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  • The operative word in the dev post being "and". PainRes has high usage AND is one of the most effective perks in the game. Do you argue that WoO is one of the most effective perks in the game too? If so: what makes you believe that?
  • People saying the effect of Buckle Up (endurance for both) should require two perk slots are, imo, somewhat out of touch. It's still very situational and very safe-or-suck. Dedicating one perk slot to safe-or-suck is alright. Two? No. The issue was neither FTP on its own not Buckle Up on its own. It was the combination.…
  • "I have simple rule for this, if group denies me three hooks in a row, I am just not hooking for rest of the game. They clearly don't want me to…" Which I think is the appropriate way to respond. As for the Sabo changes making dedicated builds much stronger; that depends on what they're planning/considering. Now, I won't…
  • Tell that to the Nurse with infectious and Lethal slugging everyone about one minute into the match and then just standing in the middle nodding like they won some kind of medal. I'm pretty sure spawning into a match doesn't count as annoying the killer, does it? ——On topic: The Sabo-TB changes to me seem like an…
  • Never thought about applying an effect similar to "exhaustion" to killers to manage multiple regression stacking. - But I very much like the idea. Either by vortue of an actual status effect - or by effectively building it into how regression perks work in general. The end result should be that more than two regression…
    in Is it me or Comment by Halloulle May 10
  • The comparison he gives is comparing apples to oranges. - Does nightvision give you an advantage when you can see something but the other can't? Yes. Does even the reddest of red filters he uses there compare to that? No. You can actually see very nicely that there's a hard fall off where it's being more red, so you don't…
  • Distortion is fine. For the assumed Distortion-crouching-in-the-corner-jimmo stacks are gone rather quicky as they tend to leave TR as soon as they enter it. Running a one-sided build is always a risk - an all-aura-reading-build is no different. Though, having at least one perk that removes stacks at a distance (Gearhead…
  • well, made for this ives the healing person an endurance effect - though that one isn't getting picked up from the dying state. That'd also be a pretty good option; be able to gauge if you can even pull the pick up off and have an idea of where to run next. Would be in line with the "pick up and run away" nature. I'm not…
  • That is a different kinda thing and I do think it's lacking and an update on what's going on and where their priorities are atm is much needed. — I just don't really expect it to go any faster because of it. Could bhvr use a couple more employees specifically for bug fixing so that it - generally - doesn't take as long?…
  • Just a reminder: bhvr basically switched the game engine with the update. Yes, it's still Unreal Engine - but it's no longer UE4 but UE5 - which is, in many ways, a very different beast. Add to that an issue that has exceptionally high priority and another release schedule and you have a lot of work to do. You can't just…
  • Just another two cents on the definition of cheating. Or, well, definitions in general. Most terms have more than one definition and it depends on which definition is used/appropriate in a context. In expert circles quite a few of the controversies surrounding a topic are solely about which definition should be "standard".…
  • First of all: I don't think there's a black and white answer to this since "Filter" isn't one thing but can be all kinds of things. I for one like a Luma Sharpen because I can't stand the blurriness of the regular settings and neitehr can I stand the pixelated half-tone effect of anti aliasing off; with Luma I get the…
  • I haven't read through the entire thread, so idk if this has already been mentioned. But in regards to OPs question: "So here comes the question. Isn't Distortion a little bit too strong? Three of my perks get denied by a single Survivor perk, just like that." The short answer is: No, it is not too strong. Distortion is…
  • I have no clue what the 3-band-fixed-frequency-part means but I take the rest of what your write as; the equaliser does what you could do in your headphone settings - just a lot better. And in that case no, using an equaliser would not be cheating. - It'd be like bringing your 5 kg carbon bike to the city race where most…
  • no, I mean in the sense where you have a sound program analyse what sounds you have and eliminating certain sounds. - I'm not a sound person, so I don't know the terms, so maybe it's the wrong one. - Like, you know how if you display sound it shows up at waves - and now you pick certain patterns that you want to…
  • difficult to say without knowing exactly what those programs can or can't do. - If it's something that can also be achieved by calibrating your headphones in a specific way then no; it's not cheating. If it actually isolates specific frequencies and alters them similar to how some audio-software does it, then yes, it is.…
  • as per usual updating drivers might help. - Today I was about to ask others if the rubberbanding had gotten even worse than before - but then I saw there was a new driver (released yesterday). And since I got that one it's been at least a little better. Still rubberbanding and stuttering - but not as bad as earlier today.
  • idk about you but I kinda don't like a binary game where it's either getting tunneled or playing M1 simulator. If I just want to (improve) looping I just go to some discord and go "Trapper-Wraith anyone?" - Or just any good old come shack 1v1. - Not that I do that often to begin with - but I do often hang around vc with…
  • well, I for one somtimes rubberband half a tile back - sometimes see other survs basically janky-teleport via Bond… and it's the same for literally everyone I know. I would say you're an outlier. Not saying you're the only exception - just like your experience doesn't reflect what the overwhelming majority of people…
  • As crazy as you want to go. - It's brainstorming and sometimes the craziest ideas have something to them that someone can run with. Game mode without hooks? Where did you read about that? — I don't really keep up with plans anymore, so I usually just know stuff when it's officially announced for a set date. As for being on…
  • Not really. - Changing how hooks work doesn't really change how the game itself works. Personally, I'm coming from a place where I want to take into account both the reasons why players camp and tunnel and why players dislike these playstyles. - I mean, if you consider camping an tunneling an integral part of DBD and…
  • Which is kinda exactly my point; if people can take it as "whatever they feel it should mean" and can quote it as they do so (i.e. me) then it wasn't worded clearly enough. - And at the very least in the initial dev update (that I quoted) it wasn't verbatim. I literally copy pasted the screenshot, it doesn't say "face"…
  • I have tracked some more matches since then and I start to notice a pattern. - I play normally and once I drop below an escape rate of 30% two things happen: I get matched with very decent survs (1.5k hours or more, high prestiges, contribute actively and know what they're doing etc.) and we, as a lobby (all SoloQ usually)…
  • There is no amount of reading between the lines needed… you just need to find the premise the devs outline and then the intention. The premise is this one: This includes all instances of camping where the killer is "nearby". Whatever exactly "nearby" means. - But fret not, we don't just have the premise - we also have the…
  • am I missing something or is main just… a two-story deadzone with one okay-ish window?
  • So what exactly was this "rework" supposed to achieve? So far it's been the same old: tunnel the first out, then slug everyone else - or just go straight to slugging everyone. …… at least de-pipping isn't a thing anymore…
  • I always find it funny how people get hung up on the "face" part and repeat that part like a broken record - and even cite some of the relevant dev posts… just not all relevant passages. Let me ask you this: What was the devs' reason to implement that mechanic? What is its stated purpose? It was to deal with frustrations…
  • For both sides: If there was some kind of agency and interactions/actions that were meaningful in the context of the whole match. Basically, the stuff you'd talk about if someone asked you "so, what were some positive noteworthy things that happened during your matches today?" For example, there recently was a match…
  • To play her you need to actually focus (either on chase - via zoning and predicting - or on camping while keeping gen progress slow via harassing survs with birds) and you need quite a bit of game knowledge; need to know how gen spawns work, where survivors gonna go, which loops are on the map and at which tile you need to…
  • I can think of two issues you're facing: a) MMR brackets aren't exactly small as far as we know. So you don't usually get matched with people of approx. your MMR but with people who have a lot more or a lot less. b) The "stoppers" (idk what the actual term is) between MMR brackets that prevent you from going back to a…
  • I've only recently started tracking my escape rate on nightlight so it's not quite representative of my experience yet but so far I personally have an escape rate of 36% - and the matches I've been in overall (so taking both me and the other survivors into account) it's 29.5% in '22 after the big update I had an escape…
  • I treat it like a research experiement at this point by tracking SoloQ matches on nightlight. It does make for an intersting thing. - According NL my escape rate sits at around 30-something percent and the overall escape rate as well (I do not count matches where people DCd early on (cutoff point: less than four minutes…
  • I think it's a mix of "the unseen entity being held responsible for stuff a given player dislikes" — this unseen entity being sbmm/mmr — people having vastly different playstyles and objectives and a lot of frustration building up with how changes have impacted the gaming-experience. Technically sbmm should be great…
  • I think you're in the group that would really benefit from joining one of the various premade-Discords. Not even to sweat or anything of the sorts - but to have people on your team whose skill level you know. Most regions/languages have one of those.
  • I joined right around the time everyone was confused by SBMM; Late October 2021 — it was really confusing to see people getting offended if they, who had reached Gold or sth, were matched with an Ash person. - Or how someone in "Gold Ranks" could be so bad. Friends and I (all started at the same time) were like "#########…
  • afaik that is exactly how it is used tho. There's a somewhat old thread somewhere with a dev (I think it was a dev reply) where they said it's used to get a general feel and to see if there are certain constellations/co-occuring factors that result in a negative rating significantly more often. It's by no means perfect but…
  • If I for some reason feel attached to that survivor I very much go for the risky play. Just yesterday I had someone on hook with a pretty camp-y Wesker endgame and I was like "nah, ima open this gate and then i get that gal off that hook" and Wesker absolutely didn't expect that, so he actually left the hook once the gate…
  • I kinda like the idea but I don't think it's gonna be practical. Not just for performance reasons but also because Zombies are a bit too lopsided. - What do I mean? Nemo doesn't usually see how much of a difference zombies make because they're in a different place. And survivors get frustrated by zombies because they have…
  • I happen to have 5k hours in WF, so I do play plenty PvE ^^ (not as much as I used to though… starting with PoE they've kinda gotten into the habit of just introducing yet another kind of standing/group of resources where you have to kinda start from scratch over and over again and that's not really my cup of tea. - But I…
  • Ah. I see. - Though, I still disagree. It could also just as well mean that even the worst killers have enough tools available to absolutely stomp anyone but the above-average survivors. On the point of individual chase strength being the most important factor I also beg to differ. The most recent example I can think of is…
  • Maybe I'm tired - but I don't quite follow. How exactly does the worst killers having the highest killrates prove how bad the average survivor is? Also what exactly do you mean by balance? Cause I'm pretty sure I'm missing something here. If not this reads a lot like "everyting is fine - survivors just need to git gut" ……
  • That coincides with the release of the first RE chapter though, which is among the most popular chapters (if not the most popular chapter) released.
  • Though: If either of those two is happening a lot of times that should be a clear indication of something being off on the dev/mechanics side, no? You win some, you lose some. - But if you consistently lose you should get to a place where you lose less and get back to the equilibrium stage of "you win some you lose some."…
  • You're also kinda addressing the exact three options that I think will be the choice all the players who find "just playing a match for the fun of it - regardless of outcome" isn't what they want to do / how the game should be played: Find a swf (I think that what it ultimately comes down to when survivors "play as a…
  • Except… survivor isn't exactly a team role. or more like. The design of the game mechanics doesn't consider survivors to be a team. As far as the game is concerned it's 1v1v1v1v1v1. - Just that four of those individuals have the same objective (though: still individually) and the remaining individual has a different…
  • I havent played the ptb but from what ive seen and heard it seems twins was actually even better at winning with slugging instead of hooking on the ptb. I do give props to bhvr for trying to address what survivors dislike...its just that quite often they go a bit overboard - at the very least on ptb...which idk if thats a…
  • Hiding from the killer without trying to progress the match — which is a rather meaningful condition. Someone sitting on a gen but hiding at the faintest notion of TR is still very much trying to progress the match.
  • Very much this. - Imo, maybe the only viable alternative route (aside from drowning in sweat or just playing for the fun of it with no regard to gen efficiency or teamies which, I'm very sure, will hurt the game in the long run).
  • Yee, that I think is also something that plays into it. - And it does feel like the minimum is 60% … not more like the upper limit / something they want to hover around with +/1 1%
  • it's more of a thought experiment so it's not exactly meant as an empirical study or anything. And expectation as in the player's expectation based on their experience. Maybe should have stated that more clearly. - So yes, this is rather subjective but at the same time I still have a feeling that the sentiment isn't too…