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  • winning games =/= using perks to rig the game from the start, at least, it shouldn't I even dislike that in some scenarios, as Trapper, at any MMR, you can abuse the basement spawns and bushes on Dead Dawg for an instant 4k at 3-4 gens, solely by bringing a Dusty Noose and Agitation+Iron Grasp. Killers or survivors being…
  • common "completely oblivious child whose mum made his username" type username in another game I play, thought it'd be funny lmao
  • Faster nurse with M2s, any day of the week. That way she CAN earn exposed downs, but actually has to earn them the good ole-fashioned way that every other killer has to earn them. I literally never argued Nurse should be slower than survivors. I never argued Nurse was particularly a problem outside of the highest highest…
  • Listen, I agree, on the whole, Nurse's mere existence isn't a problem. That's what you guys are failing to see, I LIKE Nurse. But PLEASE, for the LOVE of GOD, explain to me why it's okay that post-blink hits are counted as basic attacks. Name a single reason that SHOULDN'T be a special attack. I IMPLORE you, and literally…
  • "But I still fail to see how literally any of that means it's okay that Nurse can teleport to a healthy survivor and instantly down them with her 100% special attack "basic" attack should she use one of the seven trillion exposed perks in the game, and if she knows what she's doing, she probably will be." Please don't make…
  • As somebody's whose spent a substantial amount of time in a game with a legitimate problem of literal cheating bots overrunning official servers, during the bulk of it being at it's worst in that game, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a LITTLE funny watching hacker hysteria play out here knowing it could be so, so, SO much…
  • Okay? Trickle-down balancing, AKA a pretty widely applicable and, dare I say, "good" way to balance things, dictates that if things function off-kilter or too strongly at the highest possible level, then nerfing it will be fine for the lowest possible level that didn't even know you could do that. And yes, I'm aware, even…
  • Please see BHVR said themselves not to take the stats at face value
  • I feel like even mid-ish-tier-or-slightly-higher-killers who are just mildly annoying to deal with would also suffer this, like Artist (AKA my main) or Clown (AKA my other main).
  • You too, then! Pleasant interaction!
  • Fair enough but in my defense, tone isn't the easiest to discern from straightforward text with basic punctuation and no indication of sarcasm beyond the idea being presented, which I have seen presented unironically.
  • I wouldn't argue SWF is fine at the moment so much as I would argue that there really isn't much BHVR can do about the strength of SWF since so much of that strength comes from simply having access to comms, and the ability to plan out what your entire team's bringing as opposed to what just you are bringing like in solo.…
  • Discussion derailing 101 - Bring up a divisive point completely irrelevant to the topic to get eyes and minds off of the topic at hand.
  • Yeah but imagine Kenneth in the harness Sweet Tooth wears around his chest. It'd be so good.
  • I know this reply is probably super late in a thread that's probably been dead for weeks, replying to what's more or less an exaggerated joke stance, but regardless, I've never really liked Exhaustion perks all that much, ngl, even back when Dead Hard was one spooky prospect for killers, even when my main survivor (Feng…
  • I mean, on the IW thing, You could just not use exhaustion. Leon is loud af tho lol
  • I'm not sure as to the statistical norm of it as a flat number, however, speaking personally, it doesn't happen TOO too much, just seemingly only when I don't want it to happen. Likely some negativity bias thing going on there, but I distinctly remember the last times it happened were on Coldwind, against a Huntress, and…
  • Fair enough then, when you put it like that, it starts to make a lot more sense. Thank you.
  • Gee, it's reductive, it's uninformative, it's snarky, and it didn't even make me laugh. Thanks, Tag!
  • So no possible better solution exists than "You no play game now"? You could eat out of their bloodpoint pool, make it go into the negatives if need be, you could have it cost them iridescent shards, maybe get those things' worth up. I feel like the matchmaking ban, whether for willful DCing or internet stutters, is a bit…
  • And would simply losing MMR grade progression (or not gaining it from that match to begin with) not be sufficient enough? Do we have to bar players from experiencing the game at all? For players who are sweaty enough to DC just because they made one wrong move or were put against a killer they don't like, or on a map they…
  • We don't care about the people being straightforward? What's the point in a matchmaking ban at all at that point? Literally just to catch out dirty dirty ethernet-unplugging match dodgers and people who are already getting punished by their ISP merely for existing in an unoptimal space?
  • Well, surely there'd be some way for the server to be able to tell why you disconnected? Or at least, make an estimation. i.e., was the player giving movement input when they disconnected? Did they open the escape menu before the disconnect took place? Was the "abandon match" button pressed before they disconnected? Kinda…
  • Ironically enough, you said Hell Knight and I thought of Quake's Hell Knight enemy. And then I got to thinking about that in a DbD context, and I gotta say,
  • Ah yeah, I didn't realize that was a thing. If it wasn't apparent - Nurse is not one of the killers I play very much. That said, this is pretty absurdist, probably shouldn't be in the game the way it is at all lmao
  • As somebody who plays plenty of Killer but also just an absurd amount of Survivor, I generally find that playing against Nurse is one of the easier times I have. You just wait for her to charge her blink, then double back, and she's forced to either downflick to force her blink to be shorter, or try and go for the second…
  • Hell from Hellraiser 2. Worst part is, it'd probably be easier to navigate than RPD.