Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Eh, you might say that but at least for me, killer queues are long for a reason, and the constant 100% bonus bp on survivors is active all the time for a reason too. I'm an average player, I don't aim to sweat it out for a win in either of my survivor or killer games, I play for fun. Ever since that one big patch a couple…
  • I dunno about incentivising it with more points. That might work for some players that don't know any better but the worst offenders seem to be the ones that have been around a while and are bored of the usual play style, thus resorting to camping and tunneling because it's "fun" and they don't care. Played against a 6k…
  • My experience with the MMR system is pretty good imo. Early on it was definitely a little rough - I had a night where I played about 15 games as survivor and 11 of them were myself and fellow survivors getting stomped. After some more time had passed though, and more games played to feed more data to the system, I have…
  • MMR can't really account for when players decide to play seriously or not. Maybe I sweat it out for 1-2 hours, I reach a given higher rank, but I'm mentally tapped out by then and decide to just focus on completing a challenge instead of kills/escapes. So yeah I'm up there in the ranks, but I'm taking a breather. That…
  • DH has 100% become the most annoying perk for me when playing Killer. Played a game the other day where all 4 survivors had DH. Holy hell...the number of second chances they had... Having to be on their ass before swinging is one thing, I can deal with that, but if they don't take the bait, and you swing, hit validation…
  • First of all, the new matchmaking is only partly being tested, it's not fully implemented (according to a mod in another post) so, yeah, it's not gonna work correctly. They are testing behind the scenes stuff and collecting data. Keep waiting for the full implementation at a later time.
  • Putting a cap on the time spent looking for an equal match is pretty standard. You don't want a player waiting too long, but at the same time don't want to match them against a super low rank - it's a delicate balance that usually doesn't satisfy everyone but does the best it can with the available players in a given pool…
  • That's good to hear. This was something I was wondering about too. Switching to a new killer you're unfamiliar and perkless with can sometimes be a pain when your rank is higher and getting matched against high ranks.
    in Yikes. . . Comment by Hyd March 2021
  • Oh boy, tunneling and camping is considered "cheating" now?? LOL, wow. I have no advice for you if that's truly your belief (other than, move on to another game).
  • I think it is that bad. I've read some horror stories about how this game was developed.
  • I usually plan on baiting a pallet throw, popping FF and vaulting to break it. 😄
  • It's all part of the strategy, man. They may have been a weak pig in your opinion, but they ultimately made the right call leaving you be and going for the weaker team mates. So what if they tunneled them? Again, it's all part of the strategy, and in this case, a good one that gave them a 4k. You did your job well, but the…
  • Currently running Ruin + Undying + Thanatophobia + BBQ and it's a damn dirty build on its own but throw on Iridescent Button + any other preferred add-on and now you're really rockin. Sometimes I swap BBQ for Discordance as well, and/or swap out Undying for for Surge. Overall this build gives you a lot of info and ability…
  • Been saying this for the longest time lol. Killer's job is to kill. Survivor's job is to avoid detection, and if detected, win the chase. Whatever strategies, perk loadouts, etc either side uses to help them do that job is fair game. Plain and simple. Tunneling/Camping/Slugging? Fair. Does it suck to be on the receiving…
  • Had a recent game where, as Legion, I'd only killed 1 survivor by the time the rest got down to just 1 gen left and for whatever reason, they all decided to hide in lockers. This was on the school map too so it was a huge pain in the ass running around searching for them. I did eventually get them all though. The last one…
  • Chill. 100% play for fun and not give a ######### about how others play. It's the only way to truly enjoy this game, ALL THE TIME, and not just this game, but this mindset is beneficial for everyday life as well. Stress is a literal killer. So if what you're doing, or how you're reacting results in stress, you should…
  • There is definitely a steep learning curve. I recently passed 120 hours in this game and am still learning what does what. I figure I have about another 100 hours to go before I finally start to memorize perks/debuffs/etc by their icon alone, but I've heard multiple times, in a non-joking way, that you don't really start…
  • I mean...look, getting tunneled sucks, but, strategically, in some situations, it can be the best option. The killer has a job to do, to kill you, and yours is to not get caught. However those goals are achieved is fair game. This is a multiplayer game with winners and losers so, one side's "fun" and "enjoyment" is almost…
  • Your goal may not be to escape, but you do indeed have a goal, which will be disrupted if you're caught by the killer and camped/tunneled/slugged/etc. So yeah, "doing better" to not get caught next time still applies. I know I'm oversimplifying here because not getting caught depends on so many things beyond you, like the…
  • Eh, definitely not impossible. There is plenty that could be done to up the fear-factor if they wanted but, the game is 4 years old, so, that kind of drastic change isn't gonna happen. As far as the new Killer goes, I'm not mad but I am disappointed. No, DbD isn't really a "scary" game, so not every killer needs to fit…
  • I wrote in-depth about abilities, perks, etc for a licensed Killer from Doctor Who, The Angel, that utilizes this kind of concept. Check it out below:
  • If she doesn't belt out a super vibrato operatic scream when hooked, I will be disappointed.
  • Some Survivors rarely or never play Killer, so they're never going to be the best they could be if they've never experienced the other side, or, at least the other side for the Killers they're weak against. With Legion, his playstyle is very different from all other killers, so it can be confusing to play against as a…
  • I kinda thought there was supposed to be some sort of synergy between Xbox and Windows 10, like any Xbox-playable game can also be played on any Windows 10 device (outside of Steam)? Or...they've at least talked about that being a goal at some point, I heard about it somewhere! Maybe it's only for certain games though...
  • Camping, while it does suck to be on the receiving end of it, is a legit strategy and sometimes the only one that makes good strategic and logical sense depending on the situation, and this applies to tunneling and slugging as well. Against a skilled SWF at higher ranks, it's going to be very difficult to not camp, tunnel…
  • This is like PS1 version of DbD? haha
  • I'm maining Legion now and I'm still far from being the best with him but I will say doing well with him definitely depends on your perks and add-ons more than most of the other Killers. Overall though, I think he's one of the most fun Killers to play, simply because his playstyle is so different from the others that it…
  • I play both Survivor and Killer pretty equally. In my opinion, the "childish" stuff includes: teabagging flashlight spam endgame chat or direct message insults/raging facecamping and/or slashing on hook Everything else, including tunneling, soft camping/patrolling the hook, bodyblocking and any other strategy, perk…
    in Hold Up Comment by Hyd February 2021
  • I mean...every game is different. Survivors obviously spawned together, probably had Prove Thyself and finished that gen really quick. That's not punishment for getting into a chase, that's just how the trials go sometimes.
  • I have yet to play Huntress or Deathslinger but I imagine nailing a survivor with an axe or shot that downs them through a window or on the other side of a pallet right after they've teabagged or flashlight spammed you is pretty damn satisfying haha.
  • Your scenarios are totally irrelevant as it comes down to what is and is not bannable, according to BHVR. Sorry but camping isn't on that list.
  • Good! I play for fun, try to play fair, and I don't care about wins or losses so, if people are douchebags, then I'll work to punish them for it. I had a game a while back where the team could have won but for some reason, with 1 gen left, they decided to hide in lockers. This was on Midwich (I think) so the 2 floors…
  • Your argument of "why watch someone else when I can do it myself" is very old and irrelevant, as the same can be said about why anyone watches almost any sort of media at all (also, appearing as a "self important knob" isn't exclusive to streamers, it applies to virtually any public figure). Do you watch sports? Netlix…
  • Just remove escape attempts. It's such a low percentage of success, even with slippery meat (which hardly anyone runs anyway) that you might as just remove it. Then, remove the button mashing from struggle phase. Now a salty survivor has to wait the full duration before being sacrificed. Nothing we can do about them just…
  • I agree. Whatever gets changed needs to make it so the last survivor doesn't "luck" into finding the Hatch, but rather makes them work for it. Unfortunately I think any change to this results in what Killers already believe is "unfair" to them, becoming "unfair" to the Survivors. Killers can attempt to avoid this situation…
  • I kinda wish the same thing, but, maybe this is an intentional form of "balance." If Survivor perks weren't teachable, then over time, Killers would be able to recognize how to play against certain survivors because they'd roughly know what kinds of perks they'd be using. As it is now, you really don't know what you're…
  • You're definitely on the right track with some good suggestions. I have some as well, in addition to yours, with some changes/additions: Below I've listed some potential ideas for changes that could be made in order to make Hatch still useable but less of the easy shortcut way out that it is now. I'll mention now that not…
  • Go play Killer some, and get some experience with them before making a bunch of false statements about things you clearly don't understand.
  • Record it next time.
  • I had an idea for a 4v4 where each team has a Killer on their side. Haven't spent much time thinking on the details of how exactly it'd work but basically I thought it'd be a great way to bring Killers and Survivors together in some way, but also compete against each other.
  • Everyone knows the truth, that slugging/camping/tunneling are viable, legit strategies. Admittedly it isn't fun being on the other end of it, but that still doesn't make it wrong. People will complain about anything the killer does that nullifies their perks and/or beats their strategy to win, and that goes both ways for…
  • Because far more often this game is so damn toxic that if there is a moment like this where you can have some friendly interaction, it's more than welcome lol.
  • Hmm, in my opinion, this is a really strange comparison to make. Survivors don't queue up in a game with intent to AFK as a strategy to win. Camping/tunneling/slugging however, while it sucks to be on the other end of it, IS part of the strategy to win for Killer. The better comparison I think would be gen rushing. As…
  • Probably working on new icons for the main menu or something, lol.
  • It's a toss up really. TTV in name doesn't automatically = toxic player. One I recently played against and didn't do very well (3 escapes, 1 kill), I never even encountered the TTV player once during the game. I went and watched their VOD later on to hopefully learn something and they're a totally cool person. We dual…
  • "can't play legit" The Killer's job is to kill. However they do it, whether you like it or not, is legit. I admit it sucks and is not fun being camped or tunneled or slugged but, if they're able to do that, then you are failing at YOUR job to stay hidden, and to win the chase if found. Learn to accept it, learn from it,…
  • I mean, supposedly there are 600+ people at BHVR. Given the speed and quality of updates and fixes, I can't imagine there are more than 50 actually working on the game. How many Q&A session questions about implementing certain features get answers like "It's been talked about, but it's not currently in the plan/won't…
  • If they really did design this with no way of going back then it's a totally new low for this company as far as development goes, worse than the spaghetti code this game started with. But then again, there are probably only 50 people or less working on DbD
  • Don't get caught next time. Loop better. Leave that gen sooner when you hear heartbeats. Don't stupidly group up around the Killer to try and stop a hook. Etc. Killer is doing their job, while you are failing at yours. I hate to say it but...git gud/do better next time is appropriate here.