Eyyyy! Sadly I don't pick favorites so I cannot tag anyone.
My only Killer goal is 4 stacks of BBQ.
He's gonna get some skins or something, people will freak out and buy it/them and BHVR'll laugh at how easy it was to empty the wallets of their players.
Was just gonna say this. Nothing like breaking their own promises. BHVR's words mean #########.
I'd not shed a tear. Good riddance.
OoO is the worst.
Well aware. I was mentioning it in a more practical sense. They've already unlocked everything so it'd not matter to them in that sense.
Both sides are equally bad and this ALWAYS happens during 2x weekends.
It'd be an amazing change for newer-medium tier players as it'd help them actually get somewhere. It'd not matter for those in the higher end.
It also promotes a more fun playstyle for both sides, encouraging starting new chases for Killers and not doing generators for Survivors because everyone's rushing in for that easy saves.
You're not making the gaming industry better through pre-ordering games, just saying. Thanks to Cyberpunk's consistent delays I won't be buying it on release. My hype for the game have basically vanished.
Sorry to break it to you but DbD is never going to die for as long as its the only game in this 4v1 niche genre. Where are they going to go for that itch? Last Year? LOL
There's a rule in gaming that you should NEVER buy something on release day. This goes for macrotransactions as well. The skins will remain on display for all to see the entire event, so why not wait a week or two first before making the decision to buy them? BHVR have shown to be shady in their practices and they…
It started as a glorified sale with pumpkins, it backfired. So they started throwing in random stuff to get the heat off their backs, like the login reward and free weekend. Desperation to boost numbers and make things look good. I really hope people won't accept this ######### as an apology. BHVR needs to be made accountable…
Its their matchmaking system working as intended.
So there wasn't even a skin announcement? Hahaha
I'd like to see it get a delay for activation AND deactivation, so that it doesn't activate if the Killer just glance over in the direction of the Survivor. They'd need to actively look at the Survivor for 3-5 seconds before it activates and then it'll stay active for 3-5 seconds after the Killer stops looking at them.
I am personally all for bots replacing players that DC.
Wouldn't know. My chat's disabled.
I'll have to agree. Base the entire group's matchmaking on the highest ranked member of the SWF.
Yes. Moris need a change to not be as they currently are but Keys need to change at the same time. OoO needs to be reworked into something else. Agreed. DS needs to deactivate if the Survivor isn't doing chase-related stuff. It shouldn't be active if the survivor repairs a generator or heals to Healthy again. See Nr. 1…
Play the way you want others to do to you.
Nice to see things are working as intended, BHVR.
- Last year's Halloween Event at least had a goal to reach, by farming the Rift for Serums. There was something to do. This year's "event" is how much are you willing to spend on these cool skins. If there wasn't such an outrage, we'd not have gotten the login rewards or the free weekend.
I am a bad boy. Said bad things.
Barbecue and Chili. Its the perfect example of a healthy perk.
Next year, most likely. There's still milking to be done. I wonder if next year's event is going to be better or worse than this one? I'd assume better but like, BHVR have disappointed me many times before.
Charms exist only as fodder to fill up the Rift and I honestly think they should be outright removed.
That's bound to disappear fast if they're faced against players of the opposite spectrum of skill. Nothing drives away a new person like a baby killer facing a 4 man SWF squad being ######### towards them.
I'd nerf Spirit but honestly not that much. No number changes. I'd add some sort of indicator of where she is when invisible. Like a faint ghostlike silhouette flickering in and out as she moves around.
I honestly just think they'll have some new skins and that'll be it. It'd be totally BHVR to hype up more ways to monetize their playerbase through macrotransactions.
-, it'd ######### suck if BBQ broke right in front of a 2x BP weekend.
It'd not matter what I asked since they'd dodge that one. Seems to be a trend, judging their Q&A.
Most likely just some skins being hyped up. Woop-di-dooo.
I'd not hold my breath about that since its a Survivor perk we're talking about this time.
Please don't normalize this stuff, man. The gaming industry don't need more players thinking that predatory macrotransaction practices like Battle Passes are OK.
Never going to happen. Can you imagine the outrage of all survivors if a strong SWF perk was nerfed? They cannot risk upsetting the majority because angry customers don't buy anything.
If that's the case.. then not a single tear was shed. Dude is one of the poster-childs of toxic surivivors.
Wiggling is there to stop killers from having the best hook on the map. Its an inconvenience that sometimes leads to you escaping.
They only "listen" to the community when there's severe backlash about something. Like everything around this Halloween "event". They sure as ######### didn't plan on having login rewards, skins being sold cheaply, a Free Weekend etc. Its all just reactionary measures to get heat of their backs.
You get more out of the Pudding/Cake/BPS than the Pustula. Even more so if you're using BBQ or WGLF.
It motivates them to continue the practice of pushing content every three months, no matter what state its in or how much it'll break when shipped to Live. It has never been a good practice in gaming to buy things on release day.
Money, money, moneeey!
Hey now, that's not true. They also give you Charms! Everyone looooves charms!
Honestly.. Phasmophobia is super slow. It feels more like a game people play so they can look scared and get views. Been plenty of those in the past.
I'd not count on it, to be honest. In the end of it all, they need your account to unlock the stuff and if it shows that you're part of a country that was excluded.. don't you think they will just pick another one? I certainly assume so. They're not doing this event out of some love for the community or the goodness of…
Its not available everywhere. It requires you to already having invested money in the game. Giving some players $520 worth of AC during the course of a year is small potatoes compared to the massive player engagement that it'll bring, which will wow investors and shareholders.. who will invest more money in the company.
This thread was 2 years old.. was it necessary?
Its all about boosting numbers. Big numbers makes investors and stockholders go "oooh" and "aaaah".
At this point I want to see Springtrap introduced to DbD so that everyone hating on FNAF will scream and cry like some upset SJW on Twitter about Trump.