Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • With that perk setup yeah he's gonna be super boring. I like spicing it up with the machine gun glove hand build. BBQ/PGTW/Brutal Strength/STBFL. By limiting it to only PGTW for slowdown I force myself to do chases and do them fast and make sure to hit the priority generator. The Brutal and STBFL make it a lot more kinetic…
  • It's all good, just felt like you were firing at everyone is all. No harm no foul.
  • Yeah my bad, I misread the part where he was referencing old Freddy. Ironically new blue dress would still be effective against this since you would be giving the killer your aura every time you missed a skill check lol.
  • In a game where a killer has a tentacle and literally beats down women with it the word hentai is censored. Good joke.
  • Eh, not many other options since Jump Rope and Swing Chains are useless, you have a point.
  • I mean, did you read the vast majority of respondents to this thread who have stated that the majority of streamers are usually pretty chill? Just cause the OP is being judgmental it feels like you're castigating everyone. From my own experience every TTV I have ever gone against (play killer almost exclusively so never…
  • Without knowing what killers you play it's hard to offer specific advice, so I'll try to keep it generic. If playing a setup killer that needs time to setup portals/traps/etc. Corrupt Intervention is almost mandatory. You want time to setup your web so making sure they have to walk into it is optimal. Regarding the Pop vs.…
  • Honestly that type of thing I've seen happen at anytime of the day. People will accuse killers of tunneling for anything. Actually it's tunneling if you ever hook a survivor twice lol. That all said late night the ranking system has to cast a wider net to fill games so you'll end up with more mixed bags so prepare for more…
  • What type of mods are you talking about? If you're talking texture mods for perks, killer/survivor portraits, etc. that stuff is fine and BHVR has even said as much. If you're talking something to do with gameplay.....not so much.
  • For a lot of killers it can't be countered. Some of this is due to spawn placements. Survivors often spawn on the other side of the map from the killer, usually within a few meters of a generator. If 2-3 survivors rush a generator they spawned on it's usually completed by the time the killer has gotten to it or completed…
  • This would be enough, it's not about one person escaping through the hatch, it's when whole teams get to do it off of one key because they are on comms and go "Ready, now" and suddenly four escape symbols immediately appear.
  • The map's been disabled on all platforms due to bug issues that apparently didn't show up on the PTB but came to light on live servers. It was up for about an hour on launch day when it was then taken out of the rotation. They are bringing it back slowly into the natural rotation but you cannot use an offering for it at…
    in New Map Comment by Kwikwitted June 2021
  • OP's clearly running into certain meme builds for the first time and thinks they're OP. That's funny.
  • Honestly at your rank you need to stop worrying about ranks, pipping, or anything else, just focus on getting as much BP as you can to level your killers up and unlock perk slots and perks. Just focus on learning each killer you want to play, how their power works, what's the best time to use it, what tiles do they excel…
  • As killer the worst three are: Haddonfield, not even close, terrible layout, almost impossible to effectively patrol generators, most chases severely favor survivors due to window vaults. If there was ever a map that could use some breakable walls to make it less BS this would be the place. Midwich Elementary School. Now…
  • He's functional, just a B tier killer basically. Biggest issue is his power requires you landing strikes to contaminate just to be able to do anything with it, one hit to contaminate, and then two more to injure and down, or use those fists you got. Giving survivors a speed boost on contaminate isn't helping, and his early…
  • DBD obviously has a niche, and so does Identity V. I get that the Manga/Anime crowd are some of the most ravenous fans in the world, but DBD isn't Manga/Anime, it's horror. Being a horror game means going for actual horror licenses that make sense with the game's aesthetics. It seems silly to worry about DBD licenses when…
  • My Bad: Corrupt Intervention = Plague Teachable. Pop Goes the Weasel = Clown Teachable. BBQ and Chili = Cannibal Teachable (and on the shrine of secrets right now) Save the Best for Last = Michael Myers Teachable.
  • As someone who play Demogorgon regular at red ranks, I'll impart what I can. Portal Strategy: There's two schools of though on this, portal next to generators for map pressure, or portals slightly away from generators for surprise attacks, I'm in the latter group. Try to place a portal behind a rock or wall near a…
  • It's actually not a shocking development considering how bad his endgame is if people are smart and save vaccines until the end. He's never going to be able to land three hits on a survivor in a chase without both exit gates being powered. NOED solves that problem for him. Not saying I'm doing it. I was lucky as hell in…
  • With Freddy a lot of people think the snares aren't working when in fact the issue is the survivor is awake. The less discussed nerf to Freddy (the add-on nerfs got most of the publicity) was that using an alarm clock now grants awake status regardless of taking a hit for 30 secs. Because of that, I know when I was playing…
  • If a killer is camping, and you're trying to unhook a survivor, then yes you are playing incorrectly, though maybe not through fault of your own. Some of it is dumb survivors, some of it is that solo queue doesn't allow for too much to counter this gameplay. As a killer main, I think the answer is to make kindred baseline…
  • There's a few reasons. 1) A LOT of people are playing Nemesis, and his early game is easily when he's at his weakest. Your tentacle is borderline useless, no one is infected yet, etc. Corrupt forces survivors into a smaller space and prevents early gen rush right where they spawn. If you combine it with lethal pursuer you…
  • I don't understand that remake design of him, he looks like he's a giant homeless person covered in trash bags. At least original Nemesis had a badass trench coat.
  • When I'm in farming mode at rank 1 I deliberately try not to kill anyone. Instead, I challenge myself to find each survivor and put them on death hook, then I just back off, let them finish generators and heal and such, and even stand under pallets for stuns and the like. At least initially after the eighth hook they run…
  • Original Nemesis came out on the PS1, in the cutscenes he's at least decent looking but in game he's literally a giant ball of pixels compared to today. I prefer Nemesis original design personally (why does the remake look like he's covered in trash bags?) but as others have said it's got to be easier to port his design…
  • When it was first released it really was one of the most killer-sided maps due to how small and compact it was, making generator patrols quite easy. There wasn't nearly the amount of breakable walls it has now, which basically if you choose not to break them it becomes as bad as Midwich does if you don't go around breaking…
  • (sigh) Ok try to follow with me. Let's say you want an optimal loadout for survivor perks, let's say Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, and Adrenaline, pretty standard very optimal build. This would require leveling at most 5 survivors. Bill, David, Laurie, Meg, and whoever your "main" is that you're going to put…
  • The only change from T2 to T3 is 1M additional range, that's it. The detrimental portion is the part where has to land a courtesy hit before actually doing damage, not to mention upon infection they get a speed boost and we go into power recovery animation.
  • "At the rate of bloodpoints killers are gearning up and leveling waaay quicker than survivors which ultimately throws the game off balance." LOL no. That's now how anything works. Each survivor is literally a pallet swap, all have the same abilities and stats. Learn the teachables you want then just level a main survivor…
  • Ironically that would actually nerf killers more than survivors, considering survivors could still crouch in the corn and be undetected, while killers have no such ability. Though I guess they would become Ghostface's favorite maps.
  • Hawkins yes, and maybe original dead dog, but now survivors send me there intentionally because in order to have a chance I have to pretend I'm the Kool-aid man for the first five minutes to make the loops even remotely able to be ended. The only true killer sided maps at this point are: Hawkins Shelter Woods The Game…
  • Cannot honestly tell if trolling or seriously didn't read the post you responded to.
  • It kinda does and it kinda doesn't. For example, I play Freddy sporadically, but mainly have stuck to Legion and Demigorgon as my mains. However, it doesn't matter which killer I play right now, I am getting baby survivors left and right. Honestly it's not even fair right now, I mean we're talking survivors that can't…
  • I have to respectfully disagree, as the MMR has been literally all over the place for me all day and yesterday. There's no rhyme or reason to it. I'm Rank 1 as killer, maining Freddy/Demogorgon/Legion primarily while playing other killers occasionally, playing any of my mains over this last day has been pretty much game…
  • That's not the argument you were making on the previous post, now you're moving the goalposts. "I think you don't realize how useless this perk is compared to significantly better options." This was your quote which I responded to, which was an objective reasoning on why for the people is a pretty bad perk as it actively…
  • I don't mind bait threads, I mind low quality lazy bait threads.
  • I play killer and very little survivor, so I don't really have a dog in the fight, but from what I've seen of people using this perk, it's awful. Saving 16 seconds and in return you are unable to be healed for 90 seconds. And even after those 90 seconds you're going to still need to be healed, so that 16 seconds just got…
  • A picture of Jeff in a more festive attire.
  • The point of a PVP game is competition, the entertainment comes from competing against other players and attempting to win. And your opinion on the state of the game as "anti-fun" is just that, your opinion. Maybe this game is no longer for you. As far as "having fun at other peoples expense" that's a really broad term and…
  • The only thing the wraith needs is to make the bone clapper addon baseline. The idea that his reappearance ding should be directional without addons is just moronic as it allows survivors to instantly run the other direction. Give him that and the ability to equip two addons without having to reserve a slot for bone…
  • I didn't realize any PVP game's objective was to entertain the other side and not win the game. Ironically as killer I have to basically entertain survivors enough otherwise I don't pip. If I end the game too quickly, don't get enough chases, hits, or hooks then I don't pip.
  • I have never seen anything positive come out of post-game chat. Ever.
  • It's not possible to nerf SWF down to solo queue survivor level, because as YoshisCookies said there is factors outside of BHVR's control like voice comms that they can't compensate for. If they buffed solo queue up to SWF level they would also buff killers to balance them around SWF level as well so I don't think it would…
  • This happens on PC as well. I'll finish a game thinking the survivors seemed a little weak for red ranks (I play at Rank 1 as well) and I'll get to the scoreboard and it's two greens and two purples. Meanwhile some poor green rank killers gets four red rank survivors who bully him unmercifully.
  • No mither also keeps you permanently in the broken status? The tradeoff is you are injured permanently but can pick yourself up. Also how many no mither runners do you see survive? That's what I thought. Oh and please don't do some realism argument, in a game where serial killers hunt down survivors to kill them repeatedly…
  • Basically if they allowed you to heal yourself off the ground killers would no longer be able to slug even tactically, taking away one of the last few things they have to slow the game down. The whole reason for slugging is to pull someone else off a generator to get the downed survivor. Take this away and killers really…
  • Survivor: Spine Chill. Nullifies stealth killers, provides great use even in games when you aren't running a stealth playstyle. Killer: Sloppy Butcher. I know many are voting for whispers and that's valid, I'm just terrible at using it. All killers can get use out of sloppy due to every killer being able to M1. Being able…
  • I tend to take the "sic pacis parabellum" approach. I tend to leave twitch open and I check names before a game lobby finishes. If I see a streamer in clear SWF voice comms or I get the sense the group is going to be an SWF or is looking to bully, I give them all they can handle. Whip out Freddy, put on his most oppressive…