Updating this with a twitter post because apparently, Mikaela seems to have the same issue.
Sounds great! Hope they give us something about the Pariahs, they just kinda abandonned them...
In case the issue comes back, it's the same for me on Steam sometimes. It says press Space to continue and literally every button works except for Space. So for next time, maybe try another button? Maybe you already tried that and it didn't work, then I wouldn't know a solution.
Thanks, I was worried I was doing something wrong.
Agreed. Especially since I remember when the tomes were introduced it was supposed to tell old stories and add to them since many very old characters like Dwight and Trapper had barely any important lore at all. I also remember when I got addicted to watching the game and not being able to play myself (because no PC at…
I'm getting this on Steam as well. I just came back from the PTB
Yes it is still broken :(
No none of this was the case, it seems to be bugged
I had the same problem for a time but luckily it went away. Inbetween I also had another error about my ingame data (progress) and the team responded and made me a list of stuff to do to fix it. I... updated my internet router updated some drivers reinstalled the game let steam check the files of the game That's pretty…
So I looked up the artist on Instagram and they do digital art and draw stuff themselves. They also make brushes and sheets for other artists to use and help other artists out.
Lightburn is generally a really old, out of date mechanic if you ask me. It affects killers that use "the spirit world" like Wraith when he's cloaked and nurse when she teleports, but not the most obvious killer, the spirit herself. Plus, I find it really hard to lightburn a nurse, right? I think I've only ever seen two…
Probably Haddie since she has scars and all and her hair is really interesting regarding her streaks. She's really unique, he might like that for his collection.
Yeah she probably does. But so does Trickster since he winks at us.
I have/had the same exact problem but I'm slowly getting over it. Idk how I did it. Putting endgamechat off for a while helped I guess. Also endgame chat is useless anyway, most of the time there's nothing in it, or one person saying gg. Aaaaand then there are the moments where people complain/insult etc. So I just turned…
It's not exaclty bonus bp (bp = bloodpoints) it's bonus XP and you can see your bonus multiplier under the XP circle (don't know another word sorry ^^) directly after a match when it counts your other XP.
Thanks again for the answer. I managed to do it now with Ghost Face and Haunted Ground and Dragons Grip but Noed is definitely a good idea, I'll remember it for the future
Yes! The bloodweb is so loud compared to other things in this game
Thanks everyone for answering, I'll try but I doubt I'll get it, I'm so bad with Ghost Face
It works for me now, I closed the game, went to sleep, started the game, played surv and then played killer again
Got it! Can't play killer anymore without my game crashing in Dead by Daylight - YouTube
I have it too, I'm Steam too. I'm trying to make a recording of it right now to provide evidence
Already tried, didn't work for me. But doesn't really matter since it still needs to be fixed regardless.
Heeeey I got some video footage of the challenge not working, stupid me forgot to record audio but you can see that I was in chase when I jumped a few times because of the score event in the corner counting as escaped chase later on. Just thought some footage of the challenge being bugged might be good…
Dwight has falling sound, I think it’s only the female survivors
Additional Info: I play on Steam and I never had problems with bugged challenges before. But before the Halloween event started, I deinstalled and reinstalled the game because I had some technical issues (that were resolved by that). Maybe it has something to do with that. Maybe only more recent installed games have this…
May I ask what language all of you have their game in? I had multiple challenges being bugged, strange thing was everytime I proceded to record them, they worked fine. So I was thinking: What was the difference between me playing the game without recording and me playing it while recording? For recording bugged challenges…
Same happened to me, no matter how I stunned. Doesn't count with pallets neither with ds.
Heeey I got the same problem but I have a video about it, so thought I might post that here too. Don't be too harsh on my gameplay please, that's not what the video is about. You can see in the beginning that I have the challenge and you can clearly see me escape and all but the progress bar doesn't go up. I'm on Steam…