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  • That was the plan! Medkits are a hard one to cover- So I figured I'd take a break and do Maps because they are very wanting. Thanks! :)
  • Everyone is always so aggro to Flashlight Clicking. I guess I don't really label any in-game behavior as Toxic. Everyone plays how they like, some people body block their teammates. Other people "bully" the Killer (which often is the Killers own fault). If you let Flashlight clicking provoke you, then that's fine for you.…
  • Oh Just a little misunderstanding! It specifically says Increase Walk and Crouch speed by 10%! Walking Speed is 56% on base, so this would increase it to 66% and Crouch speed would go from 28% to 38%! I wouldn't dare increase Sprinting Speed! But thank you for making me double check! I've adjusted the Add-On description so…
  • I definitely think it's an interesting concept! A green add-on that highlights nearby props and synchronizes with Maps. It's my personal opinion that maps should remain largely the same. But they need more Add-ons. More things to track. And frankly, more things WORTH tracking other than player positions and such (that…
  • That was mostly a meme comment. If it were me, I'd have the Passive Use have more of.. round... soft noise for clicking on rather than the sharp tap that the Active Use has. That way if the Killer is approaching you can turn off the Passive Use without being as punished auditorily considering it doesn't have offensive…
  • It's functioning as intended. It's just poorly designed, so your experience is poor. Additionally it should be taken into account that Dead By Daylight is an A-Sym game, and there haven't been really any mainstream A-Symm games with massive success like DBD so It's not too big of a shock that the MMR isn't great. My MMR…
  • As does Nurse, but no one is up in arms about that? Even after her Rework/Nerf she still has no Counters, so all Counterplay Survivors can do revolves around the Nurse messing up. Same is said for Spirit. Survivors can attempt to do things to avoid her power, but in the end it's the Spirits mistake that the Survivor is…
  • As far as I know, the Devs said they are moving to make Keys part of a base game side Objective. (Along with Moris. They said something about Survivors spending time interacting with the System, or suffering the consequences of not doing so. Maybe disabling some kind of support item for the Killer that if not disabled when…
  • I wish people would stop saying Self-Care is a bad perk when it's not. It's simply niche. There are moments you should use it, and moments you shouldn't that can make it detrimental. The same should be said for Spine Chill, Urban Evasion and Sprint Burst. They all (if used improperly) can waste a lot of time and make you a…
  • And- Whats it to you? >:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
  • Happens with like all the small cars on Badham too.
  • [I. I] But the point of this Thread is to discuss how to IMPROVE functionality so that there is no need to clunky workarounds.
  • -Only issues w/ Flashlights I've noticed is the lack of an indicator showing the blind. Every other aspect has been all smooth sailing for me. And no; I have no intentions of doing CJ Techs because the Killers I face don't entertain Survivors who're obviously up to something tricky. They just face the other way and pick…
  • Doesn't that seem... Just a little clunky? I- lmaoo
  • I don't know I personally have found it very nice. And I'm a console player. Besides, CJ Techs have hardly ever existed on Console, or against any killer with a Brain. :/ Personally I'm not for the arguments that RNG=/=Skill because that's just another example of the Black and White Fallacy. There is a large grey space…
  • It does but its bugged. It doesn't do it more often then not. Which means you need to rely on ACTIVELY adjusting your aim in order to get the blind. You don't just get to muscle memory it anymore. That seems more skillful to me. :/
  • She getting more Add-ons to fall in line with other Killers and their Add-On Ratios. However, they are passing over her Add-Ons in order to make them less Outdated/Address true problems.
  • The Sway is to add more Skill to the Flashlight and give a Purpose to the Accuracy Add-Ons, it even is said in a Quote on one of the Grip Add-Ons that many Deaths have been caused from "Sweaty Hands." I actually like the Mechanic. However I still think all Survivor Items need a passover, and should be made more in-depth…
  • @Dpooly I also believe that doing actions that help you combat a Killers Power award you Survival Points. For example, Curing Yourself of the Plague, Escaping a Beartrap/Reverse Bear Trap, Mending Yourself and Escaping a Grapple with the Deathslinger. But my memory isn't so clear if that's true for all those actions.
  • Legion is bugged. Twins are bugged. Hag is bugged. Oni WAS bugged when Hit Validation was enabled. That's 4 Killers out of 20?
  • They could also take the perk in another direction, You could start with a drastic buff that gets smaller and smaller as the Gens complete. Say 40% when all Gens are up. It would encourage early game chase, but then tone down the power of the perk as more Gens are complete in order to give the Chance for Survivors to catch…