We used to get matched against rank 12-8 killers. Every match I saw a killer getting looped too hard, or a killer that…
  • Use whatever perks you want. I can see NOED being annoying against solo survivors (I like doing 4 totems, and just got hit by NOED at the end), but it's a perk, like any other perks in this game. If someone is salty about it, just ignore it.
  • She's already the most boring to go against lol. Adding an charge-animation won't change much about her : I see tones of survivor that already start crouching / walking away when I stand still. As spirit, you could still start charging your phasing, release M2, see how the survivor react, and then really charge your…
  • The only nerfs she deserved are : remove collision while phasing + add an visual animation when the spirit start phasing. It wouldn't remove the stand still mindgame, just make it a REAL mindgame, and the remove collision is just a necessity : how many time did you get a free hit on a survivor (that you didn't know was…