Lets make something clear, IF they did make it smaller it does not look like it and they didn't do enough. The map is STILL far too big.
I'm not sure exactly what to do with ghostface but his power just isn't fun, I just think they should come up with something new, test it in a future PTB and see if its received well, my concern is they're gonna give him the changes and then just wash their hands of him like they did to clown.
Oh wow, can't argue with that, totally bulletproof.
People will continue to quit the game because of hackers. The numbers are dropping and this is one of the reasons, so you might want to start considering some drastic changes. You can never fully get rid of them but it feels like BHVR isn't doing enough.
This has the same energy as all those people who want felix to take his clothes off. I'm not opposed to the idea though.....
The perk is down for being changed at some point so hopefully we will see this perk become less BS soon.
That's no reason to be a jerk and ragequit though. Sometimes you'll be the first one downed and hooked that's just how it is. I can't tell you how many matches I get hooked first but end up escaping anyway. The match is definitely still winnable and by doing that at the start of a match youre basically dooming the other 3…
At the very least make it do something good. Right now it's easily one of the most worthless perks in the game. How has it been left for this long? Surely the devs know how bad it is?
If this keeps up they may finally start to consider an operation health
Blight is one of the most balanced killers in the game, he is strong, not op. Alchemists ring is the only op thing about him.
Yep, they should have done this ages ago, the game still has so many balance issues that taking a break from adding content and focusing entirely on health would be a good move. The reality of the situation is BHVR won't do that because in order to do that it means no money from new chapters for however long they would…
I'm ok with that, basically just make it so she can't get people killed by just sitting in front of one jigsaw box forever.
Just make it so if she stays near a box for more than 20 seconds and it's a box for a players trap it becomes another box on the map. AFK pig is dumb and will lose you most matches but the fact its even possible at all is pretty ridiculous and it's borderline holding the game hostage.
You literally just need to nerf alchemists ring and he's pretty much fine.
You're the one with faulty assumptions, you've been given plenty of reasons and evidence in favour of removing perk tiers and you simply refuse to accept it. You can only mention some vague soonTM fix we have no details about claiming it'd be better when you know NOTHING about this plan they have. It could be worse for all…
You've given nothing to prove it's some huge project. I told you unless you can actually prove it then I see no reason why this isn't achievable in a sensible time frame. You're stanning so hard for BHVR you're just ignoring all the evidence people have given while providing nothing to back up what you're saying. You are…
Merciless storm is really not OP, I don't think it needs to be changed at all. I think a lot of people will get used to the skill checks over time and you'll see it become less and less effective, I'm already starting yo hit the skill checks a lot more than I did on release . Both of onryo's other perks are more powerful…
The only thing wraith needed was the nerf to all seeing, the lunge nerf is unessescary. Its a perfect example of something getting nerfed because bad survivors couldn't handle it. They could buff his lunge and he would be totally fine.
Prestige is so pointless, feels like an outdated part of the game that made more sense when there were less survivors and killers. The fact you lose everything in exchange for a cosmetic and slightly more rare addons showing up in the bloodweb (depending on the killer this could be a bad thing) is just ridiculous. They've…
*double post my bad*
Thanks for sharing, I think that does a good job of explaining the perk tier issue.
You're hanging onto this "it was a problem 3 years ago!" Like a lifeline because you can't actually come up with anything concrete to go against the evidence that shows how long it would take to reach this level of grind again. Again by your admission you gave 5 years as a figure which is still a long time, even with your…
3-5 years wouldn't even be close as I just proved to you, even 5 years is a long time btw, so even by your own admission it would take a long time to get back to that level of grind and it would be a lot longer than 5 lol. By all means let them do even more to make it even better rather than just removing the tiers but…
If the game immediately loses all playability just because you have all the perks, then it doesn't deserve to keep going. As someone who has 18k hours you should know really know better. There should be a grind, its great to have things to aim for but the current grind is ridiculous, back when there were about 30 perks in…
If you remove perk tiers then the number of times you would need to grab perks off of bloodwebs drops from 591 to 197 roughly (this is to get every perk at level 3 on one killer and one survivor) . They would need to add around triple the amount of playable characters currently in the game in order to reach that number…
You keep ignoring the fact that its proven this wouldn't even be a problem again for 10 years and there's no guarantee DBD will even be getting updates at that point. This is why the explanation makes no sense, they're acting as if in a year we'd be back to square one and we would not. Also don't act like it would take a…
Do you think 10 years is long term or not cause that's a pretty long time. I'm fine with them coming up with a way to reduce the grind if it works but they have not given an explanation about why they wouldn't remove perk tiers that makes sense.
And the game still has a grind even if you only had to get each perk once. You still need to do it for all the characters you play. The Dev's said in a Q&A that they wouldn't remove perk tiers because it would only be a temporary fix and become a problem again once they add more content to the game. People have worked out…
You can't see how that problem is immediately fixed upon removal of perk Tiers?
If Patrick wants to be center stage of the Q&As then people are going to respond to stuff he says and that includes criticism. Acting like any of the "jokes" in this case were anything so bad it warranted a punishment is a complete and utter over reaction. It's not even comparable to some of the really nasty stuff other…
The criticism you are referring to was constructive if you look at the whole picture and not just cherry pick stuff that wasn't even that bad (or untrue) to say. Anyone who thinks that was some sort of attack is just being way too fragile. Just the fact that was really worst quote you could come up with says a lot. its…
Because its a no brainer, why does it matter if its easier to get perks? With the huge amount of perks in the game it would still take time to get them all and you're never guaranteed exactly what you want. I guarantee you it'd be nothing but good for the game if they did this.
Recently BHVR have shown that they cannot take criticism, they view it as "personal attacks" so I think that they dismiss a lot of valid criticism because they somehow see it as people being "mean". Someone had their twitch shirts removed because they dared to give valid criticism and did not personally attack any devs. It…
yeah pretty much, just people exposing how little they understand this game.
Put your money where your mouth is, go against a 4 man swf with thousands of hours and let them use this and see what happens. You're that person who can't an issue in something unless it inconveniences you personally. I haven't gone against this myself but i mention it because I can see the massive issue that this is.…
Your logic is hilariously flawed, first off nobody cares you used to beat people with the old object, you're not special for doing that. So using this as an opportunity to boast about how you "beat them then and you'll beat them now" is just weird. The facts here are this is an unintended effect of this combination so it…
Way to dodge everything I said. If you can't see why this is a problem its a waste of time trying to talk to you.
Onryo still needs to uncloak to hit you? so this is still a problem even for stealth killers, plus you really suggesting everyone is only playing onryo right now? How can you not see how this is a huge problem?
See I do think you shouldn't just start at 0 because then you'd have killers with thousands of hours going against complete newbies which isn't really fair but it should be low enough that you can see a clear difference between when you play as your best killer and when you play as a new killer and frankly these survivors…
I'd go as far as to point to it being one of the biggest reasons less and less people are playing DBD, people put up with a lot of frustration trying to play this game and people can only take so much before they just stop playing.
Boil over is one of the many, many examples of how out of touch the Devs are with their own game, the fact they could not foresee the issues with certain maps and how people would troll with the new boil over is honestly shocking. This coupled with the QnA and how BHVR seems to handle criticism make me very concerned.
Just died thanks to this, would love to see something done about it soon!
It's still happening to me, #########? I really hate these maps too.
If you're looking for anti pallet, I'd say enduring/spirit fury is a good one.
Ok, he invited that himself by clearly behaving badly but go ahead and protect him lol. I was going to keep the video unlisted but since you seem to want to censor me I'll go ahead and make it public.
If it is a licensed character, I think it is The Wendigo from Until Dawn. I have not ruled out it being an original killer though, we'll find out soon.