If you mean cross platforning then id agree being on switch with little amount of players it takes hours to find a match cross play it would make the game much less (time consuming) but if thats not what you mean then pretend im not here
Because the fanbase apparently shapes the game nowadays (Not joking actually being serious)
Might i ask what SWF is?
Undectable for a long time and exposed status effect by just looking at a survivor
With discussions like this i wish there was a vote down button XD
Accociation with scott cawthon would be hard and with an actual lore thanks to the rift it would just be to hard...but i would enjoy seeing an animatronic killer.
Crap i accidentally put this in the wrong chat...woops
Theres no real reward related incentive. As a side note maybe BEhavoir should give players a reward for meeting a certain level of devotion as thanks for playing! Now im asking to much...
Why cant i get freddy on switch, not because i want to use him, just out of curiosity...
Killer: Legion; design Trapper; main favorite The pig; concept Survivor: Ace visconti
I was woundering why there isnt a voice chat they should really add that survivors only though comunication would be key to winning a trial. Yet again it would be an undair advantage to the killer. Dam it now im stuck "-_-
I like laurie strodes perk where can do a skill check to break free from a killers grip to bad the check zones to small...
I always thought there where more downside's to the perk but its handy in some instances
@ArrowTheGreat11 You need to be more optimistic, your discussion's and comment's seem to always be negative or complaints, please try to look at the bright side of the game. cause your beggining to make this discussion sight rather, "unpleasant" Unless you've got an actual bug, recomendation or positive fan based…
Id say perks, bad luck or you just need to build a better strategy.
@ArrowTheGreat11 I think your just being a bit to toxic with your opinion. This discussion doesnt make sense if the legion is a bad killer then how come you have to walk around injured for 12-20 seconds. Wouldnt that make him a good killer? Besides the devs worked really hard to design and create legion atleast give them…
If you could put survivors in dying state (with a second hit) while feral frenzy is active the legion would be a rather good killer, i also agree with @Volfawott people can choose to play whoever they please. In my opinion, we sould complian on how broken the demagorgan is. *Thinks about failed shred attack attempt's And…
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