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  • I disagree, there are examples abound of unbreakable saving an entire team when they played terribly. I feel bad when I unbreakable and save my entire team as a survivor because clearly we did something wrong and we are barely getting punished for it. I hate hate hate when it happens to me as a killer because I then dont…
  • I wouldn't say that one side needs to be unilaterally buffed or nerfed. It really depends on what we're talking about. The loops where there are two pallets no more than 10 meters from each other definitely need to be removed, but I would also say that the punishment for things such as face camping need to be increased…
  • The ruin change wasnt that bad for people who actually know what they're doing. I get at the very least 3ks all the time pretty easily, you just have to pressure gens a lot more. Yes, I understand it is aggravating to get gen rushed and have the survivors leave in 5-10mins, but dont pay too much mind to it. It's just a…
  • Dead Hard isnt that great on Dedicated servers, or at least not as good as it used to be. The only time I become incredibly aggravated by it is when I'm playing huntress and I get the blood spatter, hit sound, and survivor scream but they keep running because "150 ms doesnt matter".
  • Just look at the bar. Above half is still attempt escape phase, below or at half is struggle, none is dead. Knowing which phase each survivor is in is on the killer and the survivor equally, so I don't really think theres much of a problem there. Just pay attention and it's pretty easy to remember when a survivor is dead.
  • It's fair because they got outplayed. The part of the game that actually requires skill is the part that they were terrible at. If they were good at the game and couldn't get to red ranks just by gen rushing then they very easily could have run with one gen left when only one person had been hooked.
  • Why am I not surprised this is a thread? I'm going to go on a wild guess here and infer that you're also a survivor main. Yes, Billy is strong. So what? What would you suggest they do, implement Speed Limiter into his base kit? Give a 30 sec CD on his chainsaw? When will people stop complaining about X killer being strong…
  • It definitely would take years, at least 2-3 if I had to guess. It really depends on the amount of stability that you want. Compilers can be very fickle about the way stuff works, and making a video game isn't just some easy task (despite what Activision may make it seem like). Admittedly, I don't know the first thing…
  • Charge time causes him to loose so much distance that you need to be almost right on top of a survivor beforehand to snag a hit. Keep in mind that he also has to sit through the entire animation and the ensuing stun before he can do anything like vault a window, making him especially weak to them (double if the bubba bumps…
  • Yeah, neither do I. It's the system in LY and F13 that I dont like where the killer can be fighting the survivors and then just disappear and move to a more strategic spot to kill them that I dont like because it makes the game so onesided.
  • No body plays the game because it's boring, at least in my experience. The different versions of Jason all play roughly the same IIRC, which makes for incredibly stale gameplay.
  • I dunno man, I've had very few problems with the community. Try to remain neutral and ur mostly good. As a killer, I try to make the game fun while also trying a so-so amount (like leaving people when they boop Pig snoot). As a survivor, I try to stay chill when something kinda bs happens (like getting hit through a window…
  • I thought everyone agreed that it should be based on time and whether or not you were the latest survivor hooked (ie if someone is hooked after you, it deactivates).
  • Not saying that I'd like any of the devs to get fired, but I would definitely like to see them develop with a little bit more of an idea as to how the game actually feels to play. There are stories abound of people running into 4 man BHVR teams that are only rank 20-13, meanwhile those about rank 1 groups are shockingly…
  • They have the ability to essentially move around the map at very high speeds while invisible and not being able to hit survivors, but not teleport. Honestly though, that's my main turnoff from those games because it looks really broken, so I'd hate to see it in DBD. Plus those games are both kind of terrible so I wouldn't…
  • I can't say I have, though I don't have too terribly many hours in the game, so it's entirely possible that I will going forward. Perhaps I have missed some outside of chase, but I will never know. Suffice to say that I don't thing that I have due to the very low number of times that I've actually gone against it. The perk…
  • I rate this 2016 meta/10. Nah, but really, I'd drop self-care, lightweight, and maybe Spine Chill. Self-care takes way too long to heal and encourages you to be out of the game, essentially dropping it to a 3v1 for a good amount of time. Lightweight is so-so, there are definitely more useful perks that I'd consider running…
  • Oh no. Please no...
  • Hadd-unfun or swamp, for sure. Haddonfield is just boring loops and ducking behind houses every no and again. Swamp is just bleh.
  • The "hints" you're referring to come from Dev Podcast 72. The Smasher was in pre-beta I believe and they removed him with climbing due to him being a technical and balancing nightmare. I doubt and really really hope they dont bring back an idea even similar to it as it is so broken.
  • I wouldn't say that I was ever really too mad about the ruin "nerf", but I was immensely confused. The way I see it, it's only really a nerf for lower tier killers that can't traverse the map fast enough to patrol well, but rewards killers like Billy who can do it in a couple of seconds. The reason this confused me is…
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