Dang sorry, after I started using thanatophobia I probably drove killer win ratios through the roof with the perk and got it nerfed.
I'm still surprised by how many people try to make a case for DCs not being punished. I'm not sure why anyone should be concerned with your frustration when you want to do something that is frustrating for both sides. Both sides have plus and minuses. Survivor is a lot more relaxed typically and it's easier to get to the…
He needed a buff but I'm not completely sure about where he's at right now. I've mostly been playing survivor since I've been back in the action so I'm not on my killer 'A' game but I've had some teams do pretty good against me and I feel like I've made some progress playing against him myself. He forces you to move around…
I typically just minimize and watch videos. I'd like to sword fight some people but nobody has courage anymore it seems.
Both can involve a good amount of skill but getting consistent in higher ranks took me a lot longer as killer. That's probably because I started playing when killer was a lot more miserable of an experience and it is the same game after all so you learn things in one role that carry over with a little practice. I play…
They didn't listen to the community? Did people lose their minds since the last time I checked the forum out and start begging to keep the DC epidemic alive. DC-ing sucks for both sides and it's only been a better experience since I've been playing again. You still get the occasional one as well as the sewies on hook but…
Can we start calling it the Christ way of playing GF because I realized it was most optimal way to play him day 1 or 2 upon release. Thanks
I played for the first time in a minute yesterday and I had to refrain from getting my last safe unhook because it wasn't really that safe. Still though people have been playing less than optimal for BPs and PIPs for a while now so I'm not sure it's all that different.
Yeah I "own" it. I've thought about doing game pass but considering how little I use my other subscription services I'd probably just be throwing more money away
Meh it's only a problem if you feel like it's something you have to do but that's on you because you don't.
The hate gradually decreases as you move up in rank and people understand that most things can be countered if you play your cards right. Until then a lot of people think you have to play by their rules and give them an easy time while they don't pull any stops. Being a poor sport constantly probably gets tiring and people…
I think the reason this game has a few more bad apples than your average multiplayer game is because of it being asymmetrical. People want to believe they would have won if you didn't take advantage of something cheap. Playing killer used to be misery (yet strangely addictive) and survivor could be a similar experience…
People at high rank often cleanse it pretty fast and I bet they don't mind playing against one less perk. The lower in rank you go the more detrimental it becomes though. People should learn to appreciate it still because it gives you incentive to get better at skill checks which in turn gets you better at chases when you…
Did they change Franklin's or survivor items? I haven't played for a few months but Franklin's was pretty nice already.
It pretty much boils down to tribalism. If more people would give the other role a solid try you would hardly see it. You see a lot of excuses like it's too easy when they only played the other side at the low ranks where most people still don't know how the game even works. You really shouldn't even be arguing a double…
You'll get teams sometimes at higher ranks that seem to always have an eye on you and make sneaking around seem impossible but that was the most optimal way I found to play him. You do still want to stalk but it usually isnt worth it unless you sneak up on multiple survivors so you can possibly finish one of them off next…
I think it's been a bit of a trade off and find it difficult to say which ranking system is the more difficult to climb. Pleasing the emblem system now can be really difficult with some killers but it could also be hell with a full teams running DS that they could use at any time and losing your downs to flashlights that…
My first game back as killer in about a month was around that rank and the post game chat was "easiest game ever" and other trash talk. I forgot to check but the multiple BL's made me think they probably burned a Haddonfield offering too. You've either been too good, lucky, or your barometer for what is considered toxic…
I really want The Cote as a killer along with soundbites that align with stuff he says on streams after he misses hits and stuff like that.
When I get this it's usually people going for saves almost immediately and therefore I don't bother and they're mad that they died. The last time was an SWF saying I didn't earn my escape when I did three and a half gens, won two chases, and then barely escaped with the killer right behind me while injured.
At high ranks it's pretty much a losing or black PIP situation most of the time with killers that aren't equipped to deal with it. I know when I break chase there's a pretty good chance I'll just return to the same spot with another survivor before long. Sometimes I'll get nice survivors that will challenge themselves and…
You probably misunderstooded.
I mean some of the Jersey Shore shirts are weird but I don't know why people dislike him. I disagree with most of the bigger streamers including him in some regard but they don't bother me the way True seems to bother a lot of people.
Are they reusing skins that were previously for sale like somebody said? Doing that with the real money only skins would be a bit dirty imo. I guess it's not much different than a game or its DLC getting cheaper with time or going on sale shortly after you buy it but it still feels a bit wrong with skins to me. I don't…
I like working on gens with someone else when I have spine chill so I can walk off and they get hit instead.
He doesn't have a face...
Michael Myers because he was Michael Myers.
If Whispers or a killer able to trap the door isn't in the mix it's really only strongly in the killers favor some of the time when the doors are really close. Other times it's just far enough that I can open the gate half the time if I wait a second and watch the killer patrol before I make my move(s). Other times they're…
I don't care what the color is or if I know you've got BNPs, because if I see multiple toolboxes Mr. Nice Guy leaves the building and I'm employing whatever strategy I see fit at the moment. I'm down for a good clean fight too but if you come in headbutting I'll try to bite your ear off.
If gens aren't done just go ahead and waste their DS. At gates that's pretty much a done deal perk combination so you might as well make it an impossibility if you get the chance. So many killers play around it that you'll find people bluffing you by diving into a lockers more than you'd think. You'll also get DCs when…
I never knew it went anywhere. I played five games the other day and four had at least one person DC. These people are entitled and will quit over anything they find challenging. The dedicated servers getting ironed out is the only thing that will cut down on DCs.
I usually bring them just to scare people and get a little more stealthy gameplay out of them when I have a lot of them saved up. Or when I have a string of games with smack talking bully squads and then it's just there for insurance. Even without using it I've had a fair amount of people go on tirades just because I…
I forget to look most of the time. I assume when something happens like getting hit by the killer from 20 feet away that it's pretty bad though.
The devs only care about Steve
Tell her to let Carpenter talk more on the movie commentaries while your at it.
GF got way more of a buff than than a nerf. That wind turbine noise made his stealth almost pointless and they got rid of that after release.
I had no idea no indicator meant they were super close and just thought it didn't work right sometimes. The more you know™
That would be the smart thing to do but I'm buying it anyway.
Dang Ace is me boy but that drugged up freak is in my top 3 for sure. RIP
Jungle gyms were the main thing I wanted to try out with the demo after they did the reveal because the dash looked like it had potential there. I might just wait for release though because I dont have a lot of time right now. That wait time combined with the limited perks and all. I wish they did the PTB with the killers…
I'm always happy to eat a DS before end game if somebody wants to give it to me. They see it as bait but I see it as a freebie.
I think of this whenever backwards walking is involved too.
Sorry but there's nothing I can do about it.
I've got 3 Oscars so I really can't judge.
Nice to know. I'm sure the devs will be pleased to know they can call off the map reworks and all of the other planned adjustments. Overall for what kind of game it is it's not in a bad place balance wise but there's definitely still room for improvement.
Cuz I like me fat like that
At rank 20 it's overkill. At high ranks it buys you maybe one minute of slower gen progression.
It's fair play but pretty boring if they just camp the first person they downed. People talk about deranking to bully but you dont have to if you just go for the slug and safety PIP all the time. I didn't touch survivor for a few months and I encountered several good slugging Nurse players doing just that before I even got…
It would never happen as I lost all hope long ago and would be useless to the entity.
It depends which side you're playing or if you like more or less of a challenge. You can turn your back as killer but then you're usually not looking in the direction where the survivor is likely running and have to flip that coin