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  • what you're saying has no relevance to what I am saying. If the totems were well hidden like before and they were being taken out I wouldn't have an issue with it. What I am saying is the totems are in the wide open, not hidden at all. meaning you casually walk by an area and can see it from 4 tiles away
  • then they complain about camping the gens, and slugging. Yet they can hold the game hostage because they messed up or you did a good job as killer
  • The counter to this is simple DO GENS problem solved you can do three gens before they die and about 25% to 50% of a 4th. By that time the killer then needs to find, hunt, and down a new person before you finish the 5th gen, and even if he gets him you got the door open and 2 people get out. the other solution is become a…
  • So this is survivors entitlement at the max. you can bring Sprint Burst, Dead Heart, Lithe, Balanced Landing, Barrowed Time, Decisive Strike you can booty hump at the end of a match to make fun of a killer you have the advantage in the game as it is 4v1 you can flashlight you can heal you can bring new part, pink syringe,…
  • Your working off the assumption the Hunt even starts, yes there are groups that seem to ignore the box.... those are generally 4ks. Although most of the time the hunts never start, because the box is taken out of play by a juggernaut holding it or it being solved 10 seconds after it lands on the map. I would say the box is…
  • The only way this is possible really is by running an add on to slow the progress of solving down, and even so you almost need to run both slowdowns for this to be effective. Pin head is fun but to any group actively looking for a group makes teleporting to box useless and you never see chain hunt. the scariest thing about…
  • I 100% agree with this, for console players. Just a quick question I didn't see it anywhere, has anyone asked what the Net speed is? Like the Over all speed, Up and Down and Ping? Or maybe I missed the Ping in the videos. I am not trying to find blame but it is a good question to ask if you don't know. I have said before,…
  • I am not arguing that point LOL you don't need to convince me. I never saw it therefore the proper phraseology would be if what you say is correct.
  • its ok believe what you want, you obviously didn't read what I posted at all, and it is obviously a troll post, and if it is sarcasm it isn't conveyed. regardless have fun doing what ever it is your doing
  • Ok I didn't know that, Behavior has a lot wrong with them if 2 zombies is bordering breaking their game. Especially when you can do a CoD with 80 people on the map, and PS3 had a game Mag back in the day that had 64 players on a map before thought possible in 2010. Assuming what you're saying is correct
  • Well I live in America where we have freedom of speech. Racial slurs and what not should be allowed in a society of free speech, I don't like it, i think it is abhorrent, but the more this is allowed to be in the light the more it is ridiculed by the people. Now with that said this is a company and they can stipulate…
  • The OP isn't wrong, although it has become an exploit for trolls. I have been working on my killer levels, and have made it to rank 12 recently, and I would say that out of 10 matches 4 to 5 of them are DC for hatch. Not really sure other than bullying and abusing killers this gives players, but since they removed the DC…
  • hhahahah I agree, both are not enjoyable at all, I would rather have good back and forth not a one sided battle
  • Hey man thanks.... I really hope they fix it cause I really like this game.....but if I never stand a chance and i need to spend 60 - 100+ hours to become better I got better things to do with my time really
  • I just started playing 3 days before the rank resets. So your lose argument holds no ground here. Also in a week the MMR or ELO should have worked it self out that someone that has a rank 20 killer, never played before should not be matched up with a rank 1 Survivor. Regardless if they rank in top 1000 of the players, they…
  • Just dropped $140.00 on the game and was fun at first but getting out ranked every game by 15 to 18 levels is getting to the point of not even wanting to play the game. But I am sure that BEHAVIOUR doesn't really care they got my money at this point.
  • I also just spent the past 3 hours, I am a rank 20 Killer and faced in one game a red One, 2 Purple 4's, and an eight. Other games I haven't seen a game where the Survivors were beneath rank 8 Purple, minus one game were I had a; 17, 18,16, 19 which was the best game I had....still lost as I am still learning killer but it…