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  • I'm pretty sure Dowsey's hardcore challenge team managed this. It would take me a while to pull up the episode, if you are seriously interested I will try and find it again for you though. They, of course, do have items and perks but really as basic as can be as they all start from unused accounts and only use items they…
  • But what for? I very vividly remember a match when I was trying to get my Adept Ghostface. I had two people left and I believe two gens left as well. I couldn't find anyone for about five minutes and thought this wasn't worth it. I did check everywhere including basement. I didn't want to DC so I left to make a ready made…
  • Another build I tried today: Corrupt Intervention, Deadlock, Dead Man's Switch - never let them do those generators. 👀 You can pick the fourth perk, anything generically nice or just a fun perk will do. He's a great user of Corrupt as you will probably find someone before they have an EMP ready. He's also good with Dead…
  • I just saw the video you mean. This is a build that has already been there and has now been "completed" by a new perk but if I'm honest, the new perk isn't even necessary. The build is just as annoying with Jolt to regress gens on every one of the many downs. Singularity is one killer that can use the build but to be…
  • Yeah, absolutely - on both survivor and killer. It's more fun to have that flexibility and versatility unless I want to experiment with a dedicated build. I sometimes make dedicated builds around specific tome challenges, for example. I find that aspect fun as well, coming up with the best combination for this challenge.…
  • I get you, my kill rate is much lower with him than with most other killers bar perhaps Nurse as I have never learnt her properly. 👀 But I haven't played PTB and maybe played 12 games or so so far and your situation might be somewhat similar. I think the best thing is not to compare ourselves to Otz. 😉 But to answer your…
  • Yeah, the first thing I do with a new killer is an addonless adept as I feel it gives me the opportunity to get to know the base power and the new perks. This one took me longer than some others. That may partially be due to the power being something you have to get used to at first but I, too, felt like the perks don't…
  • Yeah, agreed. I actually quite like the new De ja vu. It's a good example for how to make a very decent solo queue perk - as you can't rely on your teammates to focus on the three gen, let alone for them to hop on the gen with you to get Prove Thyself value.
  • There are some areas that have a lot of red/pink and patterns on the ground where I have found it really difficult to track survivors. It's not as bad as the Borgo but it's definitely an issue compared to every other map in the game. So far it also seemed quite RNG dependent. The main building is always safe but sometimes…
  • In theory, yes. In practice I will be the one that is tunneled. 😂 But yes, it's strong and can be paired with Resilience, a toolbox etc. But it's also a bit "boring", not super interactive and I never run a build like that for more than two or three matches in a row.
  • I can't say its the same for others but as other posters before me have pointed out, he is not the most straightforward killer to pick up initially. I enjoy set up killers and I also enjoy Plague and was very much looking forward to this release. I didn't have a chance to play PTB and didn't watch a lot of content on him…
  • Am I the only one who really struggles to track survivors on this map? The colour scheme pops more than the Borgo but it is also very red and pink based with a lot of darker textures on the ground. I will sometimes see an injured survivor run but only because I am tracking movement rather than scratchmarks or blood - and…
  • I started in 2020 and low end solo queue was always bad. The only difference was that I had a better shot at staying out of the low-end a d getting a competent team if I made sure I stayed in purple ranks every month. And the killers usually also knew what they were doing in those ranks. I also never got paired with people…
  • Unfortunately I have to disagree on what you're expecting survivors to pick up on. What you say is true for experienced players like you (and also me). And for me personally I agree with everything you say. But I can also guarantee you that my solo queue teammates who do all safe gens/gens on one side of the map first etc…
  • It only happened to me when I was off from work an playing during the day, I rarely get AFK killers when I play usually. I'm also probably at the lowest possible MMR end for survivor as I play altruistic in low MMR solo queue..😅
  • Yeah, I had week off from work not too long ago and was pretty excited to have some time to finally do my survivor tome challenges. Basically unplayable during the day due to so many killers beig afk. And no I don't play to escape, I play for the chases and the strategy. Plus remember not every challenge is cleansing…
  • So surprised to see Midwich mentioned a lot, that's one map where I feel comfortable with pretty much any killer. Garden of Joy and they Eyrie are some of the worst maps across the board, which is concerning as they are also the newest. Other realism tend to have at least one map that is just too large to control for the…
  • Haddondfield also massively depends on whether the House of Pain is open or closed. If it's closed then you have a huge deadzone near the potential three gen as well. I don't actually hate the corn maps or even Ormond. The former has mindgameable loops. The latter has unsafe pallets. But Ormond does suck as certain killers…
  • Yes, to be more precise the Devout emblem seems to only count 10 hookstages and hook actions maximum at the moment, even if you had 11 or 12 hooks. For that reason you can't get and iridescent emblem for it and tou also can't double pip in iridescent ranks, which is annoying. It must somehow affect this challenge as well,…
  • I had pallets like this on Azarov's and Garden of Joy back to back once and genuinely thought that spawns must be bugged so I sent in a report. I just got the generic questions (what perks were you running, who was the killer etc - although this was all clear from my video clips) and then that they were looking into this.…
  • As I said. I think he sits in mid-tier, comfortably. He's not one of the very good killers but also not terrible. His kit is not super stealthy but he has more movement ability than other stealth killers. He does have some great add ons, especially with his double iridescent he basically has a fifth perk - pre rework…
  • Yes, this map is notoriously bad for hook RNG. You also need to manage them carefully as there is sometimes only one hook that can be reached from both the courtyard and from one exit gate so ideally that shouldn't be broken until very late in the game. Meanwhile on Torment Creek you often get two hooks right next to each…
  • Actually, if you go by the current MMR system this is not how it works at all. Meg raised her MMR, everyone else lowered it. 😉 Also note that I said OP can play however they want. It's just that they say they had an intention (punishment) and I don't think this worked out ver well. I wouldn't have said anything if OP had…
  • I mean... I've once had a team call Trapper OP. We were on a corn map. "But we can't see your traps in the grass." I'm not gonna lie, I actually took a screenshot of this because it felt like such a rare and special occasion. 😂
  • I tried the knight vs the bots and it was just so boring it was the first time that I willingly DCed. 😂 Ironically the bots have a kind of good playstyle against him as they don't loop, just "w key away" so you eventually catch up and down them. They get stuck on stuff and run to the corners of the map. There is no way…
  • It is unfun but I have to say that I understand if you are in a situation where you need a 4k for a challenge/achievement/merciless pip. I would almost never slug for the 4k but I had to for my adepts. I've always explained this afters s actually have to say most people were understanding and congratulated me on the…
  • He's really not very good. He's not the worst either and has some fun add ons but good teams can stomp him. I find a lot of low MMR Wraiths have an unfun playstyle.though, where they proxycamp/rush back to the hook and tunnel one person out one by one. New survivors then don't know how to deal with this. That is definitely…
  • I did say it'll be a unpopular opinion. 😅 They will *never* do this, so don't worry. Just, personally, I don't really cringe when a killer brings an offering (and still feel like it can go either way) but not always a fan of a fellow survivor taking us all to Badham. But I also won't lie, I may have to touch my RPD…
  • I rarely see killers being map offerings and I also rarely bring map offerings myself but when i do it's for killers/builds that are completed negated by most maps. Scratched Mirror Mikey is the best example but my boy the Trapper is another. There only so many matches on the Eyrie that I can take with him, at some point…
  • I think you are within your right to play however you want. However, you seem to indicate you want to punish mistakes. You didn't do that at all. On the contrary, the person that made the mistakes actually got her "win" and now learned it's ok to play like that. Due to basekit BT, I assume all her unhooks were actually…
  • I'm actually torn... I like niche killer builds that only work on certain maps. On both sides. I went against a Scratched Mirror Myers on Lerys the other day and it's been one of the rare occasions where I JUMPED out of my seat as survivor in a long time. I would have been a shame if that match had been on Autohaven and I…
  • I forgot Surge/Jolt is universal now but yes, that's helpful. I think Whispers, Jolt and Sloppy Butcher might be a good combination and you can still use add ons as well. Another issue is that you'd have to be a bit picky about the killer though as some are then also so severely punished for actually using their power…
  • What Hugthehag said. ☺️ And also set yourself personal goals, even if they are small, like learn a certain aspect of a killer's power better. Or think about your normally playstyle and change it up. For example, I used to play chase orientated demo for a while. So I set myself the goal to use the portals and the add ons…
  • I've stopped doing it. I've played since around Silent Hill release and knew it at "killer is camping", that's how it was explained to me then. However, I noticed that people that came in last year or so definitely picked it up the other way round.
  • It's definitely not a dying playstyle if you're in the pits of low MMR hell as survivor. 🙈 Honestly, I get "accused" of tunneling and camping occasionally on every killer. Because I dare to hit someone trying to bodyblock me with BT and because I don't leave the hook when it has 3 people around it and all gens have been…
  • Your definition of "fun" differs from others. This question comes at a pretty good time for me though as survivors have asked me this in endgame chat lately. 😂 I'm the most chill killer player you can imagine, I even sometimes play the crappy meme add ons for the laughs. However, I also like to achievement hunt, so I have…
  • It is hard if you are solo but can be done if you play selfish and for the pips. 1) Start doing gens away from the action - ideally do two by yourself. 2) Break two totems (don't bring a book, you need to be the one healing others) 3) Then proceed to do the more dangerous stuff. If you get two unhooks and escape two chases…
  • Strongly disagree. I play solo queue as survivor and the amount of times we lost at four gens because my teammates were too busy to cleanse all the time. 1. People will instacleanse before broken just to just hop on an infected gen straight after 2 . Plague got her red vomit without picking it up mid chase with me because…
  • I like the same thing and I played a lot of Hag for a while. Be prepared for survivors to complain to you though, hag is somehow very widely hated... 😅 Hag has been one of the better hit and run killers in the past and I did feel she suffered when the new healing meta became a thing. My best advice is to not play her like…
    in Hag Comment by Persephone_ November 2022
  • I genuinely think that for me it's the Rank/Grade I achievements, simply because they are the only two that are truly time-limited and also dependent on other people as well . You have to grind that role in the timeframe of one month and have to go for a very specific playstyle - as survivor you need to play for emblems…
  • It's not impossible. However, bear in mind there was also a bug not too long ago that also made survivors crawl faster. This is what makes it so annoying, sometimes it's so hard to tell if it's a bug or something more sinister. 😕 That is outright trolling but all very scary as well as everyone will assume the person with…
  • Yes, that's the correct form. You can attach one or several files but beware, they don't allow very big file sizes,unfortunately. I usually cut the obvious sequences together and reduce quality to make the file size smaller. If you already have the video online somewhere (like clips from a stream) you could probably just…
  • Yes, cheaters can put a cheat on their teammates! When I was playing survivor someone put Flip Flop on me. I was so confused myself at first and the killer probably thought I legit had the perk but I didn't. Turned into a game of "Among Us" for me. 🙈 I managed to catch her (and record + report) though. 😏
  • You can say that about a lot of game mechanics though. How is it that killers are so susceptible to flashlights? Some of them don't even have eyes! How is it that a survivor can simply vault a window and book it? (Lithe)? Actually, when I think about it, Lithe is really annoying. 😅 But it also requires skill to use. The…
  • I know, I actually love it for that. Especially as most people second guess themselves before suspecting Fire Up... 😂 I know I poked fun at it but I actually have a bit of a soft spot for itbecause they never expect this perk. I've occasionally been using it since the recent QoL changes where some other perks aren't so…
  • You're right, I forgot about that one. It seems like I got that super early on and without trying. I don't even remember. Must have been lucky. 😅
  • Yes, it cant be Father Campbell's Chapel! Obviously, when you are trying to get this achievement and use all your realm offerings, the entity will somehow know and you will automatically have a 99% chance of getting the Chapel over the Asylum. 😂🙈 On the rare occasion that you get the Asylum, your killer will be The Plague.…
  • Agree with the consensus here. Killer is harder, on top of that you need to actively not use some killers' power too much (Bubba, Billy, Myers, Ghostface, Plague), get 10 hooks before all generators are completed. And if you have instadown perks you need to actively play around them and not Trigger them. Playing a…
  • I realise it's rare but I got "Left For Dead" without even knowing it was an achievement. 😂 I found "Hemophobia" difficult and annoying - escape Crotus Penn Asylum without losing a single drop of blood. Even with the map offering you only have a 50% chance of getting this specific map and playing a whole game with out…
  • Exactly the only good endgame perk is... Fire Up. 😂 (Just kidding). I completely agree and the killer also sacrifices something by not bringing slowdown perks.