The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • Can relate, I thought it was just bad luck on my part but I guess it's an actual thing. 😅 Really weird envelopes aren't used more often during the event (although I'll admit I'm still not fully sure on how they even work LOL)
  • I did realize a lot of sweat and end-game salt stems from pips/depipping being a thing, and it really is the most frustrating feeling ever when you depip for something you can't control. I wish depipping could be removed altogether (except for people who DC) or at least have the safety pip standard lowered at higher grades.
  • I agree with this, a lot of people in solo queue play selfishly and I think a BP reward for dead survivors at the end based on each survivor alive would be a good change (so like at the end of the trial the dead survivors could gain a certain percentage of bonus BP depending on how many survivors escaped)? It would make…
  • Same here, I didn't get it for 2 (I think?) or 3 days but I got the reward for today.
  • - Thinking that hook states only counted when I've actually been hooked, so every time I got left on the hook and reached stage 2, I still always thought I was safe and was confused why my game would end after getting hooked again (I lowkey always thought the killer was cheating) xD - Not knowing 'mend'. I would always…
  • I agree that depipping should go, especially when camping and tunneling is a "viable strategy" more than ever now. Also DCs and hook suicides. Depips have long overstayed their welcome, I feel.
    in De pip Comment by Sanna January 2023
  • It happens to me at least once a day and I'm never sure if it's my connection in that moment or if I'm being DDOS'd. My connection is fine though and I'm able to play other games just fine so I find it pretty confusing and suspicious.
  • Pips can be a pain for solo survs but I think they'd be fine if the safety pip standard was lowered at higher grades, or if they just removed depips altogether.
  • It can certainly get tedious after a while. Wish there was a "skip cutscene" option like in other video games, but that's probably asking too much lol.
  • I'll never not agree to the removal of depips, especially for survivors in solo queue and especially because of the increased amount of DCs and hook suicides ruining games. It feels bad and then it really starts to feel like the only way to not receive negative pips/pip up is to get a SWF together, but that means everyone…
    in Pip Loss Comment by Sanna December 2022
  • That's pretty much a shocking majority of my games too. It seems like they might intend to add bots to replace DCers, but hook suiciders can be trickier. Either way I'm also hoping they do something about the quitters because it's really not a fun experience, especially when depips are involved.
  • While action icons are a step in the right direction and I know I'll be glad to have a bit more info knowing what my team is up to, I agree that it still won't help solo queue much depending on the types of players you get. I can't see solo queue players playing all that differently from how they're used to, especially if…
  • Thank you Mandy! That would be awesome and I'm hoping we can get the option to hide prestige levels soon! 🙏
  • I do wish there was an option to hide prestige levels if we wanted to. I realized I get tunneled out way more often when I use my high prestige character, and I'm a casual player so when I go down easily or can't loop the killer for 5 gens, I get trash talked by both the killer and my own teammates lol.
  • You know, I honestly can't even disagree with that... 😂 Would it be weird for me to say that I (want to) have faith in BHVR though? LOL.
  • My OCD compels me to look at every screen at the end. 🥲 I know, no fault but my own, but it's still frustrating to see a depip for something entirely out of your control. I know what you mean, but grades are really just supposed to measure playtime now and one can play a lot but still never gain any pips or lose all their…
  • I can totally understand where you're coming from, but I think it could go both ways in a vicious cycle sort of way? I feel like the majority who get so upset over camping/tunneling killers and spread toxicity at the end are those who end up depipping because of it (at least from what I've seen on streams and when I spoke…
  • I used to have no optimism at all but it seems like BHVR's at least trying to listen a bit more to the community, so I'm actually looking forward to seeing what happens in the future. Of course, there are still many problems that need addressing, but I have faith! (Hopefully I don't end up regretting my
  • I totally feel this, it sometimes makes me not wanna play too or at the very least I take a long break whenever I go on a bad luck streak and lose all my pips when I was just one pip away from grading up. I'm hoping they'll someday consider removing depips, I'm sure it would really benefit everyone, especially since grades…
  • Yeah, the disconnects for both survivors and killers have been a huge problem lately and it's always the most frustrating/infuriating feeling whenever we lose pips because of it. Not sure if it's a game issue or what, but I've had some games where I was forcibly disconnected and at the end screen the killer and I both had…
  • Zarina and Leon are mine. ❤
  • Can confirm that you need to be the one in a snowman and hit a survivor immediately after jumping out. The wording could definitely be confusing though and I struggled with it a bit myself lol
  • Sweet! I can't wait to test out the gameplay and see how it changes things (if it does) once the PTB hits. Thank you for this BHVR, I never thought solo queue would get an actual update like this!
  • Unfortunately not, but I do wish there was a way to hide our prestige levels.