Extending the timer on hook does nothing? What? It gives survivors more time to deal with the situation and get more gens done against campers. Literally making the counter do gens while they don't pressure the team more effective. The argument but people just rage quit and kill themselves isn't a valid counter, because if…
This response showcases that you want a baseline buff to survivors.
Mmmh? But if they are chasing someone they aren't camping or tunneling, yet the team would get a buff to knock out the last 1 or 2 gens in peace and providing more time to get a save on the person after the objective is completed. The issue is that it punishes people that aren't doing what you want to punish. Provides…
24m is a Huge area and would result in people getting the buff nearly constantly. You claim it cannot be abused, but it clearly can as good survivors could setup a save / trade in time and loop in such a huge area for the buff. There are so many maps and situations where this would negatively impact those that aren't…
We have not been able to win in the game. Therefore the tactics used to defeat us are toxic. Sounds like a sore loser in my books. Playing the game within the boundaries of the rules and trying to win aren't toxic. They are your opponent not your lackey that is there for your entertainment. The word Toxic is losing all…
This is a PvP game which by definition is competitive, one side faces another and try to defeat the other side. Whether it lends itself to an esport or not doesn't change that fact. Those that claim because it is a casual game it suddenly isn't competitive don't understand the concept of a PvP game. Asymmetrical games are…
You might not realize it, but those perks are quite meta/great on Huntress specifically. While most killers utilize similar meta builds there are some that don't due to their power. Huntress can utilize the aura reading better than any other killers as she can snipe. It is similar to how starstruck is meta on nurse and not…
They believe it is the best option in order to snowball and win the game? You finding it annoying or frustrating is quite irrelevant, they are trying to play their game, they are your opponent and not your buddy.
It is quite simple, while you state that survivors can do little about it, there are options and manners go succeed. The survivors determine the moment the disable happens by finishing the last gen even, giving them the control required. Now, let's say you enable them on the survivor end. It can literally become impossible…
It was more fair? Yet the time for bloodlust 1 to kick in has remained the same and only affects level 2 and 3. Bloodlust trigger times have been reduced to 15 seconds for Tier 1, 25 seconds for Tier 2, and 35 seconds for Tier 3 (was 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 45 seconds). These get reset if the killer uses their power,…
Dude if you are getting killers bloodlust to even get a hit, you are doing good by most standards. You just have unreasonable standards. Being decently good at looping isnt about running them for 5 gens straight. It is expected that you land on the hook, the question is how long you last. Solo queue has its issues, mainly…
Just because you cannot win, doesn't mean they cannot lose.
You can also look at it as part of the map design. In most maps you have 2 strong main buildings, one is the shack and one is the main building. Yet one becomes dangerous for the survivors and therefore they need to consider it part of their positioning and how they utilize their resources. Based on that what gens to…
I like the suggestions, but I would suggest instead of 3 being based on a survivor coming within range just increasing the hook stages each by 10 seconds by default. Generator times went up, so I believe it is an oversight to not do the same to hook timers.
The difference between 25 or 50k players is quite irrelevant for queue times though, as those numbers are good enough to create matches. Queue times it is all about survivor to killer ratios of those players. If you consider that a lot of people play solo, they aren't bound to one side or the other. Currently as a solo…
Aye, which is part of the perception one should have. The information is there to analyze whether you are being tunneled or not.
Yes... Because we have no information about our fellow team mates health states and hook stages?
No worries, I just wasn't sure where we were in disagreement or whether I missed something to be honest. 😅
As expected you don't want to have a civil discussion about the topic, that the developers could use to address the issues you have. You claim to want to hear feedback from the community, but you aren't open to it at all. Also, I never stated you couldn't make the post: you are the one making claims it isnt your job and…
I know killers and survivors can be toxic at times, but the OP goes I am just playing the game, why so triggered because they tunneled which is just as much simply playing the game... Yet he seems tilted about it? There is no mention of being hit on hook for 2 min straight and even if it was I doubt it would be each and…
How is tunneling you any more or less wrong than you making them swing and miss or helping someone out? Maybe stop complaining about people that aren't doing anything wrong either?
How am I twisting your words, you stated: "Killers should not have the ability to force you out of a game and I stick by that.". The manner in which killers force you out of a game is by killing you. That is what that means, the time frame in which they do so is dependent on the performance of the killer compared to the…
@uniqid How can you state this: "Killers should not have the ability to force you out of a game and I stick by that." You realize this just translate into: You believe that killers should not have the ability to kill survivors. This shows why would want drastic changes to the powerful gameplay aspects of killers, without a…
The argument of survivors don't camp and tunnel killers is non-sensical and just shows your ill faith in the discussion, with no actual interest of understanding the concept and game design. Get you out in the first 5 mins? Euhm... guess you never actually met a good squad, survivors can end the game in 5 mins and so…
Very one sided approach once again, while calling it toxic and trying to take away any agency from the players without considering how survivors and especially SWFs could utilize the changes to their advantage. Consider the game design of hooks and unhooking, it isn't created with the idea that the survivors should get it…
You cannot have it both ways, if SWFs need to remain as they are then you cannot then pull the solo queue card to justify nerfing killers. You don't want restrictions placed on SWF, then killers need to be made with them in mind. Solo queue should also be buffed, considering that SWFs are in the game as well. Stating the…
It is a risk and reward based on the ability of the survivor you are tunneling and how good they can run you. Also, things like Off the Record, Sprint burst can come into play. Regardless if you believe a tactic you are employing is not resulting in the gameplay you enjoy, why don't you change it? You are the one deciding…
It does make sense to blame people when not doing gens, because they are longer. They need now more attention than ever. If you find it boring, don't play survivor as it's part of their gameplay. What do perks being less strong need blaming for? If people make bad plays they make badplays, but rather have them try and fail…
You mean Off the record (the new and improved DS) and sprint burst (the DH with more distance, if you are as skilled as you say)? It seems you are stuck in the past, the playstyle isn't dead it just changed... You know a meta shake up happened.
So, you want perks that provide you with a shield from the killer while you work on gens? Because the perks that use this mechanic do just that, they give you a shield and it is on you to determine whether you are safe enough or not to drop it. If you don't like them, use different ones and yet they are seen as great perks…
Who made you the captain of the team though? You are in a team, you took out the queen and opened up a line of attack upon the king... You didn't end the game, you screwed over your team. You realize in chess the game would have ended. That didn't happen, all you did is ruin the rest of the match for everyone else ...…
If you don't like playing it then don't. I play solo, as I don't actually know others that play this game. I believe that solo survivor needs help, but it doesn't justify DCing. I don't understand why people do it, if I play survivor it ruins any chance you as a solo have. Punished for the mistakes of your teammates, I…
If you DC because the game got more difficult, more frustrating then you are making the case for the argument you oppose. As that means they DC because they cannot win as easily anymore, need to adapt, they feel entitled to an easier time, their ability to flaunt infront of a killer and still win. The simple answer to the…
We are speaking about people that DC and cheat... Are they playing the game?
And people are fed up with the excuse that their fun and them losing justifies ruining the fun for 3 other people... If you don't want to play the game and yes losing is acceptable in games, just don't play it. It is entitlement just play out the game. Sometimes you lose, sometime you win, just grow up and either play the…
Those that want to hide behind the casual tag are not actually casual, just entitled elitist that if they lose or think they will throw a tantrum and ruin the game for everyone else. They will turn to cheating? Just shows that they aren't interested in playing a game casually, that all they care about is themselves and God…
Not all survivors agree to this and there are quite a bit of survivors that get annoyed at this just the same, since it also ruins their game. People aren't acting like this is some agreed upon plan by all survivors, just disgruntled people that instead of not playing are trying to ruin the game for more people to 'send a…
Why are survivors complaining about the new patch, while the exact streamers you use as an argument against killers are playing survivor and doing just fine while facing the killers you are bashing? Why is there a skill issue with so many survivors?
1. People don't claim they are weak tactics. 2. Play as you wish, but if you disagree with it you aren't going to make the impact you hope and simply telling BHVR that you enjoy playing that way? 3. Solo survivors need an information buff, but playing a camping killer it not going to adjust that. Play solo survivor to give…
Nurse is nurse, she plays her own game and doesn't need to camp to dominate games nor did the 90 seconds gen time change anything really for her. The edit in time would just make it possible to get 3 man out again if they play it properly vs the 2 that is now.
The easier solution would be to simply up the hook stage times to match the new 90 sec gen times.
1. Yes, the game is always going to be try hard favored. Simply put if in a PvP game one side does more their best to win than the other they most likely will win. What is the alternative, if you do your best to win ... You should lose to people just meming around? 2. Both sides do things the other side doesn't like. It is…
It is based on more information than simply the overall kill rate and BHVR themselves have stated that the values you are using to claim kill rates are to high are lower than what is to be expected according to where they want the game to be. The single value you see is not a complete picture and the developers stated that…
Yes, if that is where they determine it to be based on the data. Such an arbitrary single digit doesn't actually reflect balance. If 1000 players with less than 150 hours all get 4ks all the time but the 250 players with over 150 hours gets 0 the overall killrate is still extremely high, is that balanced? That is what you…
Actually the devs are the ones that determine how they want it balanced and where that line is. Balance is not a uniform single definition, as skill levels, coordination, experience are factors. So... Actually yes what the devs want is actually where that balance point is defined.
What I read here is that as a survivor you want to be able to chill, while the killer sweats and still win? Do you not understand how messed up that is? This is the exact reason killer got buffs, you should need to match the effort to try and win to have an even match... Not you fiddle around, while the other side plays to…
You want to nerf a perk that gets the killer to move away from the hook and chasing someone else? Why do you want a perk that is popular and promotes the gameplay survivors like? You realize if killers don't know where to head after an unhook and find someone else they are more likely to proxy the hook? They removed the…
The issue with punishment of being near a hook, is that survivors can abuse it. They are near the hook, so now you either have to willfully give them the free unhook or eat the punishment. Making a check around that would then create a game of chicken near the edge, as the killer should position themselves between the…
Well, you here already bring up one point that people overlook what are survivors doing. A very common occurance is that they don't worry about the killer spotting them near the hook, frankly sometimes it is impossible to even turn your back before the first one runs in... It is the job of the killer to not give away all…
I for one am not the problem, I play to win and for fun. Does this mean at some point in some matches I will camp most definitely, because it simply is at those times the correct play. If you would actually read through my history there is more nuance than what you protray. I don't have an issue with wanting to address…