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  • I'm saying that it removes one of the few remaining elements of strategy that a killer must take. When I down a survivor that's in a corner or otherwise somewhat dead area AND they are at their last hook before death, I will ensure I take them to a hook that doesn't create even more dead space. Thus creating a bit more…
  • It's making killer play more brainless than it already is. At least with the current system, killers would need to think at least a little bit as to where they're going to hook, adding a small level of skill. Now a literal potato could play killer with how easy it is.
  • Oh, this anniversary event was a hot pile of garbage. So I'm very glad it was made into a modifier/game mode of its own. I get my challenges done, then hope right out of that awful mode. The insta-hooking is just so incredibly strong for killers rending so much survivor counter-play useless. Coming from someone that plays…
  • Distortion can be countered very easily. Bring Gearhead. Bring something that removes terror radius. There's ample options to counter it.
  • No. Not with how Vecna is right now. He's just a bit busted (which is no surprise since it's a new killer and they're always busted to begin with). At this point, just delete most of the older killers because newer killers are getting the abilities of 2+ killers, making some of the older ones practically redundant.
  • It's fair to want to keep coming back to try the game out, but realistically, if you can't stand the game anymore, just uninstall and move on. There's a plethora of issues the game still has. Coming from someone that plays both sides fairly evenly, I think there's a bit of an imbalance with survivors getting the short end…
  • SM Meyers can be fun to play. He's slow as some of the SM Meyer mains have stated so if you can learn your map layout and find good loops, you'll be fine. It's Tombstone that's incredibly boring. No points for anyone if they decide to just end the game in 5 minutes.
  • "BuT bAsEkIt uNbReAkAbLe iS tOo StRoNg" -Every unskilled killer. But really, just hook the survivor. Slugging is boring and nobody gets points. You don't need your precious 4K every match. If all survivors can get 20,000+ points, the killer gets 25-30,000+, and everyone pips at least once, there's a GG and fun time for…
    in Slug Fest Comment by Peachblow April 30
  • Crazy to have an argument on why tunneling is good or healthy. It's incredibly unenjoyable for most survivors to begin with (I don't know one survivor that finds it fun to be tunneled). Plus, with the way that the points system works for survivor, there's really zero incentive to prolong being in a single drawn-out chase…
  • I don't see why it's needed. Just leave and not waste the killer's time.
  • I can't speak to your technical issues, but I wouldn't mind seeing disconnect penalties removed now either. As you pointed out, with the addition of bots and now with the recent addition of no pip-loss, leaving a match shouldn't leave you penalized. While I never really leave as a killer (because really… it's so easy to…
  • Yes, can confirm. If the killer is tunneling or proxying, I'm killing myself on hook to give them less BP. It'll be a lose-lose for everyone. I'm kind of the same though. I'll "try" and get everyone to two-hooks or kill someone, then I'll gradually get less sweaty. There was another thread around here somewhere that…
  • I'd say this encapsulates killer right now. It's severely handicapped in the current state. You're absolutely correct in that a killer could choose to bring zero perks and still get over 2K without needing to resort to skill-less tactics (i.e.: tunnel, proxying hooks, etc.). I play killer with perks and it's incredibly…
  • As someone that plays both sides equally, I will say that 4K's are just so incredibly common now with how handicapped killers have become. Perks that allowed survivors to actually have a fighting chance have all been nerfed to the ground. I usually try and change my build on killer quite often, but it's typically the same…
  • What's so bad about that though? If they get out in four minutes, great, you move onto the next. Saves you a disconnect penalty. But again, how often does this even happen? I play killer a lot as well and I probably get this once a month IF THAT.
  • Actually, the biggest imbalance is how large the gap between SWF and solo-queue is. I know of probably 15-20 contacts that play DBD amongst my circle of friends, their friends, and their communities they hang out with. NOBODY will solo-queue anymore. When I play survivor, I will not play solo queue because of how awful the…
  • How often do you really play with SWFs though? I can't imagine it's that often. I don't mean to throw salt into the wound, but killers have had it tremendously easy over the last several months (since probably around the time of the healing nerf). I play both sides fairly evenly and playing killer is just so boring now…
  • Simply put, you cannot solo-queue on this game anymore and have fun at the same time. It's just ridiculous how un-fun the game has become which truly is a shame.
  • The concerns about voice chat are valid, though most of them are just fear of being yelled at or trolling purposes which, at that point, I'd say have a quick way to mute these players without having to stop working on a generator or what have you. The language barrier is a fair reason. Ultimately, so many multiplayer games…
  • I've been playing the game for several years now, having played both killer and survivor relatively evenly. I do have to say that the game was in a much better state years ago. It felt more balanced for both sides of the coin (yet that's going to be a matter of opinion and moot point anyway). That said, I have a rather…
  • I mentioned that it's relatively useless with its changes now, but not completely gutted. It's gutted to basically solo-queuers which is kind of the overarching issue. It would probably only ever be taken by organized parties that can still coordinate its use over voice comms, probably only by those already running…
  • I think prior to the game's update today, we saw a relatively balanced game between killer and survivors, especially after the Eruption nerf. The Incapacitated de-buff was pretty lame. Though I'd say the patch was ever-so-slightly killer favoured this time around. The game will usually always be a little more…
  • That is such a tiny percentage of players. I don't even use DH, but I recognize the value in people that actually can use it. I play killer and survivor pretty evently and DH is a minor frustration at best, but it wasn't broken where it was. If you had an issue with DH, it just meant you were a bad killer and couldn't…
  • The healing/med-kit nerf is silly and rather unnecessary. Smart killers will stay on survivors that have a med-kit equipped because they should know the moment they let go of them, they're going to heal up. Too many times I see unskilled killers disengaging chase with a med-kit equipped survivor. There was nothing wrong…
  • These weren't even major issues. CoH was more of an annoyance than anything (to both killer and survivors equally). The amount of times a survivor would run around aimlessly trying to find a totem when they could be on a gen is quite staggering. It only inconvenienced a killer slightly having to snuff it out. Don't want a…