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  • They should remove depipping. I would assume this is a 90%+ agreement among the playerbase.
  • Every trickster I come across plays as dirty as possible. Not saying they can't, but why continue a game like that?
  • I really enjoy the gameplay of DBD, but the toxicity and MMR system lead people to behave this way. You can be obliterated in a match by the most toxic survivors, so all you want to do the next match is take out that frustration on someone else so you tunnel/camp. I have never seen more of an inept MMR system in my entire…
  • I personally have about 560 hours in the game, mostly killer. Recently I have played a ton of survivor trying to get grade 1. I used to hate dead hard as a killer, and I still do, but it is basically required if you want to consistently do well. If you want to run a fun build and goof off most of the time, then run…
  • I'm fine with the pip system as is except I do not think you should downpip at all anymore. I'm fine with the requirements to +1 or +2 in a match.
  • Thanks for at least reading what I wrote. I was 1 pip away and I 100% know I would have pipped up based on the match. When I log on today just to check. I only have 1 left. It's just frustrating because it was a ton of work to be lost from a 15 minute DC. Maybe the game should check how long you've been in a match before…
  • I know it doesn't. I am a completionist and I was wanting to do all of the achievements. I could not care less about my grade otherwise. I don't like the way the game forces you to play to consistently pip up as killer or survivor. I don't like playing meta.
  • I forgot how people act on forums for some reason. Yes, my internet randomly going out is 100% my fault. What kind of logic is that? You shouldn't depip for any reason anymore, but that's besides the point. I woke up expecting a -1 but instead it was a -3. That seems excessive. I just want to hit iri 1 so I can stop caring…
  • I obviously understand. I am pointing out that it seems like an unfair punishment especially considering there is the timer punishment. You shouldn't lose pips for anything at all, especially since grades don't matter. It will likely take hours for me to try to get those 4 pips again at iri grades. You essentially must…
  • I am about tired of trying to consistently rank up and to continue to depip each game because I get tunneled. Or I loop the killer well enough to not really do gens, so I don't get enough points for gen completion. Depiping should no longer exist. 0 and +1 are so close in red ranks it is very easy to depip consistently…
  • I made a post about removing depiping, and when you look at the forums, it is full of people saying the same thing. You simply should get 0, 1, or 2 pips per game. There should no longer be -1 pips. It's like it forces me to play a certain way to make sure I can secure at least a 0 pip. I will hide until the killer is…
  • I am just saying that you don't even sometimes get the opportunity to do the few things needed to get a zero game. For instance, I just did two gens, unhooked and got a full chase emblem and was still short of a +1. Just doesn't seem right even though I at least did not get a -1.
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