If they made it so she recalls her drones in a way that makes them travel back to her (ie. if she's across the map and recalls a drone, it'll make its way to her, beeping and scanning all the way), it'll make her games more enjoyable. Killers will have access to new techs, like setting a drone and having it come back…
I left out "mini-game" when I said events. The repeat events you're talking about are all "holiday/seasonal" events like winter/summer/halloween/lunar events. The "mini-game" events are something new DbD is trying out for first time this year and might never come back (ie Lights Out, Blood Moon), they're not tied to any…
That's true about holiday events, but they haven't said anything about the mini-game events (if they'd be re-occurring or not). If anything, the mini--game events seem to be experimental. Can any Mods verify? Will these cosmetics come back next year (for frags) like holiday skins?
what makes you think they'd be back after a year? They're tied to event. I haven't heard anything about events repeating.
I must not be human then, 'cause I always notice when a killer's got brutal by how fast they break pallets :p
Events now come with their own tomes (which also reward rift fragments). Blood Moon will be up in a few hours~
Behaviour cares. They've been helping her through the harassments.
She's my main,.. her stealth plays are fun, I like playing set-up/defensive and her design leans towards more macro focused games (which I love)
I don't have a problem with the skin. The trans VA does (she wasn't shown it when doing the voice lines), and she's said she would not have done the voice work for if she knew it was going to be like that. I think her opinion is the most important on this subject matter.
I don't think that's the issue here. Case in point: Huntress!! She got a much more "masculine" body, but no one's linking her to trans stuff. The whole reason this is a topic, is that they had a trans VA and then had the skin be like that.
The bounce mechanic is fun. I also play Meet your Maker, so I am used to bounce shots (there is a weapon that acts the same way) It would be helpful if UVX projectile was a bit more visually discernible from the explosion. Sometimes it's hard to learn what/why certain shots worked (ie see where it bounced off and what it…
She does have an issue with it. According to her tweets, she wasn't shown the designs when she was doing the voice lines, and said she wouldn't have done the VA for Unknown if she knew about the cheerleader design (however she also states for everyone to "leave it alone", and that behaviour is supporting her through the…
that would be a better solution
I play Meet your Maker (Behaviours other game) as well, and it has a replay system. I spend a good portion of my time in that game watching replays with a hot coco in hand. It's such a nice feature. It would be amazing for DbD to have it also, not to mention make hacking nearly obsolete. If hacking becomes rampant again…
Totems (and sometimes gens) can sometimes literally spawn right against the edge of this map! Also the pier can have an exploitable window, when if surv jumps from above they can immediately vault through window below (cancelling fall stagger)
I still remember a SWF sending me here with map offering + the offering to spawn basement in shack. I thought they were random offerings, but quickly found out it was a sabo squad that would take chase to the lower floor of school and made it next to impossible to hook anyone I downed there (boil over + sabo stuff + no…
There is a Bamboo asset for Yamaoka Estate maps that looks like it can be walked through, but it's not! Added to that, there are also tall plants on this map that can be walked through. It's quite a snag during chase, 'cause the two can be easily mistaken for one another and suddenly you'd find yourself hitting a Bamboo…
I second that!
Whatever changes you'd be making to the map, please keep the "ever watching statue" easter egg in!
There is a staircase in the resident building that is blocked off. I always wished survivor/killer could go up those stairs directly onto an open rooftop with ability to jump off (like in coldwin farm building). It would make for some creative gameplay (balance landing, huntress looking spot etc). But maybe with a Japanese…
One thing that might help is trying to play at different hours if you can. Some time slots tend to have more competitive players on depending on region. I know for my region, playing after 8pm games become more challenging, and at 11pm~3am are what me and my friend call "demon hours". On the other hand, whenever I've…
yes, she's my main killer. I enjoy macro side of DbD more than the micro, and her power is mostly for macro oriented players. Also love stealth gameplays~ My two fave builds on her atm: Pain Res + Deadlock + Monitor.and.Abuse + Surveillance: Monitor makes her terror radius 24m, Surveillance makes you hear gens at 28m, so…
Re: "In an ideal world getting on hook on each survivor before one of them is dead is the goal anyway" I think we are at very different MMRs to understand each other.
I think a more significant MMR balancing feature would be having a MMR formula for survs in SWF vs SoloQ per match. For example, multiply survivor's MMR by x1.05 for a two person team, or x1.1 for a three person team, or x1.15 for a full swf team. I know both as survivor and killer, I do alot better when swf'ing with…
a drone radius is 10 meters (I think), since that's the reach of the laser cones.
"If a survivor body-blocks for their teammate" using basekit BT, when killer was clearly going for person who unhooked, it is perfectly acceptable (even expected) for killer to switch and down the body-blocker again. I don't think anyone would argue about that scenario. For "Martyr" status suggestion, it sounds too OP for…
I have a Hori Mouse controller for PS4/5. It maps the left controller stick inputs as mouse movement. It works perfect with one HUGE single flaw, the speed at which you turn is inversely mapped (the quicker you turn, the slower it makes your killer turn!) which makes it unplayable. I imagine that would be a simple thing…
It can pair with Pentimento and a more threatening hex (like Devour Hope). If survs cleanse totem, Pentimento value + Two Can Play can re-kindle again, rinse and repeat. If surv don't cleanse, then Devour Hope and endless Two Can Play value.
I am all for maps being random, 'cause it's literally not stacking in fave of any side, since they're totally random. Map Offerings however can be really unfair. If anything, map offerings need to be touched up: maybe make map offerings acts as map ban for that particular realm! That way a map is still randomly selected,…
When a freshly unhooked surv with basekit BT, gets in my way and take a protection hit when I am chasing the unhooker, then d/cs because I switch back to them and "tunnelled" them for them taking protection hit.
thank you, that explains it perfectly
Skull Merchant is my main when I play killer. And when I play survivor and get to go up against a Skull Merchant, I do very well, 'cause I've been on recipient end of her counterplay. She's is not strong at all going against surv who know how to play against her. The biggest issue with her is the average surv sticks with…
Dredge! It's got an entirely different Dark World inside itself (where it transports surv during mori, and as shown in its tome lore). Also Dredge is literally the manifestation of the dark thoughts, how is Entity going to fight against dark thoughts? lmao, if anything entity would just strengthen dredge by fighting it and…
I appreciate the rework idea. The numbers feel too OP tho. For the first effect; "decreases your Terror Radius by 4 meters, [for each new hooked survivor] for rest of the Trial", when combined with Monitor and Abuse would make the default 36m terror radius into 8m! Not to mention, it would also make 24m default terror…
Frank (from Legion), he's the only killer in game that manipulated three others into also becoming killers.
100% agree! most d/cs I get are also for getting a down too quick (specially if they're P100 lamo)
Love this idea! It could also be a movie countdown 3, 2, 1, 0 Beep projects on big screen, and then the film celluloid burns out~
You can click the pause/esc button and you won't see it if it bothers you (it gets censored by pause screen). And since a Mori = game over for survivor, it won't affect gameplay if you hit pause/esc during Mori animation. It's not the same as some of the other changes that were made for player comfort which happens during…
Totally agree! I played surv mostly during Lights Out event too, it was very very fun (specially with friends). Tried playing as killer, and it just wasn't as exciting (nor challenging).
Went up against a Blight with Ultimate Weapon and Dead Man Switch. After hook, he'd open a locker and run around and all gens would get blocked, 'cause we'd scream. I think I saw vid of a nurse in competitive scene use this combo too. I don't mind the info read, or the perk on it's own. But the UW+DMS combo feels unfair in…
The new Grim Embrace is an amazing way to encourage killers not to tunnel. I haven't tried it as killer yet, but as surv going up against it, games have been alot more fun, 'cause no tunnels! The synergy with DMS has a very easy counter of letting go of gens just before killer hooks (like with pain res) and waiting 12…
Whenever I see this question I feel compelled to point out that the egg came first! Since an egg is essentially cells dividing to form life within a protective membrane, and in earliest iteration of evolution this would happen naturally in the primordial soup! Ok, back to DbD 😘
My friends and I went up against a Blight with Grim+DMS+UltimateWeapon. We learned the counterplay after a few hooks, to let go of gens just before killer hooks (when you see a pick up across map), and wait a little for Grim. Kinda felt like the old ScourgeHook+DMS counterplay with an extra 12 seconds after for fresh…
Exactly! It won't effect gameplay balance (which is too intricate to tinker with), but rather adjust reward system to give recognition to a tunnelled surrv who played well under the circumstances. I hope someone at behaviour gives this suggestion consideration~
Re: "Survivors play against her mindlessly" 100% agree!! I am still surprised how many times surv get randomly scanned/injured when I am all the way across the map! She's a great killer to learn the macro game fundamentals from at higher MMR. You'd need to really keep track of when drones get hacked, where surv will want…
The myth, the Legend! Anyone up for chess? muhahah =P
I am happy to hear they did! It was so bad I didn't play for a week. It was painful for both killers and survs who were just at the cusp of soft cap.
They made matchmaking more strict recently,.. It's been really unfair for casual killers (like myself) who get one too many kills. I am guessing, you've hit the MMR soft cap as well. Once you hit the soft cap, you'll likely be matched with ppl above it. Unfortunately this often means survs/swf leagues above your MMR who…
Oops, meant to say,.. "DbD is prob dealing with player retention recently, since they made this week both double XP and double BP until the rift/update drops,... which made me log on and play."
Without player retention, there won't be many around to buy with auric cells. There both is double XP and double BP until the rift/update drops,.. which made me play more.